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Verbal Abuse/ Kamchatka [closed]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]

This is against the rules of the game, Do you think violation of this rule should have consequences, such as rank demotion or suspension?

Poll ended at Tue Mar 13, 2007 11:50 am

Other Ideas
Total votes : 55

Postby Atilla the Honey on Mon Feb 12, 2007 1:44 am

please Japan Jeff stop sending me pm's, you are offensive, you have used horrendous language, and I have not responded, after you told me how horrific you think of me, sorry I had sympathy for you, wrongly, never hear from me again. Oh! My! did not use offensive language, even though you have been so offensive!
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Postby vtmarik on Mon Feb 12, 2007 1:59 am

Now I think spamming someone with harrassing PMs counts as a rule violation, wouldn't you Wicked?
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Postby Atilla the Honey on Mon Feb 12, 2007 2:44 am

I am no one special, I just want to play by the rules. Maybe being called "a fucking moron, and a fucking Ho, and being told to f*ck off is ok. I can handle this. I know my boundaries, Its ok by me, but I thought it was wrong. I maybe incorrect, I will admit my error, no problem. Dish me, trash me, tell me its not abusive fine with me, I can play with the big boys, let everyone know calling people demeaning names is ok. No penalties, no rules, and the only thing that will happen to you, you will be "ignored" no problem. I am done with this subject, I know I can behave badly and only get ignored, woo, hooo!

Sadly disappointed, but what should I have expected?

If I ever get kicked out by responding to someone calling me horrendous names, Oh, My!
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Postby Incandenza on Mon Feb 12, 2007 3:53 am

wicked wrote:Please remember the median age on this site is that of a high-schooler, so keep that in mind when you're expecting people to behave like rational adults.


Are you f*cking kidding me? So 50-ish percent of the people that have beaten me haven't even gotten to second base yet?

Jesus, I feel old. And I'm not even thirty.
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Postby japan_jeff on Mon Feb 12, 2007 6:09 am

listen atilla, i only replied to emails that you sent me. maybe i should of quoted them all so you would understand. now take your medicine and lay down.

you brought this all on your self by sending out the spam mail to people you didn't even know. but harvesting names from the forum and sending them SPAM. what does doing something like that say about you as a person?

call me anything you want, i really don't care. but don't send me spam, that is just out and out rude. i never played you, don't know you from adam, but you send me spam!!!!

now, i'm sure all your fans will be doing the same thing. i'll just let the mailbox fill up and then i won't have to deal with it any more.
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Postby b.k. barunt on Mon Feb 12, 2007 11:23 am

One of the most offensive things in this society is the plethora of advertising that we have forced on us. Your mail, your phone, TV, radio, and now your freakin PC. If you have brought this beast to CC you deserve to be abused, and you sure as hell need to be banned from this site.
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Postby AAFitz on Mon Feb 12, 2007 12:52 pm

japan_jeff wrote:listen atilla, i only replied to emails that you sent me. maybe i should of quoted them all so you would understand. now take your medicine and lay down.

you brought this all on your self by sending out the spam mail to people you didn't even know. but harvesting names from the forum and sending them SPAM. what does doing something like that say about you as a person?

call me anything you want, i really don't care. but don't send me spam, that is just out and out rude. i never played you, don't know you from adam, but you send me spam!!!!

now, i'm sure all your fans will be doing the same thing. i'll just let the mailbox fill up and then i won't have to deal with it any more. mailbox is permenantly filled....the new ones stack up on top...and the bottom ones get deleted....just so you dont excited when it fills up, only to see another come in...
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Postby AAFitz on Mon Feb 12, 2007 12:57 pm

b.k. barunt wrote:One of the most offensive things in this society is the plethora of advertising that we have forced on us. Your mail, your phone, TV, radio, and now your freakin PC. If you have brought this beast to CC you deserve to be abused, and you sure as hell need to be banned from this site.

and bk...she did not bring in advertising

she was trying to launch her own anti-verbal abuse campaign...

and dont forget....there would be no tv or radio without the ads

but with a never have to watch them regular speed that is
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Postby silvanthalas on Mon Feb 12, 2007 4:29 pm

ZawBanjito wrote:The ignore button represents a passive form of community policing.

Which is half-assed in its implementation, as it does not ignore forum posts, and it may also not block PM's - I'm not sure on the PM part, but the note for My Ignore List makes it sound like it only applies to games.

It should be applied across the site.
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Postby wicked on Mon Feb 12, 2007 5:21 pm

There is a script to ignore forum posts, do a search on the forum or ask Rev Kyle, and I think the updated forum software will allow you to ignore PM's. Any other complaints?
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Postby wcaclimbing on Mon Feb 12, 2007 8:51 pm

Evil Semp wrote:Do you tell everyone in public who swears that it is wrong?

yes, actually. whenever one of my friends cusses, i call them out on it and tell them to stop.

and could we at least get more words on the list of words that are automatically censored?

such as:

and many other more offensive words?
i get enough bad language from people in school and i dont want to have to read through tons of crap to get to the more intelligent parts of peoples comments.
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Postby AAFitz on Mon Feb 12, 2007 9:19 pm

wicked wrote:There is a script to ignore forum posts, do a search on the forum or ask Rev Kyle, and I think the updated forum software will allow you to ignore PM's. Any other complaints?

i dont like the mustache
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Postby Evil Semp on Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:07 pm

wcaclimbing wrote:
Evil Semp wrote:Do you tell everyone in public who swears that it is wrong?

yes, actually. whenever one of my friends cusses, i call them out on it and tell them to stop.

and could we at least get more words on the list of words that are automatically censored?

such as:

and many other more offensive words?
i get enough bad language from people in school and i dont want to have to read through tons of crap to get to the more intelligent parts of peoples comments.

First WCA that question was not directed to you. Second when I used the word everybody it was not limited to just friends.
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Postby wcaclimbing on Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:35 pm

but what about censoring more words?
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Postby ganguscalm on Mon Feb 12, 2007 11:44 pm

For those of you that don't know....Atilla and gangus (me ) are man and wife...I have set out idle for the most part...I wish to thank everyone for there response , positive and is a hot topic.
I think the poll is a pretty good indication as to what CC members think.
it is nice to know that we have so many good friends !!

Put all the debate aside , this is a community, much like a small town.
there will always a few " village idiots "...but for the most part we all move in our social circles , meet new people , pick our friends and foes..this will never change...

thanks again for the input , way more than we hoped for !!!
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Postby wcaclimbing on Tue Feb 13, 2007 12:06 am

but if this was a medieval villiage or a dictatorship, those "village fools" would probably be killed.
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Postby vtmarik on Tue Feb 13, 2007 12:20 am

wcaclimbing wrote:but if this was a medieval villiage or a dictatorship, those "village fools" would probably be killed.

But it isn't, so the point's moot.
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Postby wcaclimbing on Tue Feb 13, 2007 12:21 am

so, could we get more words censored?
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Re: thanks

Postby AAFitz on Tue Feb 13, 2007 11:04 am

ganguscalm wrote:For those of you that don't know....Atilla and gangus (me ) are man and wife...I have set out idle for the most part...I wish to thank everyone for there response , positive and is a hot topic.
I think the poll is a pretty good indication as to what CC members think.
it is nice to know that we have so many good friends !!

Put all the debate aside , this is a community, much like a small town.
there will always a few " village idiots "...but for the most part we all move in our social circles , meet new people , pick our friends and foes..this will never change...

thanks again for the input , way more than we hoped for !!!

ill let her know we really were on her side....its only the censorship issue that is a tough one....ignoring the villige idiots is just the easiest thing to do....worrying about 14-16 year old boys typing on a site like this is just not worth the just cant take it personally, because it really isnt personal.....
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Postby ganguscalm on Tue Feb 13, 2007 2:14 pm

thank you , AA....well put !
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Postby gerry22 on Wed Feb 14, 2007 5:52 pm

wcaclimbing wrote:
Evil Semp wrote:Do you tell everyone in public who swears that it is wrong?

yes, actually. whenever one of my friends cusses, i call them out on it and tell them to stop.

and could we at least get more words on the list of words that are automatically censored?

such as:

and many other more offensive words?
i get enough bad language from people in school and i dont want to have to read through tons of crap to get to the more intelligent parts of peoples comments.

Go f*ck Yourself! It don't have the same kick to it does it?

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Postby nunz on Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:13 am

wicked wrote:I'm sorry you had to play against such an unsavory character, there are people like that out there on CC and elsewhere on the internet. Your best option is to leave feedback and move on. If we see a pattern of feedback and complaints against one individual, we'll look into doing something further.

Does that happen? There are a few really obnoxious individuals who abouse people in both chat and feed back but never seem to get called on it.

There is a big difference between being rude and abusive rather than hassling a player as part of the game chat. Bringing someones character into disrepute (old fashioned term for calling them a four letter word) is a far cry from telling them you are going to mow them down and pwn them.

My 2c is that there should be a bit more control over what kind of behaviour is acceptable. If some asks another player to cut out the abuse and bad language then that should be respected. If I choose to be racist, sexist or other forms of abuse then I would probably get called on it. Why not also callpeople on put and out abuse?

The question that some one will raise is , "how do we judge abuse" The answer is simple ... commenting on a persons character or impuning them personally is quite differnt to commenting on what they have done in the game. e.g. Saying 'you're an ****** " is quite different to saying "Your moved really sucked" or "I'm going to pwn you"
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Postby antjo on Wed Feb 28, 2007 4:42 am

once someone got abusive with me, i had to laugh very hard
not because somleone calls me a moron that i am one
i dont mind abusive language, they are just letters on a screen
that cant hurt me, i think its a funny way to show that your unable to conntrol the situation
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