Conquer Club

GameZZone: Starcraft [Winner: Bones2484]

Tournaments completed in 2009.

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UPDATE - GameZZone: Starcraft

Postby amazzony on Thu Jul 02, 2009 12:38 pm

All games finished, purchase phase will be sent out shortly.
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UPDATE - GameZZone: Starcraft

Postby amazzony on Fri Jul 10, 2009 6:03 pm

I run out of time, I'll update it tomorrow. Sorry for the delays!
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UPDATE - GameZZone: Starcraft

Postby amazzony on Tue Jul 14, 2009 2:04 pm

When I wanted to update then CC was down (don't know if my comp's/internet's fault or CC had bad times) so I couldn't do it. Right now I'm on a short trip so can't update things either. I'll get to it as soon as I have even tiny bit of time.
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UPDATE - GameZZone: Starcraft

Postby amazzony on Thu Jul 16, 2009 5:29 am

Sent reminders, last batch will be sent out in 48 hours.
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Re: GameZZone: Starcraft [Part 2 - BATCH 4 PURCASES]

Postby n00blet on Thu Jul 16, 2009 4:16 pm

Whole last page has been amazzony so I'll interrupt with my $.02:

This tournament is ridiculously awesome.

That is all.
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UPDATE - GameZZone: Starcraft

Postby amazzony on Mon Jul 20, 2009 4:04 pm

n00blet wrote:Whole last page has been amazzony so I'll interrupt with my $.02:

This tournament is ridiculously awesome.

That is all.

What can I do, I like to talk to myself :P

Thanks! Thought I don't think it's so awesome after this message but at least we are moving on with the tournament :oops:

japser_be, Natewolfman, b00060 and BaldAdonis has forfeited their purchases. I don't have time to update scoreboard nor purchases of Batch 4 but I will make Batch 5 games so tournament could move on. All kind of updates (scoreboard, purchases etc) will be made when I have little more time, hopefully in a week. Sorry about the half update and delays! 8-[ :oops:
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Re: GameZZone: Starcraft [Part 2 - BATCH 5]

Postby KidWhisky on Fri Jul 24, 2009 9:12 pm

n00blet wrote:Whole last page has been amazzony so I'll interrupt with my $.02:

This tournament is ridiculously awesome.

That is all.

Indeed it is. Starcraft 2 soon!!!!!

Game 5290568 is finished.

1st KidWhisky
2nd Aesop Jones
3rd Zorbas
4th Ricky Jamesy
5th dittoeevee8888
6th denominator
7th angola
8th b00060
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UPDATE - GameZZone: Starcraft

Postby amazzony on Mon Jul 27, 2009 3:05 am

KidWhisky wrote:
n00blet wrote:Whole last page has been amazzony so I'll interrupt with my $.02:

This tournament is ridiculously awesome.

That is all.

Indeed it is. Starcraft 2 soon!!!!!

I don't think so :P Especially after I write my next sentence...

I lost all last batch purchases :oops: 8-[ :oops: I accidentally deleted all the messages that have been sent to me so wait for a message to remake your buying for previous batch :oops: So sorry about it!
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UPDATE - GameZZone: Starcraft

Postby amazzony on Mon Jul 27, 2009 4:39 am

Once again apologies for losing Batch 4 purchases! I've sent a message to everybody to remake them.

endar1077 has been replaced by Soldier4Christ and BaldAdonis for cptbeefalo.
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Re: GameZZone: Starcraft [Part 2 - BATCH 5]

Postby slickstick on Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:43 am

Game 5290577
won by slickstick
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UPDATE - GameZZone: Starcraft

Postby amazzony on Sun Aug 02, 2009 4:25 am

I'll pause this tournament until August 12, after that I'll update batch 5 and we'll move on (hopefully) normally. Sorry about it but I just don't have enough time to pay proper attention to it :oops: :cry:
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Re: GameZZone: Starcraft [Paused Until August 12]

Postby n00blet on Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:50 pm

amazzony wrote:I'll pause this tournament until August 12
That's just two days before DISTRICT 9

just in case anyone was curious.
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Re: GameZZone: Starcraft [Paused Until August 12]

Postby amazzony on Wed Aug 12, 2009 6:06 am

n00blet wrote:
amazzony wrote:I'll pause this tournament until August 12
That's just two days before DISTRICT 9

just in case anyone was curious.

Now I'm curious what is district 9 :P

Anyway, I've sent reminders to those who haven't made their batch 4 purchases and given them 2 days to send them to me. After that Batch 4 is closed and done and I will post batch 5 results and buying can start there then. I'm hoping (if I have enough time) that in a week we know who our 8 finalists are and we can start with the final part.
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Re: GameZZone: Starcraft [Paused Until August 12]

Postby n00blet on Wed Aug 12, 2009 4:07 pm

amazzony wrote:
n00blet wrote:
amazzony wrote:I'll pause this tournament until August 12
That's just two days before DISTRICT 9

just in case anyone was curious.

Now I'm curious what is district 9 :P

Anyway, I've sent reminders to those who haven't made their batch 4 purchases and given them 2 days to send them to me. After that Batch 4 is closed and done and I will post batch 5 results and buying can start there then. I'm hoping (if I have enough time) that in a week we know who our 8 finalists are and we can start with the final part.

It's going to be amazing.
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Re: GameZZone: Starcraft [Batch 4 Purchases]

Postby Kotaro on Wed Aug 12, 2009 4:10 pm

Nate's probably gone off to real life fun, I don't think he'll be back anytime soon
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Re: GameZZone: Starcraft [Paused Until August 12]

Postby amazzony on Fri Aug 14, 2009 2:12 am

n00blet wrote:

It's going to be amazing.

Sounds interesting, must see :D

Kotaro wrote:Btw,
Nate's probably gone off to real life fun, I don't think he'll be back anytime soon

Yeah, he has been forfeiting most of his purchases this round but he hasn't said that he wishes to drop out and has played all games so I haven't kicked him out either. Thanks, though!
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UPDATE - GameZZone: Starcraft

Postby amazzony on Fri Aug 14, 2009 10:00 am

2 days are over and I'm closing Batch 4. Following people have forfeited their buying: japser_be, murphy16, Natewolfman, Zorbas and b00060.

Scoreboards updated and purchases for batch 5 opened. 3 days for everybody + 2 reminder days and after that I'll reveal our 8 finalists.

Edit. Something came up and couldn't upload images nor send out messages yet. Will do everything very soon.

Edit2. Everything done now :)
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UPDATE - GameZZone: Starcraft

Postby amazzony on Wed Aug 19, 2009 2:07 pm

banana_hammocks, japser_be, Natewolfman, b00060, ZionT and cptbeefalo are forfeiting their purchases for batch 5.

And now I'd like to congratulate those 8 who have advanced to finals: n00blet, Bones2484, denominator, KidWhisky, Aesop Jones, RickyJamesy, ralphcptc and dittoeevee8888! =D> Your games will begin in the next 2-3 days.

Some explanations also. banana_hammocks will be using babysitter for ~3 weeks so I've decided to remove him from the tournament as in the finals with freestyle games it wouldn't be fair for a babysitter to play his games. Also, even though I felt sad removing myself then I decided to do it because I feel that it wouldn't be fair for me to play in the tournament because I have better overview of the shop than any other player in the tournament.

Finally, everybody has 48 hours to check that my results are correct and tell me if something is wrong. After that no changes will be made!

P.S. All scoreboards updated here:
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Re: GameZZone: Starcraft [Finals]

Postby Aesop Jones on Wed Aug 19, 2009 2:28 pm

For my map, I claim Solar System.
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Re: GameZZone: Starcraft [Finals]

Postby Bones2484 on Wed Aug 19, 2009 2:36 pm

I would like Arms Race.

Thank you!
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Re: GameZZone: Starcraft [Finals]

Postby ralphcptc on Wed Aug 19, 2009 2:57 pm

i would like battle of actium
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Re: GameZZone: Starcraft [Finals]

Postby KidWhisky on Wed Aug 19, 2009 8:13 pm

I'll take classic shapes
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Re: GameZZone: Starcraft [Finals]

Postby n00blet on Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:41 am

ah shiiiiittttt

I like Arms Race! :D
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Re: GameZZone: Starcraft [Finals]

Postby RickXJamesX on Thu Aug 20, 2009 3:18 am

i will take arms race

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UPDATE - GameZZone: Starcraft

Postby amazzony on Thu Aug 20, 2009 4:01 am

Thanks you everybody for the maps... May I need to remind you that you don't have to pick Arms race? :P

Also, Soldier4Christ is replacing dittoeevee8888 who has asked to be removed because she can't finish the tournament.
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