Welcome back to The Conquer Club 500 here on the Conquer Club Broadcasting System. Today's race has seen seen its share of lead changes and accidents along the way. Few teams have any cars left in the race with only a handful of laps left to go however all cars will need to pit one more time for fuel and tires if they wish to finish this race in the winners circle. It may just come down to the final lap.
Name: The Conquer 500
Cartography: Dolomite 13
XML: Dolomite 13 & Gilligan
Design Brief Submitted 1/5/2010
Concept: To win the race you will need to keep your car working, fight for control of the pits, and conquer your opponents on the track. This is more of a real racing simulation as opposed to a video game style simulation with power ups etc.
Territories: 80
- 24 car conditions (tires, fuel, engine)
- 8 pit crew
- 15 pit equipment
- 30 track locations
- 1 winners circle
- 1 pit row
- 1 final lap
Track Locations
- Track locations can assault other track locations in the same track segment or next segment counter clockwise.
- All track locations can assault the winner circle and final lap.
Car Conditions
- Can assault their corresponding pit crew.
Pit Crews
- Your pit crew can assault all of your teams car conditions.
- All pit crews can assault any pit equipment.
- All pit crews can assault pit row.
Pit Equipment
- Pit equipment can assault other locations of the same equipment.
- Pit equipment can assault pit row.
- Pit equipment can bombard car gauges of the same name.
Final Lap
- Can assault select track locations that begin neutral as marked on the map with a red border.
- Resets to 40 neutral every turn (Killer 40).
Winners Circle
- Can bombard all pit equipment, car gauges, and pit crews.
- Resets to 20 neutral every turn (Killer 20).
Pit Row
- Can assault select track locations that begin neutral as marked on the map with a red border.
- Resets to 20 neutral every turn (Killer 20).
Starting Forces
- Cars gauges start with 2 neutral on each location.
- Winners Circle starts with 20 neutrals.
- Pit Row starts with 20 neutrals.
- Final Lap starts with 40 neutrals.
- Pits crews start with 3 on each location.
- Pit equipment starts with 2 neutral on each location.
- Track locations start with 3 on each.
Bonus Forces
No Standard Territory Bonus
+2 for holding one jack and one tools pit equipment.
+3 for holding one tires, one engine, and one fuel pit equipment.
+2 for holding all 3 of a given pit equipment (3 tires, 3 fuel, 3 engine, 3 tools, 3 jacks).
+1 for each of your teams car conditions you control or +5 for controlling all 3 of your car conditions.
+5 "Pit Stop Bonus" for holding one of each pit equipment, your entire car, and your pit crew.
+2 for holding all 3 track locations in a given track segment.
+40 if you hold at least one track location in each of the 10 track segments.
- All car gauges loose 1 per turn.
- Pit Crews autodeploy 2.
- Pit Row resets to 20 each turn (Killer 20).
- Winners Circle resets to 20 each turn (Killer 20).
Latest XML - Conquer500z40a.xml - map 1.1.8
Revising XML
Small 1.1.8
Large 1.1.8
Large Map (888's) - v0.2.13
http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4092/505 ... e88e_b.jpg
Starting Forces
Players are assigned the pit crews as starting positions.
In a 2 player game
- both players would have 2 pit crew each. (8/2 = 4 ... Max Starts 2)
- both players would have 6 track locations each with 8 remainder set to 3 neutral. (20/3)
In a 3 player game
- all players would have 2 pit crew each with 2 remainder set to 1 neutral. (8/3)
- all players would have 6 track locations each with 2 remainder set to 3 neutral. (20/3)
In a 4 player game
- all players would have 2 pit crew each. (8/4)
- all players would have 5 track locations each. (20/4)
In a 5 player game
- all players would have 1 pit crew each with 3 remainder set to 1 neutral. (8/5)
- all players would have 4 track locations each. (20/5)
In a 6 player game
- all players would have 1 pit crew each with 2 remainder set to 1 neutral. (8/6)
- all players would have 3 track locations each with 2 remainder set to 3 neutral. (20/6)
In a 7 player game
- all players would have 1 pit crew each with 1 remainder set to 1 neutral. (8/7)
- all players would have 2 track locations each with 6 remainder set to 3 neutral. (20/7)
In a 8 player game
- all players would have 1 pit crew each. (8/8)
- all players would have 2 track locations each with 4 remainder set to 3 neutral. . (20/8)
Previous Maps
The Copyright Agreement
The author retains copyright on their work, and gives Conquer Club permission to use the imagery free of charge, for as long as Conquer Club sees fit on the Conquer Club website. Conquer Club cannot sell, lease, or lend the right to use the images to anyone else. The author swears that their map is their own work, or a legal derivative work and by submitting it, do hereby claim all responsibility for that being true.