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The Conquer 500

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The Conquer 500

Postby dolomite13 on Tue Jun 09, 2009 7:19 pm

The Conquer 500

Welcome back to The Conquer Club 500 here on the Conquer Club Broadcasting System. Today's race has seen seen its share of lead changes and accidents along the way. Few teams have any cars left in the race with only a handful of laps left to go however all cars will need to pit one more time for fuel and tires if they wish to finish this race in the winners circle. It may just come down to the final lap.


Name: The Conquer 500
Cartography: Dolomite 13
XML: Dolomite 13 & Gilligan
Design Brief Submitted 1/5/2010

Concept: To win the race you will need to keep your car working, fight for control of the pits, and conquer your opponents on the track. This is more of a real racing simulation as opposed to a video game style simulation with power ups etc.

Territories: 80
- 24 car conditions (tires, fuel, engine)
- 8 pit crew
- 15 pit equipment
- 30 track locations
- 1 winners circle
- 1 pit row
- 1 final lap

Track Locations
- Track locations can assault other track locations in the same track segment or next segment counter clockwise.
- All track locations can assault the winner circle and final lap.

Car Conditions
- Can assault their corresponding pit crew.

Pit Crews
- Your pit crew can assault all of your teams car conditions.
- All pit crews can assault any pit equipment.
- All pit crews can assault pit row.

Pit Equipment
- Pit equipment can assault other locations of the same equipment.
- Pit equipment can assault pit row.
- Pit equipment can bombard car gauges of the same name.

Final Lap
- Can assault select track locations that begin neutral as marked on the map with a red border.
- Resets to 40 neutral every turn (Killer 40).

Winners Circle
- Can bombard all pit equipment, car gauges, and pit crews.
- Resets to 20 neutral every turn (Killer 20).

Pit Row
- Can assault select track locations that begin neutral as marked on the map with a red border.
- Resets to 20 neutral every turn (Killer 20).

Starting Forces
- Cars gauges start with 2 neutral on each location.
- Winners Circle starts with 20 neutrals.
- Pit Row starts with 20 neutrals.
- Final Lap starts with 40 neutrals.
- Pits crews start with 3 on each location.
- Pit equipment starts with 2 neutral on each location.
- Track locations start with 3 on each.

Bonus Forces
No Standard Territory Bonus
+2 for holding one jack and one tools pit equipment.
+3 for holding one tires, one engine, and one fuel pit equipment.
+2 for holding all 3 of a given pit equipment (3 tires, 3 fuel, 3 engine, 3 tools, 3 jacks).
+1 for each of your teams car conditions you control or +5 for controlling all 3 of your car conditions.
+5 "Pit Stop Bonus" for holding one of each pit equipment, your entire car, and your pit crew.
+2 for holding all 3 track locations in a given track segment.
+40 if you hold at least one track location in each of the 10 track segments.

- All car gauges loose 1 per turn.
- Pit Crews autodeploy 2.
- Pit Row resets to 20 each turn (Killer 20).
- Winners Circle resets to 20 each turn (Killer 20).

Latest XML - Conquer500z40a.xml - map 1.1.8
Revised 11/2
(58.54 KiB) Downloaded 1994 times
Revising XML

Small 1.1.8

Large 1.1.8

Large Map (888's) - v0.2.13 ... e88e_b.jpg

Starting Forces
Players are assigned the pit crews as starting positions.

In a 2 player game
- both players would have 2 pit crew each. (8/2 = 4 ... Max Starts 2)
- both players would have 6 track locations each with 8 remainder set to 3 neutral. (20/3)

In a 3 player game
- all players would have 2 pit crew each with 2 remainder set to 1 neutral. (8/3)
- all players would have 6 track locations each with 2 remainder set to 3 neutral. (20/3)

In a 4 player game
- all players would have 2 pit crew each. (8/4)
- all players would have 5 track locations each. (20/4)

In a 5 player game
- all players would have 1 pit crew each with 3 remainder set to 1 neutral. (8/5)
- all players would have 4 track locations each. (20/5)

In a 6 player game
- all players would have 1 pit crew each with 2 remainder set to 1 neutral. (8/6)
- all players would have 3 track locations each with 2 remainder set to 3 neutral. (20/6)

In a 7 player game
- all players would have 1 pit crew each with 1 remainder set to 1 neutral. (8/7)
- all players would have 2 track locations each with 6 remainder set to 3 neutral. (20/7)

In a 8 player game
- all players would have 1 pit crew each. (8/8)
- all players would have 2 track locations each with 4 remainder set to 3 neutral. . (20/8)

Previous Maps

show: Previous Versions

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The author retains copyright on their work, and gives Conquer Club permission to use the imagery free of charge, for as long as Conquer Club sees fit on the Conquer Club website. Conquer Club cannot sell, lease, or lend the right to use the images to anyone else. The author swears that their map is their own work, or a legal derivative work and by submitting it, do hereby claim all responsibility for that being true.
Last edited by dolomite13 on Sat Nov 02, 2013 2:16 pm, edited 103 times in total.
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Re: The Conquer 500 - Map & Concept - [Poll]

Postby Industrial Helix on Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:48 pm

Great start!

I think it could be made a little more fun graphics-wise. Maybe give the cars fun drivers names. Not fond of the logo, maybe something that integrates conquer club a little more? Also, not a fan of th ewhite background... perhaps something with stands, grass ect. Maybe add in those red and white barriers on the turns. Don't like track too much either, I'd say cut the vertical white lines...

Gameplay seems pretty solid though. Very well thought out. Best of luck seeing this through, I think it could be a great map. BTW, shouldnt this be in drafts/new projects?
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Re: The Conquer 500 - Map & Concept - [Poll]

Postby dolomite13 on Tue Jun 09, 2009 9:08 pm

Industrial Helix wrote:Great start!

I think it could be made a little more fun graphics-wise. Maybe give the cars fun drivers names. Not fond of the logo, maybe something that integrates conquer club a little more? Also, not a fan of the white background... perhaps something with stands, grass ect. Maybe add in those red and white barriers on the turns. Don't like track too much either, I'd say cut the vertical white lines...

Gameplay seems pretty solid though. Very well thought out. Best of luck seeing this through, I think it could be a great map. BTW, shouldnt this be in drafts/new projects?

I love the comments.

The map is a crappy slotcar track map I found somewhere. If the map gets advanced to the draft area I will do a really good version with better graphics. I just wanted to knock out something during lunch today.

I am sure the foundry folks will move it to drafts if they think it is a good idea. Thanx for the support :)

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Re: The Conquer 500 - Map & Concept - [Poll]

Postby MrBenn on Wed Jun 10, 2009 6:55 am

All I can see of the image is a big black square; it could just be the work computer though??

The idea you've described reminds me of Conquer Club Racing. It's worth having a read through that thread ;-)
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Re: The Conquer 500 - Map & Concept - [Poll]

Postby dolomite13 on Wed Jun 10, 2009 9:55 am

MrBenn wrote:All I can see of the image is a big black square; it could just be the work computer though??

The idea you've described reminds me of Conquer Club Racing. It's worth having a read through that thread ;-)

The image problem is probably how that computer is dealing with the .png I have seen that before. I probably didn't flatten the image properly or something like that.

I looked at CC Racing. That map seems more rooted in the fantasy racing style games such Mario Kart than it does in a real life race. It also seems like an objective type of map for victory.

With C500 I was looking to make it more like Circus Maximus with other things to do than just kill in a circle.


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Re: The Conquer 500 - Map & Concept - [Poll]

Postby dolomite13 on Wed Jun 10, 2009 11:40 am

Here is a JPG image for you mrbenn. ... 0038_o.jpg

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Re: The Conquer 500 - Map & Concept - [Poll]

Postby Echospree on Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:45 pm

A couple points:

How do we know which car is attacked by which pit stop? Some sort of legend or clue would be helpful for that.

Change 'loose' to 'lose', that's the correct spelling.

I'm not really sure I like that the track is only one territory wide, have you thought about how changing the width would affect the gameplay?
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Re: The Conquer 500 - Map & Concept - [Poll]

Postby AndyDufresne on Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:50 pm

This map could win me over. I'd ditch the realistic images for stylized graphic icons (I always hate a mesh between realistic and not).

I'll have to take a look at the game play a little more...

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Re: The Conquer 500 - Map & Concept - [Poll]

Postby dolomite13 on Wed Jun 10, 2009 1:20 pm

Echospree wrote:How do we know which car is attacked by which pit stop? Some sort of legend or clue would be helpful for that.

Being a quick concept map I didn't put in all territory names etc... I would make that clearer in a real rendition of the map.

Echospree wrote:I'm not really sure I like that the track is only one territory wide, have you thought about how changing the width would affect the gameplay?

I would be ok with making the track wider. I went with it as a single width and put in the ability to pass from straightaways to decrease the number of choke points.

Here is a connection map... the blue lines are from pits to cars. The red line around the track is the standard attack 1 ahead and into/out of pits as well as showing pit attacking pit equipment. The green connections are the passing showing that some locations can attack 2. The purple dots are choke points these can only attack a single location.


AndyDufresne wrote:I'd ditch the realistic images for stylized graphic icons (I always hate a mesh between realistic and not).

I agree, I use those images for the quick concept map. They would get a redo to bring them in line with the rest of the maps graphics.

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Re: The Conquer 500 - Map & Concept - [Poll]

Postby MrBenn on Wed Jun 10, 2009 2:02 pm

dolomite13 wrote:Here is a JPG image for you mrbenn. ... 0038_o.jpg


Thanks - although I'm home now, and I can see the png image fine ;-)

There's definitely merit in the idea, although some of the bonuses feel unwieldy - and I'm not too sure how much like a race the game would be. It's not overly clear how to attack the cars etc, or where to defend them once you've got them... and I'd rather see more lanes around the track.

I get that you're going for a realistic look, but it just doesn't look right as it stands. The other thread I linked to looked a bit more fun; although I agree that some of the 'fantasy' bonus ideas seemed a bit gimicky. If you could somehow fuse the two concepts together, I think you'd have a much stronger base to work from ;-)
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Re: The Conquer 500 - Map & Concept - [Poll]

Postby dolomite13 on Wed Jun 10, 2009 4:27 pm

I will look at the bonus structure and do a mockup with multiple lanes. I also think that the cars could be simplified a bit and the map laid out so that it is easier to understand what you can attack from where. I was hoping to shoot for something that was true to real world racing as opposed to fantasy world racing but I am more than willing to look at dofferent things to make it more fun and exciting.

Here is an idea of how I will probably change the racetrack so that the map has some depth. The track is still just an image I got somewhere and skewed but it is an idea of how I want to proceed.


I will have additional thoughts soon. I don't want to take away from getting the gameplay and xml shored up on Monsters =)

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Re: The Conquer 500 - Map & Concept - [Poll]

Postby dolomite13 on Wed Jul 15, 2009 6:47 pm

OK so it has been a while since I updated this map but I feel Monsters! is pretty much done so now I can devote some time to this one.

Here is a newer version of the map with changes to bonuses etc... I am also including a connection map for reference.

I will update the first post with all essential info after I get home this evening.

Large Map ... 621a_o.png

Connection Map ... b0ba_o.png

Last edited by dolomite13 on Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Conquer 500 - Updated 7/20/2009 - [P1]

Postby dolomite13 on Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:55 pm

If the foundry crew thinks this map is ready to move from Ideas to Drafts could one of them please move the thread =)



I added 4 new "corner" locations to the map. They start with 1 neutral and reset to 1 every turn. They connect 5 locations around some of the corners to allow you to skip past some territories easier. I also updated the legend and graphics a bit.

Large Map (v0.1.9) ... 95f3_o.png

Click image to enlarge.

Connection Map

show: Connection Map
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Re: The Conquer 500 - Updated 7/20/2009 - [P1]

Postby iancanton on Mon Jul 20, 2009 4:45 pm

as requested, moved into the drafting room.

ian. :)
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Re: The Conquer 500 - Updated 7/20/2009 - [P1]

Postby dolomite13 on Mon Jul 20, 2009 5:07 pm

Thanx ian....

Let the comments begin =)

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Re: The Conquer 500 - Updated 7/20/2009 - [P1]

Postby iancanton on Wed Jul 22, 2009 5:12 pm

in a quads game, i assume that each player starts with 1 car and 1 pit crew. if player 1 receives +7 for retaining his car positions, then he can deploy 10 troops on his crew, making 20 total, conquer one of the tools, then knock out the car bonus of player 2 and player 4, leaving team 2 crippled. u'll need to reduce the number of starting troops on the pit crew, as well as make part of each car start neutral, to stop this from happening.

ian. :)
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Re: The Conquer 500 - Updated 7/20/2009 - [P1]

Postby dolomite13 on Wed Jul 22, 2009 7:02 pm

iancanton wrote:in a quads game, i assume that each player starts with 1 car and 1 pit crew. if player 1 receives +7 for retaining his car positions, then he can deploy 10 troops on his crew, making 20 total, conquer one of the tools, then knock out the car bonus of player 2 and player 4, leaving team 2 crippled. u'll need to reduce the number of starting troops on the pit crew, as well as make part of each car start neutral, to stop this from happening.

ian. :)
Yep that sounds like a small problem I will look at the numbers again. I like the possibility of starting the car locations already under player control but maybe I could start them at 1 so you would be forced to start reinforcing them immediately. Also starting the pit equipment at 5 neutral might fix this. The +7 for the 3 car locations was so that you could use 3 to reinforce the car locations as they will loose one per turn and then have 4 leftover. Maybe +5 is a better number. I think the pits crews could start with 3.

So you would get +1 unit for track at the start and +5 for the car. You would need to drop 3 on your car locations and you would have 3 leftover to drop elsewhere. That would be a max of 6 on your pit and with all pit equipment having 5 to start i would think it would be better to drop on the track early.

Hows that sound?

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Re: The Conquer 500 - Updated 7/20/2009 - [P1]

Postby iancanton on Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:47 am

dolomite13 wrote:I like the possibility of starting the car locations already under player control but maybe I could start them at 1 so you would be forced to start reinforcing them immediately.

the trouble is, if player 1 starts with a +7 or +5 car bonus, then player 2 is likely to have his own car bonus destroyed before he starts. i suggest that each player has his car almost under control, except for each car's fuel being 1 neutral, so that he needs to do something positive on his first turn to earn his car bonus.

dolomite13 wrote:Also starting the pit equipment at 5 neutral might fix this.

i'm already assuming that the pit equipment starts with 5 neutrals, since u say so in the opening post.

dolomite13 wrote:I think the pits crews could start with 3.

this is better. each player then has to think carefully about where to deploy and when to use the pit crews to break out.

instead of using 88s in ur army circles to show neutrals, can u show the number of starting neutrals instead?

an idea for the title: conqueropolis 500?

ian. :)
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Re: The Conquer 500 - Updated 7/20/2009 - [P1]

Postby thenobodies80 on Sat Jul 25, 2009 7:48 am

Click image to enlarge.
Image for the new page

Your map reminds me of this old game that is somewhere in the closet :)

Anyway,reading your first post:
dolomite wrote:Connections
- One track location can attack all pit locations (location 26).
- One track location can be attacked by all pit locations (location 1).
- All pit locations can one way attack all pit equipment.
- All pit equipment can bombard all car locations (fuel, engine, tires).
- You can attack all of your car locations (fuel, engine, tires) from your pit location.
- All pit crews can bombard each other.

Maybe i'm mad, but i can't find nothing on the map that explain me how i can attack crew (location 26 with the quoted text). And how i can attack Pit Equipment?
I think you should add this informations on the legend, i see that location 1 and location 26 have a red border, but actually you have to assume that 26 is the access of the pitlane, where you can attack (or bombard?) crew and assume that crew, in turn, can attack (or bombard?) equipment.
Sorry if i'm wrong and i missed the informations somewhere on the map. ;)
Agree with iancanton about cars locations.

It's a funny map, keep it on! ;)
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Re: The Conquer 500 - Updated 7/20/2009 - [P1]

Postby lostatlimbo on Mon Jul 27, 2009 9:05 pm

I love this idea and think it will make a great map. Very unique gameplay opportunities.

I only have two suggestions:

1. Change the term "Car Locations" to "Car Conditions". The use of Locations for things like Fuel and Tires is confusing to me. Location makes me think of the track, not the Engine. Car Conditions or Car Levels is much clearer.

2. The legend says "Pit Crews can one way attack all YOUR car locations." The your is out of place, but I'm also not entirely clear as to what this means. I assume you mean "Pit Crews can one way attack ANY car location"?

Okay, one more - the idea of having a singular territory to attack all the pit crews gives me some pause. Perhaps the Pit Equipment could attack back the Pit Crews? There is an awful lot of one way attacks and bombardments here (which i like), but it might not hurt to open up the attack routes just a smidge.

Good work - hope to see this one moving on quickly!
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Re: The Conquer 500 - Updated 7/20/2009 - [P1]

Postby sailorseal on Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:59 pm

I love the idea, maybe to simulate fuel and other such upgrades you could make several territories under each category and start all but one as nuetrals
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Re: The Conquer 500 - Updated 7/20/2009 - [P1]

Postby dolomite13 on Fri Aug 28, 2009 5:25 pm

Map update coming this weekend
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Re: The Conquer 500 - Updated 7/20/2009 - [P1]

Postby thenobodies80 on Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:11 pm

Poll Result

What do you think of this map idea?

I Love it!...6...19%

I like it... keep working on it....16...52%

It's OK but I have some ideas that would improve it (see my post)...1...3%

It's not quite my cup of tea but I can see where others might like it....4...13%

I would rather play another game of classic....4...13%

Total votes : 31
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Re: The Conquer 500 - Updated 8/30/2009 - [P2]

Postby dolomite13 on Sun Aug 30, 2009 5:13 pm

After looking over everyone's comments I have made some rather large changes to the bonus structure and attack routes. The changes are too numerous to list individually.Instead I will post the map and update the description text in the first post to match the current gameplay. ... 1ae2_o.png

Click image to enlarge.

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Re: The Conquer 500 - Updated 8/30/2009 - [P2]

Postby iancanton on Fri Sep 11, 2009 4:22 pm

let's play our hypothetical quads game again. player 1 receives 3 troops and deploys on his pit crew, making a stack of 6, which he uses to bombard and annihilate player 2's pit crew. player 2 can't do very much except take a track region. player 3, who is player 1's teammate, deploys 3 troops on his own pit crew and annihilates player 4's pit crew. do u see where this is going?

the pit crew are so important to each player that we can't let the pit crew bombard each other directly.

ian. :)
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