The Winners of the tourney are: Blitzaholic, Osujacket, Andrewb, David_Wain, Dividedbyzero, Nephilim

ALL FREEMIUM + PREMIUM PLAYERS ARE WELCOME as there will only be 2 or 3 games @ at time![
OK all, time for another MARATHON TOURNEY from Blitzaholic. This will be a tournament played with "Quadruples Teams" on 7 different Maps (Age of Merchants, Supermax, WWII Europe, WWII Ardennes, Conquerman, Seige, Solar) All settings will be various: in case of a tie, 1 game on Iraq
BATTLE OF MIXED, some FOG, some no FOG, some flat rate, some no cards, some escalating, some chained, some unlimited this is too demonstrate true skill in multi faceted areas!!!
This tournament will feature 32 to 40 Players. Each team is allowed to have 4 to 6 players due to the length of this tourney, may last around Half the YEAR and about 50 games per round with 7 rounds for a Whopping 350 Total games approximately.
Every team will face every other team at least 1x per round
Sign Ups:
To sign up for the tournament I need to know the 4 to 6 players on your team, a team name, and a team captain. * will symbolize teams Captains. I will accept 32 players, along with 1 or 2 reserve teams in case a team is not in their game on time. All teams will have time limits to join their games. If not, I will delete the game, and remake it with reserve teams, or you could be possibly forfeited and banned from any of future tourney's, this will be held at my discretion. Also, the team captain is responsible for notifying ME (Blitzaholic) with a post in the thread when a game is complete!!! Each member of your team will receive a medal if all 6 participate in your tourney. ALL Foes must be taken off for this tourney. If you or your team needs a sub, simply post it ASAP!
When we have all the teams needed I will set up the games and then send them in a PM. Each win is worth 1 MP (Match Point). Most points total wins, points carrying over round to round. You will have 24 hours for your team to join when the PM is sent out or your team will be penalized -0.1 match point for each member NOT in, after 48 hours, each team player not joined -0.2 points, after 72 hours your team each team member not in -0.3 match points. After 96 hours if not joined a team forfeits, I will look for a replacement team if needed to finish up any unfinished games to be fair. Any player joining wrong games will receive a penalty of -0.5 points if I have to remake the game. It is important to note: You are allowed to sign up your partner to join the tourney, this is within the CC rules (to avoid the 24 hours or penalty IF needed). The Captain of your team will NEED to post in this thread with the game number to receive the full match point, failure do to so within 72 hours will result in your win being penalized -0.3 match points. I will be reviewing all games and constantly updating, but it will be your Captain's responsibility to post in thread with the correct game # if you want the full match point for each victory. So all try to remind each other.
Reserve Teams:
1. Teddybears
2. Rangers of the North