I have been running ++The Legion++ Ladder for a while now and thought it may be a good idea to do it as a tournament, although it will be a bit of an experiment. The idea is that you can challenge a player who is one step above you and if you beat that player you exchange places. If you do that often enough you'll be on top. We will play until September 30th, which is approximately 3 months.
For the ladder, ongoing challenges and updates, see page 2.
Scoring system: (The first time points will be awarded is Sunday, July 12, 2009)
Rules for challenging etc.
Players List:
The order of the initial ladder is decided by the score of the players at the start of this tournament (July 1, 2009). The player with the lowest score will be placed on top and the players with the highest scores will be placed on the bottom.
Tournament started: July 1, 2009.
Tournament ends: September 30, 2009, at midnight GMT, 18:00 hrs. Central Time USA.