Merker wrote:Some of this may allready be covered so, please do correct me;
-What is that pink blob next to Muck?
-I do realise that you are colourblind, but it may be appropiate to make the bonus information providerer things according to the colour;
Bloods ; Red
Fangs ; Brown
-It looks like the Bloods chief is carrying a sack, not next to a puddle of blood.
-The fangs look INCREDIBLY creepy.
I'll edit in more later, but I'm very busy!
thank you very much for you input merker
-The pink blob is going is an impassable along with the trees they will be made better to suit
the map i might end up making it look like a deep hole or a fire pit but not sure yet
but it will not be a pink blob in the end
-i understand why the colour coding might be good but its just as easy to tell the difference
by first letter and icon i.e. "F" in Fangs.
so i don't think making a colour code is needed aswell
-haha the blood chief is holding a bag his real name is loe i grabbed him from a painting i did
a couple of years ago. here is the rough draft i took him from when i started this map as
you'll see he's clearly holding a bag
of babbies!
but as i said in To Do all the chiefs are getting a overhaul so they look as good as the rest of
the map
Update 5.3
made the new icons for fangs and skulls
moved all icons away from letters to clear up the words
added to portal graphics
changed chief and gate bonuses and wording
worked on "R" in the title
over little stuff
To Do
make new chiefs
finish better tree and pink blob impassables
and lots of over little things

figure out gameplay
(just an idea to add with orginal bonuses as TaCktiX's suggests
-hold blood chief and get +1 for every 2 bloods
-hold fang chief and get +2 for every 3 fangs
keep any comments coming