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Re: Goblin Tribes v5 may26 update pg 1 & 4

Postby Danyael on Thu May 28, 2009 1:53 pm

Merker wrote:Some of this may allready be covered so, please do correct me;

-What is that pink blob next to Muck?
-I do realise that you are colourblind, but it may be appropiate to make the bonus information providerer things according to the colour;

Bloods ; Red
Fangs ; Brown

-It looks like the Bloods chief is carrying a sack, not next to a puddle of blood.
-The fangs look INCREDIBLY creepy.

I'll edit in more later, but I'm very busy!

thank you very much for you input merker

-The pink blob is going is an impassable along with the trees they will be made better to suit
the map i might end up making it look like a deep hole or a fire pit but not sure yet
but it will not be a pink blob in the end

-i understand why the colour coding might be good but its just as easy to tell the difference
by first letter and icon i.e. "F" in Fangs.
so i don't think making a colour code is needed aswell

-haha the blood chief is holding a bag his real name is loe i grabbed him from a painting i did
a couple of years ago. here is the rough draft i took him from when i started this map as
you'll see he's clearly holding a bag
Click image to enlarge.

of babbies!
but as i said in To Do all the chiefs are getting a overhaul so they look as good as the rest of
the map

Update 5.3
Click image to enlarge.

made the new icons for fangs and skulls
moved all icons away from letters to clear up the words
added to portal graphics
changed chief and gate bonuses and wording
worked on "R" in the title
over little stuff

To Do
make new chiefs
finish better tree and pink blob impassables
and lots of over little things :P
figure out gameplay
(just an idea to add with orginal bonuses as TaCktiX's suggests
-hold blood chief and get +1 for every 2 bloods
-hold fang chief and get +2 for every 3 fangs
keep any comments coming
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Re: Goblin Tribes v5.3 June 3 update pg 1 & 4

Postby Danyael on Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:25 am

Version 6
Click image to enlarge.

made all impassables mountains added cracks and grunge around them to look more natural
made new blood chief

In the works and to do
finish mud fang and skull chiefs
improved bonus set up involving chiefs
make a different army circle look for chiefs

As mentioned i think i will add another bonus to the chiefs i think it will be along the lines of
this will make the build your own bonus have another layer
any additional thought on this

any feed back is appreciated nit picks and all everything helps in the process
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Re: Goblin Tribes v5.3 June 3 update pg 1 & 4

Postby squishyg on Wed Jun 03, 2009 2:24 pm

The lettering on the legend is nice, but it looks crowded to me. At first glance I actually though the words were overlapping. If you give some more space above and below words like "Chiefs" "Evil" "Dark", etc., I think it'll be easier to read.

I like the bigger goblin chief image on the left. They should all be big like that. This map is super cute. We need more goblins on cc.
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Re: Goblin Tribes v5.3 June 3 update pg 1 & 4

Postby neanderpaul14 on Wed Jun 03, 2009 4:02 pm

I love the fact that you put Muck right below Mudbutt.
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Re: Goblin Tribes v5.3 June 3 update pg 1 & 4

Postby Danyael on Wed Jun 03, 2009 4:21 pm

squishyg wrote:The lettering on the legend is nice, but it looks crowded to me. At first glance I actually though the words were overlapping. If you give some more space above and below words like "Chiefs" "Evil" "Dark", etc., I think it'll be easier to read.

I like the bigger goblin chief image on the left. They should all be big like that. This map is super cute. We need more goblins on cc.

thanks for the support i almost have the new fang chief done then only two more to go for the big guys i'll also work on the parts of the legend that you think need more space as well due to your suggestion i noticed that the gate legend is slightly crooked

neanderpaul14 wrote:I love the fact that you put Muck right below Mudbutt.

i never realized that but it makes a good sense :lol:
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Re: Goblin Tribes v5.3 June 3 update pg 1 & 4

Postby pikkio on Wed Jun 03, 2009 7:16 pm

really good looking map!
the new chief is fantastic and absolutely connected with the map's graphic style. go on and make all the chief like that!
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Re: Goblin Tribes v5.3 June 3 update pg 1 & 4

Postby Danyael on Thu Jun 04, 2009 5:51 pm

pikkio wrote:really good looking map!
the new chief is fantastic and absolutely connected with the map's graphic style. go on and make all the chief like that!

thanks pikkio

june 4 update
Click image to enlarge.

finished fang and blood chief
played with the legend as squishyq mentioned

to do and working on
skull chief
legend redesign for chiefs and new bonus structure
new army cirlces for chiefs
thinking i wil make a little crown on a square this will; be in next update
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Re: Goblin Tribes v6.5 June 4 update pg 1 & 4

Postby Bruceswar on Fri Jun 05, 2009 6:23 am

Why is this still in Drafting? Should this not be moved by now?
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Re: Goblin Tribes v6.5 June 4 update pg 1 & 4

Postby Danyael on Fri Jun 05, 2009 12:59 pm

Bruceswar wrote:Why is this still in Drafting? Should this not be moved by now?

thanks for your support

at times i ask myself the same thing
as i'm in no rush to see it moved forward as this time in the drafting room has made this map brood from
Click image to enlarge.

Click image to enlarge.

and i still see a lot of improvements and things to add

the main reason i think its still here is that i don't have the community feed back which is required
i'm sure it will come in due time but until then i'll keep on improving it
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Re: Goblin Tribes v6.5 June 4 update pg 1 & 4

Postby squishyg on Fri Jun 05, 2009 11:02 pm

The new chiefs look great. The legend is also much more readable. The lettering needs to be bigger below "Gates" and above "Chiefs". It could also stand to be just a bit bigger below "Chiefs" too, but that's me just being nitpicky.

I really like the fangs and the little mushrooms in Myz!
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Re: Goblin Tribes v7 June 6 update pg 1 & 5

Postby Danyael on Sat Jun 06, 2009 11:37 pm

squishyg wrote:The new chiefs look great. The legend is also much more readable. The lettering needs to be bigger below "Gates" and above "Chiefs". It could also stand to be just a bit bigger below "Chiefs" too, but that's me just being nitpicky.

I really like the fangs and the little mushrooms in Myz!

Thanks very much i resized them a bit let me know if they need to be bigger and don't worry nitpick away

Version 7
Click image to enlarge.

finished up new goblin chiefs
*might add more details
made new army marker for chiefs
*so easily distinguishable from reg army circles
moved around names and army circles
changed chief legend and gate legends
New bonus for chief
*is this wording okay does it make sense

changed the chiefs to neutral starts of two instead of the gates
as for staring positions to stop lucky drop. What would be best?

To Do
fix spelling mistake in legend (just noticed it)Image
add in legend for secret fungi myz connection
impassables(will this be needed or is it obvious what is and is not passable)
and anything else ????

keep the support and comments coming all are very much appreciated
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Re: Goblin Tribes v7 June 6 update pg 1 & 5

Postby squishyg on Sun Jun 07, 2009 12:11 am

Lettering is very clear now and the bonuses you added make sense to me. Just change "there" to "their" and I think you're ready to take this to the next stage.
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Re: Goblin Tribes v8 June9 update pg 1 & 5

Postby Danyael on Tue Jun 09, 2009 4:32 pm

squishyg wrote:Lettering is very clear now and the bonuses you added make sense to me. Just change "there" to "their" and I think you're ready to take this to the next stage.

thanks for seeing the spelling error its now fixed and my fingers are crossed that i'll be moved to the next stage soon

Version 8
Click image to enlarge.

made skull chief a little smaller
added a little poem to explain the connection between fungi and myz
fixed spelling errors (added i in territories and changed there to their #-o )
To Do
refine skull and fang chiefs to look better(mainly change the outline to be same thickens as bloods and muds
and any other suggestions
keep the support and comments coming all are very much appreciated
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Re: Goblin Tribes v8 June 9 update pg 1 & 5

Postby dolomite13 on Tue Jun 09, 2009 7:49 pm

I have been watching the progress of this map. I have to say I love the concept quite a bit. I do have a few questions and comments.

- Do the goblin chiefs count as a territory of their tribe? For instance there are 5 bloods and a bonus of +1 for holding 3. If the chief counts that's a max of +2 for all bloods.

- The know you call out fungi in the poem specifically, however if you pit a single mushroom next to the hut it might be easier to see. The hut is quite dark.

- Units can get into the 3 or even 4 digit range in some games and they flow to the right out of the unit circles. It may be better to move some unit circles so that the armies don't overflow onto words making them hard to read. I have noticed this might happen in "shank" and maybe the "myz" units would overflow into "mek".

- A small nit pick... the mine gates seem a little hard to see on the map. If there was a light coming from inside the mine they might me more visible on the map. As it is now it is dark on dark and hard to see.

- Do the gates start neutral?

Great Job ... I am looking forward to playing this =)

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Re: Goblin Tribes v8 June 9 update pg 1 & 5

Postby Danyael on Tue Jun 09, 2009 9:25 pm

dolomite13 wrote:I have been watching the progress of this map. I have to say I love the concept quite a bit. I do have a few questions and comments.

Thanks dolomite13
- Do the goblin chiefs count as a territory of their tribe? For instance there are 5 bloods and a bonus of +1 for holding 3. If the chief counts that's a max of +2 for all bloods.

i think i understand what you mean as it stands the chiefs don't count as a tribal territory ie 5 blood territory and one chief.
So you can hold just 3 of the tribal territs and receive +1 or you can hold a chief and three of the tribal territs and get in theory +2. So 1 for the tribe bonus and 1 for chief bonus if that makes sense this may not stay like this depending on other comments and when it comes to gameplay stamp
- The know you call out fungi in the poem specifically, however if you pit a single mushroom next to the hut it might be easier to see. The hut is quite dark.

yes it does blend in quite a bit putting mushroom or a torch will make it stick out more i'll try a few different things
do you think that the poem makes it clear enough that fungi connects to myz
- Units can get into the 3 or even 4 digit range in some games and they flow to the right out of the unit circles. It may be better to move some unit circles so that the armies don't overflow onto words making them hard to read. I have noticed this might happen in "shank" and maybe the "myz" units would overflow into "mek".

yes i agree since i use colour codes there is plenty of places army numbers might overlap with the three digit or even the mighty r888. This is not a major problem at this stage but i will work on it and have a version with the 888's on them becuase it will be an issue sooner then later
- A small nit pick... the mine gates seem a little hard to see on the map. If there was a light coming from inside the mine they might me more visible on the map. As it is now it is dark on dark and hard to see.

ah yes the mine entrance this has been quite the scourge i have tired so many different ways of lighting the inside so it beams out and lights up the territ correctly but it causes other layers to go all wonky
stay tuned I will get it eventually
- Do the gates start neutral?

at first they did(before the chiefs became separate territs
but now they do not i'm thinking maybe have starting positions set up were the 88 are now to stop easy drop bonus
even thou i would rather not have any and leave it up for luck but we will see
the only places that are a forsure neutral start are the chiefs
Great Job ... I am looking forward to playing this =)


thanks once again dolomite
i'm excited to play this too
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Re: Goblin Tribes v8 June 9 update pg 1 & 5

Postby whitestazn88 on Wed Jun 10, 2009 1:14 am

hey, i'm here for the pre-foundry review.

I've gotta say, i'm not totally sure about this map going forward yet. It seems like an interesting concept, but is done is such a base manner that i'm not in the least bit interested to play it.

the graphics are funny and cartoony, i like these the way they are.

work on the gameplay, especially the bonuses i think, and this might be able to move on. but as of now, you need to develop that
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Re: Goblin Tribes v8 June 9 update pg 1 & 5

Postby Danyael on Wed Jun 10, 2009 3:15 pm

whitestazn88 wrote:hey, i'm here for the pre-foundry review.

I've gotta say, i'm not totally sure about this map going forward yet. It seems like an interesting concept, but is done is such a base manner that i'm not in the least bit interested to play it.

the graphics are funny and cartoony, i like these the way they are.

work on the gameplay, especially the bonuses i think, and this might be able to move on. but as of now, you need to develop that

i think i understand as i don't want it to be to complicated and want to keep the build your own bonus for the tribes
there is many different possiblities any thing that you would prefer to see changed or added
that would peak your interest
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Re: Goblin Tribes v8 June 9 update pg 1 & 5

Postby whitestazn88 on Fri Jun 12, 2009 3:40 pm

the problem with the current bonus structure, in my opinion, is that you might as well just have a regional bonus... because you need over half of the territories in each region already for the bonus structure you have. if you wanna have the build your own bonus thing, i'd suggest adding more territs. also, you don't have to say, own "fangs, blood, mud, etc". you could just color code your legend text and it would be understandable, as the backgrounds on your territs already look good, would be easily distinguishable.
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Re: Goblin Tribes v8 June 9 update pg 1 & 5

Postby Danyael on Fri Jun 12, 2009 3:52 pm

whitestazn88 wrote:the problem with the current bonus structure, in my opinion, is that you might as well just have a regional bonus... because you need over half of the territories in each region already for the bonus structure you have. if you wanna have the build your own bonus thing, i'd suggest adding more territs. also, you don't have to say, own "fangs, blood, mud, etc". you could just color code your legend text and it would be understandable, as the backgrounds on your territs already look good, would be easily distinguishable.

thats is understandable i could make i will make a hold all as well as the byob bonus as previously discussed i wanted to have the essence of Berlin 1961(the original and best byob imo) which i believe has less territs. I do have to say fangs blood mud skulls because i dont enjoy colour coding at all because of my colour blindness i really wanted a map that didn't depend on colours at all, if that makes sense... but i could make a colour code as well but it will be tough for me with out making it clash to much with the colours i used

thank you for responding and giving ideas to fix it
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Re: Goblin Tribes v8 more territs?

Postby Danyael on Fri Jun 12, 2009 8:05 pm

ok thinking whitestazn's sugg on even more territs. Would be a good idea but i think if i added more i should due 4 more and then i can make the gates neutral aswell stopping luck drops for those and keeping it more equal in a 1v1

some where to add them
of couse i added more to the muds and skulls
making fangs and bloods still behind from the start so
i have thought of the spots ill add
here is a quite pic of my thoughts of where to add these
sorry at no .psd available at moment wrong computer:)

over on the Bloods i have added 4 more there
-i'll add 20 pixels on the left of the image so its not as squished
-i have four spots just so you can see area i'll add it to
-i think the most south addition would be good making skq and bloz connect to the dark portal
as well as the additonal one added to bloz will connect with gate
-the north area i have added 3 purposed spots
- this will mean that bloods bonus will change due to size increase

for the fangs not sue if i should add or shouldn't
- i have added a couple new territs but i might just increase fungi to make it more prominent as suggested by dolomite
- and then add a route between fungi and on of the new added area in the bloods

See poll
so What should i do
Just add four territs to bloods and add none to fangs but increase size of fungi adding connection
add two in fangs and only two in bloods

or any other thoughts?

other little changes to note
look at army numbers ok so far?
added light to mine is this better?
Click image to enlarge.
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Re: Goblin Tribes v8 June 9 update pg 1 & 5

Postby LED ZEPPELINER on Fri Jun 12, 2009 8:09 pm

All of your goblins relate to their land, except the Mud Goblin. I just think that you should make him resemble its area better
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Re: Goblin Tribes v8 poll more territs? pg 1 & 5

Postby Danyael on Fri Jun 12, 2009 8:19 pm

LED ZEPPELINER wrote:All of your goblins relate to their land, except the Mud Goblin. I just think that you should make him resemble its area better

yes i'm adding more mud there is some around his feet but almost impossible to see
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Re: Goblin Tribes v8 poll more territs? pg 1 & 5

Postby TaCktiX on Sun Jun 14, 2009 5:52 pm

Since we're talking about gameplay pretty heavily already, and because the Drafts team considers this map ready for the Main, I bestow upon Goblin Tribes the Drafts stamp.

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Re: Goblin Tribes v8 poll more territs? pg 1 & 5

Postby squishyg on Sun Jun 14, 2009 8:30 pm

Woo hoo! Congrats on your stamp!

p.s. I voted for 2 in fangs and 2 in bloods. I think fangs has to have more territories or it become a real easy way to gain a small bonus in a game where the other "continents" have a lot of territories.
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Re: Goblin Tribes v8 poll more territs? pg 1 & 5

Postby iancanton on Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:13 am

moved into the foundry proper.

ian. :)
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