by TheKidsTrumpet on Tue Apr 14, 2009 8:31 pm
Game: 4569384
Target: Ahote
Excuse: I am sorry Boss, I have failed thee. I had a great thing going, I had Central Scotland locked and was closing in on destroying my mark; however, a, what I had assumed to be, minor setback with my family caused me to miss a turn, that minor missed turn turned into a huge one and became my inevitable downfall. Rickster went on a killing spree, cutting at my ankles eventually dealing me a near lethal blow, stranding me on the Orkney Islands and forcing me to go into hiding or hand Rickster the game. Ahote made a smart play in warning me that Rickster was close and sending him on a wild goose chase while I regained strength but my trust in Ahote gave him the game. I'm sorry Boss, I will keep my head straight next time if given the chance, family is important but I need the job to support that family, I won't let them get in the way again. My future is in your hands. Thank you for the opportunity to do business with you.
Personal Best:
2344Winner of:
Championship Series: Arms Race Redemption Pt. 1 Doubles Champion Initech XXV: Olympic Games w/Gilligan