Conquer Club

Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

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Moderator: Community Team

Do you think Flame Wars should return?

Poll ended at Fri Apr 10, 2009 4:24 am

Yes - We have to have somewhere to share our honest and brutal opinion about other members
Maybe - I didn't really care before, but all this hype about it being gone is annoying me, so I kind of want it back just to shut them up
Maybe - I didn't mind it before but now that it's gone, I am kind of liking the idea of it not coming back
No - Good riddance! Let it dieeeee. It was unnecessary and caused more problems than it solved.
Other - Please state opinion in a reply!!
Total votes : 114

Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby Timminz on Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:46 pm

GENERAL STONEHAM wrote:post as if you're walking on thin ice.

...with a sledgehammer.
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby Gerazan on Tue Apr 07, 2009 3:08 pm

Im part of the reason flame wars was shut down. Too much denegration of muslims and gays.

Thats the world nowadays, were all living under a bubble with every little thing about you known to the world and big daddy controller there waiting to whop you with the ruler.

You know! People can still klik on my old posts so you guys may want to delete all those too. :ugeek:
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby mpjh on Tue Apr 07, 2009 3:34 pm

You give yourself too much credit. Maybe that is why you have trouble with Muslims and gays.
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby Timminz on Tue Apr 07, 2009 4:03 pm

mpjh wrote:You give yourself too much credit. Maybe that is why you have trouble with Muslims and gays.

Come on now. I'm sure his 75 posts are the main reason Flame Wars has been removed.
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby LED ZEPPELINER on Tue Apr 07, 2009 7:28 pm

I will say this as clearly as I can...

I didn't spend much, or any time in Flame Wars, but when i did decide to check it out here and there, I just found a lot of spam that didn't have any point. Honestly I could care less about flame wars, but I am glad it is gone. but why is peace and love gone?
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby Timminz on Tue Apr 07, 2009 7:35 pm

LED ZEPPELINER wrote:but why is peace and love gone?

Because it was a joke.
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby whitestazn88 on Tue Apr 07, 2009 8:22 pm

i'd like to see flame wars come back so that people who do need to vent in an obscene way can do so without ruining my forum experience
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby mpjh on Tue Apr 07, 2009 8:25 pm

I suggest they learn to vent in private, or to someone who cares.
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby whitestazn88 on Tue Apr 07, 2009 8:33 pm

mpjh wrote:I suggest they learn to vent in private, or to someone who cares.

understandable. but at the same time, this is a competitive game, and occasionally, shouldn't you be able to trash talk your opponents?
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby LED ZEPPELINER on Tue Apr 07, 2009 9:11 pm

mpjh wrote:I suggest they learn to vent in private, or to someone who cares.

i agree, if they needed to vent, why do it on Conquer Club on a public forum. I would hope that most peeole hear would have friends that they could vent to themselves
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby Woodruff on Tue Apr 07, 2009 9:26 pm

whitestazn88 wrote:
mpjh wrote:I suggest they learn to vent in private, or to someone who cares.

understandable. but at the same time, this is a competitive game, and occasionally, shouldn't you be able to trash talk your opponents?

See, that's the problem...trash talk does NOT need to include insults and inflammation. A GOOD trash-talker can insult his opponent without having to resort to abusive and repellant language. Trash-talking is fun. What most of these yahoos do is not's simply abuse for the sake of abuse.
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby MoB Deadly on Tue Apr 07, 2009 9:56 pm

I don't really care either way, I never even looked at the flame wars forum before, but a usergroup sounds like a good compromise to me, that way people who dont want to see flame wars don't need to, but people who want it can have it. Just my two cents..
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby owenator on Wed Apr 08, 2009 12:10 am

hmmm....perhaps I'm a little out of touch with what's going on. So, "flame wars" has been entirely removed, for what reason? And so, if members wanted to simply vent out their dislike for another member, how do we go about doing this? Because, if we simply posted something (if possible) on that player's wall, or even PM them, it would be construed as possible harassment. I think part of being a competitive player is to show a 'human' side to us, by simply expressing our discontent with someone. How else would I get the wonderful opportunity to call someone a "douche-bag" - and yes, that is my favorite word.
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby Robinette on Wed Apr 08, 2009 12:26 am

A Brief History of Flame...

Caveman discovers fire, and many stories are told around it... and it was good...

But often the fires would burn out of control... and this was bad...

Much was lost to flames, despite the brave volunteers who tried to contain them...

So Hell was created in order to give the flames a place to be....

But hell's gates were open, and the evil flames did pour forth throughout the land...

So a plan was crafted, and the forces of good and evil were soon to meet...

In the end, the flames of hell were nuked...

And we were once again able to fight each other in peace...
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby King_Herpes on Wed Apr 08, 2009 12:39 am

owenator wrote:hmmm....perhaps I'm a little out of touch with what's going on. So, "flame wars" has been entirely removed, for what reason? And so, if members wanted to simply vent out their dislike for another member, how do we go about doing this? Because, if we simply posted something (if possible) on that player's wall, or even PM them, it would be construed as possible harassment. I think part of being a competitive player is to show a 'human' side to us, by simply expressing our discontent with someone. How else would I get the wonderful opportunity to call someone a "douche-bag" - and yes, that is my favorite word.

Sorry Owen, we just can't say those things any more. As a whole, we are undergoing a metamorphosis. We are shedding from our Conquer Club caterpillar-like shells into the beautiful butterfly better known as Cordial Club. Here we will all eventually use feminine products in our hairs and sit with our legs crossed. We will meet formally, then discuss our differences with civility and compassion in between frequent bathroom breaks. However, we will not say a word before insisting due compliments about each others latest perfumes and jewelries. So instead of this primitive crass and cyber bullying, we will learn to be more passive in nature by talking over our misunderstandings at the latest Tupperware party!
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby owenator on Wed Apr 08, 2009 12:40 am

Robinette wrote:A Brief History of Flame...

Caveman discovers fire, and many stories are told around it... and it was good...

But often the fires would burn out of control... and this was bad...

Much was lost to flames, despite the brave volunteers who tried to contain them...

So Hell was created in order to give the flames a place to be....

But hell's gates were open, and the evil flames did pour forth throughout the land...

So a plan was crafted, and the forces of good and evil were soon to meet...

In the end, the flames of hell were nuked...

And we were once again able to fight each other in peace...

Thanks - not sure if that was a story with a "happy ending" <insert innuendo's>. Sounds like an intro for a movie, or a sequel.
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby KLOBBER on Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:19 am

The Flame Wars forum catered to the worst element on this site, and they know who they are. It allowed a bunch of "losers" to wallow in the unhealthy illusion that they were somehow "winners."

As the poll clearly states, NORMAL people didn't appreciate Flame Wars, and it was a good decision to get rid of it. The next step is to get rid of the unfortunate individuals whose base mentalities match the outdated Flame Wars mood. Again, they know who they are.

It was also a brilliant move to temporarily replace it with the "Peace & Love" forum, starting on April Fools' Day -- a very appropriately-named day to make a move on that particular forum -- sheer genius!
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby azezzo on Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:22 am

Timminz wrote:
azezzo wrote:
Mr Changsha wrote:I'd imagine that the CC 'powers that be' are relying on the fact that a very small minority of users even notice, never mind care about, flamewars.

They are probably right on this.

In terms of customer service though it did come across as immature, weak and, to be perfectly honest about it, sneaky.

same as the way they got rid of the old feedback system

Not at all. There was a much more public lead-up to the removal of feedback. The removal of FW was only seen coming by a few people. Feedback was known to be a goner by almost all forum-goers.

well i was neither reading the forums nor posting back then, my point being that against public opinion they, C.C. does some stupid shit.
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby obliterationX on Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:00 am

KLOBBER wrote:The Flame Wars forum catered to the worst element on this site, and they know who they are. It allowed a bunch of "losers" to wallow in the unhealthy illusion that they were somehow "winners."

As the poll clearly states, NORMAL people didn't appreciate Flame Wars, and it was a good decision to get rid of it. The next step is to get rid of the unfortunate individuals whose base mentalities match the outdated Flame Wars mood. Again, they know who they are.

Your post is ridden with hypocrisy. You're telling me that you don't consider a farming, arrogant, trolling player to be a bad one? It's pretty obvious, judging by your attitude to others on the site, that you are, indeed, one of those "losers" that you mentioned. Also, in case you happen to be under the illusion that you yourself are a "winner", there's no "winning" in farming. It's clear for all to see that you are an individual blinded by arrogance, and an individual that can't seem to grasp your lowly classlessness. It's a hypocritical statement of epic proportions for you to consider yourself "normal", and actually to refer to others as ab-normal!
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby KLOBBER on Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:06 am

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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby obliterationX on Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:07 am

KLOBBER wrote:lol

Seriously, is that all? :( Juice it up, Klobber!
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby Joodoo on Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:08 am

KLOBBER wrote:lol

TheSaxlad wrote:The Dice suck a lot of the time.

And if they dont suck then they blow.

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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby KLOBBER on Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:39 am

obliterationX wrote:
KLOBBER wrote:lol

Seriously, is that all? :( Juice it up, Klobber!


Flaming is a thing of the past on this site, and I, for one, am 100% on-board with this decision.

Go play a game or something.
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby salr15 on Wed Apr 08, 2009 12:08 pm

King_Herpes wrote:
Sorry Owen, we just can't say those things any more. As a whole, we are undergoing a metamorphosis. We are shedding from our Conquer Club caterpillar-like shells into the beautiful butterfly better known as Cordial Club. Here we will all eventually use feminine products in our hairs and sit with our legs crossed. We will meet formally, then discuss our differences with civility and compassion in between frequent bathroom breaks. However, we will not say a word before insisting due compliments about each others latest perfumes and jewelries. So instead of this primitive crass and cyber bullying, we will learn to be more passive in nature by talking over our misunderstandings at the latest Tupperware party!


You left out, after the party is over, the mods will do a night cap of a good old game of ookie cookie.
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by jalen45
on Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:47 pm

Hyasri wrote:Dont panic, I am here and active :)

Just taking my time to get familiar with everything rather than just rushing in and making some rash decisions.
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby salr15 on Wed Apr 08, 2009 12:21 pm

KLOBBER wrote:The Flame Wars forum catered to the worst element on this site, and they know who they are. It allowed a bunch of "losers" to wallow in the unhealthy illusion that they were somehow "winners."

As the poll clearly states, NORMAL people didn't appreciate Flame Wars, and it was a good decision to get rid of it. The next step is to get rid of the unfortunate individuals whose base mentalities match the outdated Flame Wars mood. Again, they know who they are.

It was also a brilliant move to temporarily replace it with the "Peace & Love" forum, starting on April Fools' Day -- a very appropriately-named day to make a move on that particular forum -- sheer genius!

Wait, wait, wait...this is coming from the guy who created a thread called "Honeycombs" and spent tremendous amount of time coming up with and absurd idea which forever has been labelled as "abandoned". You, my little gimp, are THE definition of a loser.


It is an honor and a privilege to be on your list of "losers" and "abnormal" people. Just for shits and giggles, could you give us the list of your "normal" and "cool" people?
i still suck cock for a living

by jalen45
on Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:47 pm

Hyasri wrote:Dont panic, I am here and active :)

Just taking my time to get familiar with everything rather than just rushing in and making some rash decisions.
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