Jesse, Bad Boy wrote:I wouldn't like it, but I wouldn't lose my mind, it's just a long overdue swing of the political pendulum. I am libertarian, but I think Ron Paul will have my vote.
It's not a overdue swing of the pendulum. No swing of the pendulum is ever 'overdue.' The nation does what it wants, f*ck the individual. We are all part of a mob. While we sit here with our individual parties and our individual politics and our individual principles, we gladly gob together into massive mobs and vote for the next weak-kneed, ineffective fuckwit who bests sells his particular brand of bullshit.
Allow me to quote Spider Jerusalem, as he sat in a dingy alleyway, surrounded by homeless, hopeless people who had been rejected by the Nation:
"While you all get hard-ons about the New President and New America, and imagine that the next four years will be blindingly, luminously different from the last four years and the last few centuries and everything will be made right and there's nothing more important than tax cuts and tits in the movies--
--be advised. This, too, is New America. The people living here are living in America too."
And another quote:
"Just a little reminder: when I talk about the doomed, the scum, the people who no longer give a shit, the people who look away from the pain in the streets, the people who don't care who runs the country....
....when I talk about the filth of the city....
....I'm talking about you."
Harsh, direct, unkind. That's how it is.
Initiate discovery! Fire the Machines! Throw the switch Igor! THROW THE F***ING SWITCH!