reggie_mac wrote:I had something similar a we while back, if you uninstall it from grease monkey, and make sure to tick the box saying 'Also uninstall associated preferences' then reinstall it should come back ok.
Thanks, reggie_mac. Yes between versions it is possible for new features to require additional persistent data which may require uninstalling associated preferences for a clean scan. Persistent data is used to avoid constantly fully rescanning all games (which no doubt people would complain about). Unfortunately it is tiresome enough working on this tool without the Herculean effort it would take to put the additional mountain of code to avoid users occasionally having to uninstall associated preferences. Add to that this kind of problem has been answered and solved no end of times in exactly the same way with no bug fix required whatsoever and you'll see what I mean by the use of the word 'tiresome'.
I could do without the screenshots unless the associated preferences uninstallation has already been attempted as well.