Conquer Club

WorldFitz Dubs Tourney IV [Winners: Nephilim & AAFitz]

Tournaments completed in 2009.

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WorldFitz Dubs Tourney IV [Winners: Nephilim & AAFitz]

Postby AAFitz on Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:25 am

This one is another Mini WorldFitz Dubs Tourney that will lead to a WorldFitz Tourney winner tournament. After enough of these, the winners from these will be given the opportunity to play a tourney against each other, once enough are completed.
((I dont have the full details though))

The games settings will be as follow:
World 2.1
4 Player DOUBLES
UNLIMiTED Reinforcements

There will be 8 teams. Order of Play on this one will be by score Highest score plays lowest score, etc 1v8, 2v7 3v6 4vs5

There will be 3 rounds. In Round one, 4 teams will win. In round two 2 teams will win. In round 3 the winner will be decided by 3 games

Open to all premium players.

Score Rank and Links to players:
4 AAFitz & Nephilim
5 negoeien & riazor
2 blitzaholic & big whiskey
3 aliakber1001 & JCking
1 Seulessliathan & kratos644
6 Dragon Dor and pascalleke
7 LFAW and Moneymatt
8 Lootifer and Zivel


* GAME 1: Game 4467456

GAMEWINNER Seulessliathan & kratos644
TEAM B Lootifer and Zivel

* GAME 2: Game 4467455

GAME WINNER blitzaholic & big whiskey
TEAM D LFAW and Moneymatt

* GAME 3: Game 4467454

TEAM E aliakber1001 & JCking
TEAM F GAME WINNER pascalleke & Dragon Dor

* GAME 4: Game 4467451

GAME WINNER AAFitz & nephilim
TEAM H negoeien & riazor


* GAME 1: Game 4467450

TEAM A Seulessliathan & kratos644
TEAM B Dragon Dor and pascalleke

* GAME 2: Game 4467448

TEAM C blitzaholic & big whiskey
TEAM D AAFitz & nephilim

* FINAL GAMES 1, 2, 3: Game 4579632 Game 4579631 Game 4579630

TEAM AAAFitz & nephilim
TEAM BSeulessliathan & kratos644 Game 4579632
Last edited by AAFitz on Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:57 pm, edited 51 times in total.
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Re: Word Fitz Dubs Tourney IV

Postby negoeien on Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:31 am

me and riazor will most likely join please reserve us a spot, I am wxaiting for confirmation
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Re: Word Fitz Dubs Tourney IV [2 out of 8 teams]

Postby Blitzaholic on Wed Mar 11, 2009 1:57 pm

blitzaholic + big whiskey
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Re: Word Fitz Dubs Tourney IV [2 out of 8 teams]

Postby aliakber1001 on Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:05 pm

sign up akber and jcking
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Re: Word Fitz Dubs Tourney IV [3 out of 8 teams]

Postby Seulessliathan on Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:04 pm

kratos and seul
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Re: Word Fitz Dubs Tourney IV [3 out of 8 teams]

Postby kratos644 on Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:05 pm

Seulessliathan wrote:kratos and seul

kratos644 ;)
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Re: Word Fitz Dubs Tourney IV [5 out of 8 teams]

Postby dragon dor on Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:11 am

[*]Dragon and pascalleke
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Re: Word Fitz Dubs Tourney IV [6 out of 8 teams]

Postby AAFitz on Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:04 pm

players updated
I'm Spanking Monkey now....err...I mean I'm a Spanking Monkey now...that shoots milk
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Re: Word Fitz Dubs Tourney IV [5 out of 8 teams]

Postby kratos644 on Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:14 pm

dragon dor wrote:[*]Dragon and pascalleke

Dor you're confusing all the T.O.'s please use your full username when signing up for a tournament. Some inexperienced T.O.s don't think to look ;)

In conclusion this part is for Fitz
"Dragon" meant dragon dor not dragon.
Thought I'd help you out ;)
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Re: Word Fitz Dubs Tourney IV [5 out of 8 teams]

Postby AAFitz on Thu Mar 12, 2009 9:43 pm

kratos644 wrote:
dragon dor wrote:[*]Dragon and pascalleke

Dor you're confusing all the T.O.'s please use your full username when signing up for a tournament. Some inexperienced T.O.s don't think to look ;)

In conclusion this part is for Fitz
"Dragon" meant dragon dor not dragon.
Thought I'd help you out ;)

Confusing may be a strong word... If I typed his name up there, I may have just abreviated it too. The only reason I may have typed out the whole thing, is because I provided the link for the account...thanks though...If I had to have them all set up perfectly to copy. :D

Also..your partner seems to have done the same thing ;)

Dragon wont show anyways... he only has one game played... : )
Last edited by AAFitz on Fri Mar 13, 2009 8:27 am, edited 3 times in total.
I'm Spanking Monkey now....err...I mean I'm a Spanking Monkey now...that shoots milk
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Re: Word Fitz Dubs Tourney IV [6 out of 8 teams]

Postby LFAW on Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:34 am

LFAW and Moneymatt

Leaders of IB will pwn.
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Re: WorldFitz Dubs Tourney IV [7 out of 8 teams]

Postby Woolfman on Fri Mar 13, 2009 3:29 pm

Woolfman & 12XU would like to join
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Re: Word Fitz Dubs Tourney IV [5 out of 8 teams]

Postby kratos644 on Fri Mar 13, 2009 3:36 pm

AAFitz wrote:
kratos644 wrote:
dragon dor wrote:[*]Dragon and pascalleke

Dor you're confusing all the T.O.'s please use your full username when signing up for a tournament. Some inexperienced T.O.s don't think to look ;)

In conclusion this part is for Fitz
"Dragon" meant dragon dor not dragon.
Thought I'd help you out ;)

Confusing may be a strong word... If I typed his name up there, I may have just abreviated it too. The only reason I may have typed out the whole thing, is because I provided the link for the account...thanks though...If I had to have them all set up perfectly to copy. :D

Also..your partner seems to have done the same thing ;)

Dragon wont show anyways... he only has one game played... : )

I realize my partner did the same thing so I corrected him ;)
Maybe it didn't confuse you Fitz but it sure confused the hell outta JR24 :lol:
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Re: WorldFitz Dubs Tourney IV [7 out of 8 teams]

Postby AAFitz on Fri Mar 13, 2009 4:03 pm

Woolfman wrote:Woolfman & 12XU would like to join

12X2 isnt premium, and has no open game slots right now...

ok, got your pm, ill try to let you know when the next one is...but if you find a partner, come on back.
I'm Spanking Monkey now....err...I mean I'm a Spanking Monkey now...that shoots milk
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Re: WorldFitz Dubs Tourney IV [7 out of 8 teams]

Postby Zivel on Sat Mar 14, 2009 5:12 am

Lootifer and Zivel please... nubs but keen :)
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Re: WorldFitz Dubs Tourney IV [ONGOING: GAMES SENT]

Postby AAFitz on Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:35 am

Games have been sent. All have 48 hours to join. Enjoy, and Good Luck!
I'm Spanking Monkey now....err...I mean I'm a Spanking Monkey now...that shoots milk
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Re: WorldFitz Dubs Tourney IV [Winners: Nephilim & AAFitz]

Postby AAFitz on Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:58 pm

Thanks all for a fun tourney guys...perhaps I will see you in the next one...certainly I will pm you when I set it up

I'm Spanking Monkey now....err...I mean I'm a Spanking Monkey now...that shoots milk
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