Conquer Club

GameZZone: Starcraft [Winner: Bones2484]

Tournaments completed in 2009.

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Postby amazzony on Thu Feb 05, 2009 3:55 pm

thekidstrumpet wrote:I will help ya out ZZ and sign up as a reserve. =)

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Re: GameZZone: Starcraft [Starting February 9th][Reserves?]

Postby keiths31 on Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:20 pm

Put me down as a reserve if you are still looking for reserves ZZ
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Postby amazzony on Sat Feb 07, 2009 8:43 am

keiths31 wrote:Put me down as a reserve if you are still looking for reserves ZZ

"Identify yourself!"

Trying to say that yes, of course, always taking reserves just in case :D
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Re: GameZZone: Starcraft [Starting February 9th][Reserves?]

Postby KidWhisky on Sat Feb 07, 2009 4:30 pm

Bones2484 wrote:Woooohooo!!

It's almost time for my zerg rush!

Oh I hated the zerg rush...just a little more time......I could defend with just a little more time....Aahhhhhh.....and here I am in the lobby again.
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Postby amazzony on Sun Feb 08, 2009 1:33 pm

"Standin' by."

Like posted before, groups have been made and all the needed info for part one has been posted to the forums (page one, post five). To make finding necessary info easier, I've created an index on the top of first page where I've linked my posts. Hopefully it will help you find things easier and you have to do less scrolling for it (I know it'll help me).

I will try to explain things both in PMs and in this thread so confusion would be minimal because it's a bit more complicated tournament and not an average play+lose/win. Nevertheless, I'm sure that things that seem simple to me, might not be for you so never hesitate to ask when something is on your mind and I'll try to explain it. If possible, use this thread as much as possible because then everybody can see the answers. Of course, posting your "shopping"-wishes will be done through PM but about that later when there's need for it (probably at the end of part one because before that you don't need to decide anything).

I've asked privileges and though it is not 9th yet then I will setup the games today because somehow I managed to mix up dates and thought that 9th will be Sunday. So, fingers crossed that Gilligan comes online soon :mrgreen:
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UPDATE - GameZZone: Starcraft

Postby amazzony on Sun Feb 08, 2009 2:51 pm

"Jacked up and good to go"

I got privileges a bit ago and started first games. First games will be sent out shortly. Right now, everything is simple. You'll get 5 games per week (might be a batch per 10 days, really depends how games move and how I find time) and after all 20 games for each group (changed the names of them, BTW) have finished, I'll calculate your earned resources and then you'll put them in use - more about it when time is right.

Let the games begin and hopefully we'll have a fun tournament!

Your GameMaster,

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UPDATE - GameZZone: Starcraft

Postby amazzony on Tue Feb 10, 2009 5:32 pm

"Ahh... That's the stuff!"

All games are active! No reserves needed right now. 2nd batch will be sent out on 17th February because...

My CC time will be very hectic until February 17th so I most likely won't update tournaments before that date.

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Re: GameZZone: Starcraft [Part 1 - Batch 1]

Postby Natewolfman on Fri Feb 13, 2009 11:03 am

Receiving transmission.

Good day, commander.

Is something burning?

Never know what hit 'em.

I win 3 of my games 8-)
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Re: GameZZone: Starcraft [Part 1 - Batch 1]

Postby n00blet on Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:53 pm

Natewolfman wrote:I win 3 of my games 8-)
I won I get a cookie?
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UPDATE - GameZZone: Starcraft

Postby amazzony on Tue Feb 17, 2009 1:46 pm

No cookies but you will get your earned resources when I have more time for updates. Might not happen before all 4 batches have ended because there's no need for the data before though I understand that you'd probably want it before. We'll see how I find time.

"Systems functional."

We'll be moving on to batch 2 of part 1. I'll make games shortly and send out to each group. Lets keep it as smooth as batch 1. Third batch will come in 7-8 days.
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UPDATE - GameZZone: Starcraft

Postby amazzony on Thu Feb 19, 2009 4:10 pm

Reminder sent, hoping all games to begin in the next couple of days (trying to bring in a reserve fast if needed because I don't want game load for players to go too high - several batches played at the same time).
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UPDATE - GameZZone: Starcraft

Postby amazzony on Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:28 am

"Strap yourselves in boys!"

I've made batch 3 games and I'll send them out soon. I think by the time these games end, most of batch 2 is finished so there's not too many games at once.

Sadly I don't have time to update the standings and gather the points so it will most likely happen when all games have finished. Don't worry, I'll give enough time for calculating and deciding what to build :)

Also, I'll be having a hectic couple of weeks so not sure when last batch of part 1 gets sent out but hopefully in the next 10 days (no guarantees though).
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Re: GameZZone: Starcraft [Part 1 - Batches 2 & 3]

Postby slickstick on Sat Feb 28, 2009 12:17 pm

won by slickstick
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Re: GameZZone: Starcraft [Part 1 - Batches 2 & 3]

Postby Vikermac on Sat Feb 28, 2009 4:52 pm

Game 4325596
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UPDATE - GameZZone: Starcraft

Postby amazzony on Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:51 pm

"I'm about to drop the hammer!"

Last batch of part 1 will be sent out shortly. Fortunately most games from previous batches have ended, only SCV group will have some more active games because they have been slower than others. I will try to start collecting resource info for this part but I don't know when I have time to post it all. Most likely I won't post it before batch 4 has also ended and I've collected the scoring from all part 1 games. Please be patient with me :)
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UPDATE - GameZZone: Starcraft

Postby amazzony on Fri Mar 06, 2009 6:31 am

"I told em I was claustrophobic, I gotta get outta here!"

It seems that we have 2 casualties in SCV group but I've given them 48 hours to join and if they haven't done it then I'll bring in replacements. Except SCV Batch 4, all other games are active without problems.
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UPDATE - GameZZone: Starcraft

Postby amazzony on Sun Mar 08, 2009 5:30 pm

"Checklist protocol initiated."

Check the scoreboard ;)
Took a bit under hour but first 3 batches have been translated into scoring. It seems that the system worked but it didn't see ahead what happens when somebody deadbeats the whole batch so carl2216 (or whoever takes his place in the tournament) is way behind when compared to others because of low Crystal amount.

I'm working on making SCV's last batch active but it might take some time to see what's going on with Spinal and how many reserves I need to bring in so please hang on :)

Also, so it would be clear - do not send me your actions yet. If you have questions then shoot and I'll try to explain but right now we are just waiting for batch 4 to end before we move on with the tournament.
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UPDATE - GameZZone: Starcraft

Postby amazzony on Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:52 am

In SCV group, dittoeevee8888 is taking the place of carl2216 who deadbeated out of his games in batch 3. Sadly she will get a bad set of points so if she declines the place (which I wouldn't keep against her) then I'll just message the next reserve until somebody agrees to join.

Spinal had personal emergency and therefore he didn't join the games before, now he is in games :)
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Re: GameZZone: Starcraft [Part 1 - Batch 4]

Postby Vikermac on Tue Mar 10, 2009 4:39 pm

Game 4384460 won by Vikermac.
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UPDATE - GameZZone: Starcraft

Postby amazzony on Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:54 pm

We're waiting on SCVs and some Ghosts to finish their games in batch 4. As soon as all of them have finished, I'll update scoreboard with all gained resources and then building the base can begin :) I've mentioned it before but I'd like to say it again that I will try to explain as well as possible how things must be done.
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UPDATE - GameZZone: Starcraft

Postby amazzony on Thu Mar 19, 2009 2:19 pm

"Research complete."

All Part 1 games have finished and I've made a complete update with the resources gathered. I'm quite sure that there aren't mistakes in it because I had automatic checks in excel that said that numbers were matching. Of course, it might be that I mixed up some points so if anybody wishes then re-check your score and send me the complaints in the next 48 hours, after that I won't be correcting anything even if a mistake slipped in. I will send everybody a message explaining how to send me your wishes of what you want to build. Please do not send me any messages before you've received one from me! Otherwise I'll be going insane. If you have any questions then PM them to me or post to this thread (better is posting here).

Everybody will have 3-4 days to answer me what they want to build and I'll take myself up to week to prepare next scoreboards and collect the data from you. So, next part begins at the end of March.

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Re: GameZZone: Starcraft [Part 1 - Building of Structures]

Postby KidWhisky on Sat Mar 21, 2009 12:01 am

I just have a quick question amazzony. Can we build buildings as well as units in the second round or only in the first? I didn't see it in the main post so though I would ask.
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Re: GameZZone: Starcraft [Part 1 - Building of Structures]

Postby n00blet on Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:05 pm

I have a question as well. Under the Troops spoiler, next to all of the units between cost and HP is, for example (1 Unit) or (3 Units).

Is this it's requirement of your Supply Depots, or will I get 6 Battlecruisers for the price of one? :twisted:
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Re: GameZZone: Starcraft [Part 1 - Building of Structures]

Postby amazzony on Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:21 pm

KidWhisky wrote:I just have a quick question amazzony. Can we build buildings as well as units in the second round or only in the first? I didn't see it in the main post so though I would ask.

In second round you can build everything, both units and buildings. In part 1, only buildings. I'll try to post it in the main post also.

n00blet wrote:I have a question as well. Under the Troops spoiler, next to all of the units between cost and HP is, for example (1 Unit) or (3 Units).

Is this it's requirement of your Supply Depots, or will I get 6 Battlecruisers for the price of one? :twisted:

It's "Supply spaces needed" :) So don't even dream about getting so many B-cruisers :P
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UPDATE - GameZZone: Starcraft

Postby amazzony on Wed Mar 25, 2009 2:48 pm

I've been busy and haven't had time to do it before but now finally collected all the data and sent out reminders to those who haven't messaged their purchases yet. I got several funny PMs, sadly don't have time to answer them but know that they are appreciated and make me laugh :D I do hope that I'll get rest of the actions in the next 2-3 days and we can move on soon.

Sorry about the delay!

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