Scoreboard has been updated!I think it's time to take another look at where we are standing so you wouldn't think that I'm slacking and not keeping my eye on the tournament
3-player eventsI'm glad to say that these 3 events move with nice speed and one event -
ATHLETICS - has finished. Therefore, we have our first finalist (finals consist of 2 rounds and when I say finalist right now then I mean the first round so it's almost like semi finals

), congrats to

Though, it will probably take months until we actually get to play finals so I hope that everybody who advance there will have patience to stick around. Other events,
CANOE/KAYAK are playing their 3rd and 4th game (out of 6).
4-player eventsThese events move also with great speed. 2 events have finished, congrats to
CaponeLegend (
musteriuz (
DIVING) who have advanced to finals!
GYMNASTICS are at games 3 and 4 (out of 4).
6-player eventsMODERN PENTATHLON,
TRIATHLON have finished all their games. For the sake of my mental health, I would like to start all 6-player 2nd Qualifying games at the same time but if remaining events haven't ended by February then I will move on with the 4 events mentioned.
SWIMMING is waiting on one game to finish (
Game 3747045) but
SHOOTING has overall 14 games that need to either finish or reach round 66 before 1st Qualifying round of that event can be counted as closed. Good thing is that all games are active and at least in round 20 but as they are no spoils games then it takes time for them to finish.
8-player eventWaiting on 2 games to finish and I'm hoping it will happen in a week or two. As soon as they end, we'll start with next qualifying round.
Edit. 3rd post on page 1 has been updated with medals for event winners