the war will consist of:
10 singles
10 dubs
10 trips
10 quads
Good luck all, but especially to

Moderator: Clan Directors
sHo0t4u wrote:Looks like the Lunatics are gonna play shy and not say anything.
sHo0t4u wrote:Looks like the Lunatics are gonna play shy and not say anything. Must be scared of usDont worry guys we'll take it easy on ya
ewok6769 wrote:Didnt know there was a thread for this .... Good Luck guys .. And good luck owning us too !!!
Hoodoo Operator wrote:So there's been some great matchups thus far! This has been a pretty even clan war almost through round 1.
Hoodoo Operator wrote:I guess I just want to ask Calidrmr if he's going to be keeping the game updates? You already made the great spreadsheet for the I was hoping you were going to carry that on and keep it up to date round by round. You seem to know what you're doing, and you've already got everybody plugged if you keep the score....I do not have a problem with that.
Hoodoo Operator wrote:Anyway....the Lunatics are working on their Round 2 strategies. We're ready for some more black on black crime!
The Hoodoo Operator
ewok6769 wrote:please tell malealphathree to stop asking what the secret is ..... if he hasnt figured it out by now its too late !!!!
Smokingdude420 wrote:DEATH TO ALL WHO OPPOSE ME!!!!!
Calidrmr wrote:WOOT!!! update on page 1...the score is tied...are we ready to start round 3?
Juan_Bottom wrote:Seriously? How are we tied? Those guys play like a bunch of weenies!
Edit: Wait? It's 11-8, not 7-7? In that case, how are they doing so well, they play like a bunch of weenies!!!
jpcloet wrote:PM me if you have any questions or need some tricks.
Clan the rapist
jpcloet wrote:The pictures are confusing, as a suggestion, look at other clan war threads for examples. Sometimes simplicity is genius.
Just 2 examples, but I think you'll get the idea. PM me if you have any questions or need some tricks.
Hoodoo Operator wrote:Juan_Bottom, how do you like your weenies?
Hoodoo Operator wrote:Another thing Juan_Bottom, are you still running on an Apple IIE? When was the last time anyone had to use an underscore to separate words?
Calidrmr sheets aren't going away tho...i like them for keeping track of who is actually playing in the games and the what maps & settings work best for us...i will just keep them for clan use...& yeh...i changed the title to keep track of the score on the thread name so you can just look & know where we are...
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