Yes, I would enjoy very much, receiving the CC Newsletter.
I have a suggestion. -Why can't you just pm the newsletter to every CC member. You can include an un-subscribe option if you like. There are roughly 20,000 CC members, but I see only 50 or so names here. I believe that All new members, should automatically be signed up to receive it. This one simple action would do more good for this site, than anything I can think of. CC needs to become more user-friendly. Most new sign-ups do not even know how to sign up for a game. This newsletter will go a long way to help those newbies to acclimate to the workings of this site.
This will also have the effect of adding many more new faces to the forums, and CC could see a better representation from its members on all of the issues that are discussed and polled. As it stands now, all I see, are the same small group of people arguing back and forth. And while it is sometimes fun to jump in and throw a few punches myself, I see no real progress taking place. There are 20,000 members, and this continuing battle of 50 or so, is NOT a true representation of the members of Conquer Club.