Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team
takman2k wrote:give me a break u2, ill wait for admin to reply on this... You cant spin this around, he said it, he should pay for it.
19:33:19 ‹Kotaro› takman2k, you're the most hilarious person
16/02/2009 19:33:25 ‹theusual1›](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)
16/02/2009 19:33:27 * God Emperor Q quit (timeout)
16/02/2009 19:33:28 ‹Kotaro› If I was by you right now, i'd punch you in the arm
Kotaro wrote:I HAVE A CONFESSION TO MAKE19:33:19 ‹Kotaro› takman2k, you're the most hilarious person
16/02/2009 19:33:25 ‹theusual1›](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)
16/02/2009 19:33:27 * God Emperor Q quit (timeout)
16/02/2009 19:33:28 ‹Kotaro› If I was by you right now, i'd punch you in the arm
I threatened him too. BAD KOTARO
jpcloet wrote:Just foe him an move on.
I think the kicker is "if this was rl" which clearly this is not.
Kotaro wrote:hahaha
A threat is when he is declaring purpose to take action.
this is not a threat, kid.
takman2k wrote: Theres legal issues that could be pursued but i believe hes not old enough (mind and how many years on this earth) to realize that was a REAL threat.
takman2k wrote:he said that out of the blue... stuck his nose in my PEACEFUL conversation in chat. Hes been trying to rock me since Aug 08, DAILY!
takman2k wrote:02:29:01 ‹cena-rules› Id like to personally apologise if you felt threatened, it was not my intention
I humbly accept your appology. One condition... dont be such a stinker anymore, please?
Gilligan wrote:I'M SO GOOD AT THIS GAME
My stepmom locked the bathroom door
So I opened the lock with my shoelace
takman2k wrote:Lock please
Moved on
Im done
Still slightly ticked... I mean count the months... at LEAST July 08, to Feb 09, you cant talk to the person without getting borderline ok/bad injections. Hes Foed, and im not going to waste time on a chat iggy that doesnt work. The program works, the intent doesnt.
cena-rules wrote:all I have to say is it was not a threat, I just dont appreciate people tellings kids off for being kids. Ill foe tak and ignore him in chat.
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