Conquer Club

Olympic Tournament [WINNER: djelebert]

Tournaments completed in 2011.

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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby vtonic on Tue Dec 09, 2008 8:08 pm

i think a good way to prevent the players to do a silly move in order to find a winner it will be to set another game where the remaining players can play it and the winner of the game is the one thats qualifies to the next round..... this way it will be fair to all players in general..... obviously change the flat rate to escalating in that way the game we will avoid the long games and waiting for months. hope its a good idea in which no one gets affected and evertybody agrees..... thank you.
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby ctgottapee on Wed Dec 10, 2008 8:21 am

that is a valid suggestion

i would guess that the players who are doing well, the stronger positioned players, in current games would not like it as they have to give up their positions to start over basically.

games take a long time, just the reality of risk.
in the later rounds of the olympics, i would implement some policies to prevent games from going on forever
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Iron Maid on Thu Dec 18, 2008 1:17 pm

Hi you all!

I first would like to thank the person who gave me a 1 year Premium Membership. I unfortunately don't know his/her name. I only received the message Happy X-Mas!

I also wanna say sorry that I was on Conquer Club with multiple accounts. But I can assure you that I didn't use multiple accounts in this Tournament.

In third place I wanna thank ctgottapee for trying to save the Olympic Tournament.

In the time I was "banned" the Tourney went very slowly. So it probably will be easy for me to pick it up again.

Thanks again to the donor of the gift certificate.


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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby ctgottapee on Thu Dec 18, 2008 3:30 pm

welcome back Iron Maid

as you noted, since you've been gone the tourney has moved slowly with some big games trudging along

i detailed everything i did up to this point and there are updated standing with a near similar format to your main page a few posts back
i'd be happy to create the games for this and finish it out with your help

the only things i decided and will stand firm on is that i booted you from the tourney - i gave your spot away and i'm not going to take it back, however if one of the people in that next game don't show up when the time comes i'd say it would be ok to put you in as the first replacement. i also decided not to artificially end the current games as to not change the rules for games in progress and you had no rules stated for long running games; i don't think it is fair to change rules mid-game. as i did note in a prior post, when the actual olympic competition kicks off, some rules for long running games could be created then or other changes made as it is yet to start. i created a template of the olympic games in my update post so let me know if that is not the idea you had in mind.

i also killed the terminator tourney as i didn't have the data to complete the standings nor the rules you intended for it. if you want to tabulate the results and start that back up i'd be happy to create the games as you see fit.

welcome back
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UPDATE 2008-12-21

Postby Iron Maid on Sun Dec 21, 2008 4:01 am

After almost 3 months of absence I'm back for the updates. The Tournament is going slowly so the updates also.

The bottleneck is still the Q1 Sweden Game 2961953 which advanced into Round 166. Both Lufsen75 (SWE) and znoork (SWE) look strong as they receive 12 armies every turn. Colonel artur1 (SWE) with 6 armies each turn is silently waiting for the others to make a mistake.

Meanwhile the other two Qualifying Round 1 games came to an end.

The Q1 Spain Game 2963058 was won by General Hesoos (ESP) after 68 Rounds. He eliminated all 4 remaining players in a sneaky way as he slowly was growing in armies and territories. I think this style of playing has made him to the highest ranked player of the Tourney. He is the no. 13 at the moment on the Scoreboard.

GROND 2cd. (GER) will represent Germany in Stage 2 of the Qualifying as he won the Q1 Germany Game 2963767 in Round 48 on the 2nd of October. It was van osch (GER) who forced the decision in Round 47 as he eliminated Russian-German translator Katya (GER). After this he was too weak and became an easy prey for colonel GROND 2cd. (GER).

For the Q2 Europe Group 4 game we only have to wait now for the Swedish contestant.

So far the update of Qualifying Round 1. Updating on the Qualifying Round 2 games will be available later.

Maybe in 3 months again ;)
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UPDATE 2008-12-26

Postby Iron Maid on Fri Dec 26, 2008 9:41 am

Ho ho ho, merry X-mas everybody!

The Swedes are still boxing on Boxing Day as the Q1 Sweden Game 2961953 advanced to Round 173.

In Stage 2 the Q2 Canada Game 3250130 is in Round 79 now. 5 players are left in this game as Ottawa's major Bad Speler (CAN) eliminated im2good4theboard (CAN) in Round 9 and lieutenant tvanherk (CAN) in Round 28. In Round 14 captain elfcasino (CAN) ended the hopes of Thunder Bay's n8tius (CAN). Major Silver- (CAN) is currently the player receiving the most armies every turn as he holds the Tropics and Mexico.

The Q2 United States Game 3179711 was won by fellow organizer ctgottapee (USA) on October 13th. The action started here in Round 20 when captain Mr. Gix (USA) eliminated both Kent, WA.'s cougfan82 (USA) and just married MuEagles79 (USA). Later in the game Mr. Gix (USA) and sergeant Bboru (USA) were fighting eachother. ctgottapee (USA) was benefiting from this situation and eliminated Mr. Gix (USA) in Round 29 and Bboru (USA) in Round 33 to clinch the victory.

In Europe the Q2 Europe Group 1 Game 3205280 finished on the 1st of October after 31 rounds. French captain djelebert (FRA) won the game as he eliminated the other 3 remaining players in Round 25 (Croatia's Natali (CRO)), Round 30 (Poland's Master Yoda (POL)) and Round 31. The last opponent, Denmark's major Sovsotif (DEN) will join djelebert (FRA) in the Main Tournament.

The Q2 Europe Group 2 Game 3255909 is meanwhile in Round 65. 4 players left to fight for 2 Main Tourney spots. In Round 14 Bosnian povucimezakurac (BIH) was the first one to leave the game as he was eliminated by Sofia's captain eorg (BUL). One round later Bergen's duckers (NOR) eliminated Swiss sergeant Blondiech (SUI) after they had some hard fights with eachother. Round 59 became a memorable one as 2 players had to leave. London's Killakazooma (GBR) was kicked out for missing too many turns due to a holiday and Portuguese major lisbon101 (POR) was eliminated by Skopje's SalvatoreLuciano (MKD). Norway's duckers (NOR) is the strongest player on the map, but it can still take some time until some more action takes place in this game.
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby lexie3000 on Tue Dec 30, 2008 7:06 pm

Thanks, but I won't be continuing with it so you should look to the next leading player in my pool to replace me. I have concerns about Ironmaid's use of multiple accounts, but that aside, if i'd known all the games were going to be flatrate I wouldn't have entered. Escalating card sets would have been a better option for this tournament. They would have made the games far more dynamic and over a lot quicker.
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UPDATE 2009-01-02

Postby Iron Maid on Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:51 am

Happy New Year & the best wishes for 2009!

The first Main Tournament game has been created by co-host ctgottapee (USA). M1 Group A Game 3936441. I'm worried when the game will start as only 2 players joined already. New Zealand's lexie3000 (NZL) withdrawed and I will send No. 2 of the Q2 New Zealand Game 3302980 Pulinski (NZL) an invitation to replace him. The other 3 players will receive a reminder to join the game.

After this fact I will first give you the update of the Q2 New Zealand Game 3302980. Colonel lexie3000 (NZL) won the game in Round 34 on the 6th of November. The big action in this game started a month before when n8dog (NZL) eliminated cadet nomadicchris (NZL) in Round 7 and sergeant lkmgray (NZL) and major NewVEmpire (NZL) in Round 8. After that nothing happened for a long while. In Round 30 n8dog (NZL) forced the decision as he eliminated Captain Darling (NZL). After this the attacking started and in Round 32 corporal Pulinski (NZL) eliminated n8dog (NZL). After that lexie3000 (NZL) ended the game eliminating carpenter bazmac (NZL) in Round 33 and Pulinski (NZL) one turn later.
Last edited by Iron Maid on Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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UPDATE 2009-01-04

Postby Iron Maid on Sun Jan 04, 2009 1:34 pm

Well finally on the 2nd January the last Qualifying Stage 1 game finished. Unfortunately the Q1 Sweden Game 2961953 ended after 179 Rounds with the kicking out of lieutenant znoork (SWE) for missing too many turns. It was VƤrmdƶ's Lufsen75 (SWE) who won the game after he eliminated major artur1 (SWE) earlier in Round 178. It's a weird end but finally we have our last contestant for Qualifying Stage 2.
Last edited by Iron Maid on Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby ctgottapee on Mon Jan 05, 2009 12:10 am

sorry to see a quality player such as yourself go lexie, but congrats for making it as far as you did

as far as the multi conviction, i am still officially the moderated of this tourney so i wouldn't let anything like that happen. i removed iron from the tourney for it and he had no problem with it. since he has returned and made amends, i thought it best to allow him to run and finish the large tourney he created and managed very IMHO. only i can create the games.

as far as card style goes, that is just the way the tourney was set up. i prefer the strategy of flat rate cards myself. one may have to wait a while for another tourney game but there are plenty of other games and tournaments to compete in. so far only a few games have had this issue.

cheers and good luck to those in the new games

lexie3000 wrote:Thanks, but I won't be continuing with it so you should look to the next leading player in my pool to replace me. I have concerns about Ironmaid's use of multiple accounts, but that aside, if i'd known all the games were going to be flatrate I wouldn't have entered. Escalating card sets would have been a better option for this tournament. They would have made the games far more dynamic and over a lot quicker.
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UPDATE 2009-01-06

Postby Iron Maid on Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:06 am

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UPDATE 2009-01-06

Postby Iron Maid on Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:32 am

So finally Qualifying Stage 1 finished. I moved the results from Qualifying Stage 1 to the Archive at the bottom of the 1st post.

For Qualifying Stage 2 it's waiting now for Slovenian Pecka (SLO) and Greek psaxnoulis (GRE) to join the newly created Q2 Europe Group 4 Game 3967153. gisbert (NED) will take over the Netherlands spot from me, as I will respect the decision of fellow host ctgottapee (USA) to replace me during my banning-period. Nevertheless if I placed myself in one of the other Europe groups I could have finished my game and nothing was happened. But as gisbert (NED) was invited earlier for the abandoned Q2 Europe Group 4 game, it would be unfair to him not to let him join this time.

The Q2 Canada Game 3250130 meanwhile advanced to Round 86. 3 players are looking strong, elfcasino (CAN) in the North, Silver- (CAN) in the South and Bad Speler (CAN) in the Center of the map.
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UPDATE 2009-01-18

Postby Iron Maid on Sun Jan 18, 2009 8:58 am

The Tournament still slowly advances. The Q2 Canada Game 3250130 reached Round 95 with still no spectacular things happened.

On the 2nd of January the Q2 Europe Group 2 Game 3255909 ended with a victory for Bulgarian captain eorg (BUL). Things in this game all speeded up when Skopje's student SalvatoreLuciano (MKD) was kicked out in Round 67 for missing too many turns. After this Bulgarian eorg (BUL) and Hungarian MC Don Key (HUN) hit hard against Norwegian lieutenant duckers (NOR) who was at that time the strongest player on the map. In Round 72 eorg (BUL) eliminated duckers (NOR) to qualify with MC Don Key (HUN) for the Main Tournament. In Round 74 eorg (BUL) clinched the victory by taking out MC Don Key (HUN).
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:41 pm

wow, this is a massive tourney
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby ctgottapee on Fri Feb 06, 2009 10:50 pm

ironmaid, the main tourney first post doesn't have the Asia games updated with the winners; also need to add the 2nd main olympic tourney game to the list
'cHANCE favors the prepared mind' Louis Pasteur | Latest Tourney Wins:
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby JimMaWong on Sat Feb 14, 2009 7:45 am

ctgottapee wrote:ironmaid, the main tourney first post doesn't have the Asia games updated with the winners; also need to add the 2nd main olympic tourney game to the list

Yes could you update this please when you get a second, I thought I was out and was ready to abondon the tournament.

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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Iron Maid on Sun Feb 15, 2009 7:47 am

I know, still have to update these.

JimMaWong, you are still in!!

Before creating Group C of the Main Tournament, one of the 2 remaining European games, has to been finished.
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UPDATE 2009-02-15

Postby Iron Maid on Sun Feb 15, 2009 9:13 am

In Qualifying Stage 2, still 3 games are active.

The Q2 Canada Game 3250130 reached Round 120! After the famous Q1 Sweden Game 2961953 it is the 2nd game in the Tourney that reached over 100 rounds.

The 2nd active game in Qualifying Stage 2 is Q2 Europe Group 3 Game 3303053 in which 4 players are left after 91 Rounds. In Round 17 we had to say goodbye to the first player as Investor ronhugh (IRL) from Cork was eliminated by Austrian colonel speckknoedelsup (AUT). One round later Finland's Jantti85 (FIN) was the 2nd victim. He was eliminated by captain MEP (ITA) from Italy. In Round 34 Belgian gertvanreusel (BEL) was the player receiving the most armies as he held 20 territories and got the Scandinavia bonus. In the same Round khan73 (TUR) from Turkey started the attacking on Gert. In Round 50 it was Romania's tumpi (ROM) who ended the dreams of gertvanreusel (BEL). In Round 85 the last of player for the moment was eliminated. khan73 (TUR) became the 2nd victim of Austria's speckknoedelsup (AUT). At the moment it seems that there a lot of discussion about teaming up. I wonder how this ends.

The last active game in Qualifying Stage 2 is the Q2 Europe Group 4 Game 3967153. After Greek psaxnoulis (GRE) didn't join this game for the second time, I replaced him by myself (Iron Maid (NED)). At the moment 5 players are left and there is still action after 24 Rounds. German GROND 2cd. (GER) couldn't find a home and was the first to be eliminated in Round 6 by Dutch colonel gisbert (NED). In Round 15 Slovenian Pecka (SLO) was the next one to leave as VƤrmdƶ's Lufsen75 (SWE) took him out. drake_259 (GBR) from the UK followed in Round 19 as he was gisbert (NED)'s second victim. Estonian walar (EST) conquered his 3rd continent, but gisbert (NED) directly broke the bonus. Will these 2 players fight eachother now? Stay tuned, we will be back after the break.

Well finally the update on the Q2 Asia Group 3 Game 3192592 which ended on September 22nd of last year. :oops:
It was a very short game that lasted only 7 Rounds. Frenchman nykhone (SIN) who lives in Singapore eliminated all his opponents in this game. First easontai (MAS) from neighbor-country Malaysia, then Shai (ISR) from Israel, third one was Brit living in Thailand Didda (THA) and finally xiaotian (HKG) from Hong-Kong. nykhone (SIN) now already is active in the Main Tournament M1 Group B Game 4116215 in which he is among the last 3 players. Which, if not been kicking out for missing too many turns, is enough to qualify for the last 18. Runner-up xiaotian (HKG) was unfortunate as countryman Chariot of Fire (HKG) won his game (Game 3192533) and therefore will represent Hong-Kong in the Main Tournament. Like nykhone (SIN), Chariot of Fire (HKG) also would be with the last 18, as he is among the 3 last players of the M1 Group A Game 3936441. Thailand's Didda (THA) the No.3 of the game was granted a ticket to the Q2X Asia Play-Off Game 3322426 to fight for the 7th Asian spot in the Main Tournament.
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Falkomagno on Fri Feb 20, 2009 4:21 pm

This tourney is so awesome...pliz advice me when you start another tournament like this
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby ctgottapee on Sun Feb 22, 2009 2:50 am

nykhone wins Tournament Game: Olympic Tournament - M1 Group B with Sovsotif and ctgottapee (myself) riding along into the next round
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby ctgottapee on Fri Mar 13, 2009 8:44 am

man the battles in this tourney are long running

some action in: Game 3303053 [Round 91] Q2 Europe Group 3
2009-02-19 17:32:09 - Zemljanin eliminated speckknoedelsup from the game in round - 94

and another kill in: Game 3967153 [Round 24] Q2 Europe Group 4
2009-03-07 17:42:38 - Iron Maid eliminated gisbert from the game in round - 45

this game needs to be updated in the standings as it is finished:
Game 3192619 [Round 2] Q2 Asia Group 4 - on Asia map (qualification, see Asia)
X - (ISR) ifinci
X - (KOR) JimMaWong
X - (CHN) Shu
X - (SIN) anamainiacks
X - (IRI) goozook
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Iron Maid on Sun Mar 22, 2009 5:52 pm

Finally another game has ended. The Europe Group 3 game. I will soon (well, what is soon in this Tourney) contact gtgottapee to create the 3rd game in the Main Tournament.
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Hesoos on Thu Mar 26, 2009 1:32 pm

News in game Game 3967153

I think this game is ending
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Fri Mar 27, 2009 10:06 am

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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Iron Maid on Fri Mar 27, 2009 11:30 am

Thank you guys,

Games 3 & 4 of the Main Tournament are coming up. It's only waiting for Game 5 then as the Canada-game hasn't ended yet.
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