Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2008-09-09 17:21:02 - Iron Maid: Good luck all!
2008-09-09 17:35:12 - Olafsson: Finally I could join - Hope this will be a good game!
2008-09-09 17:49:25 - Master Yoda: gl all, finally began ;]
2008-09-09 18:28:17 - Natali: gl my fellow Europeans
2008-09-11 20:37:33 - djelebert: gl all
2008-09-21 09:48:57 - Master Yoda: Watch for pink or he beat us
2008-09-21 18:02:02 - Iron Maid: Well there is already 1 Frenchman in the Main Tourney
2008-09-21 18:02:43 - Iron Maid: nykhone a Frenchman living in Singapore just qualified for Singapore
2008-09-21 22:54:50 - djelebert: thanks for these messages everyone...... If you want me to loose, just tell me i stop to play.... ;-) lol
2008-09-22 17:03:15 - Master Yoda: heh, I just said that others were cautious and look what you're doing :P, because you're the strongest of us, and not to attack you with someone, everyone wants to win so I am not proposing any alliances to other players ;)
2008-09-22 17:22:52 - djelebert: no problem Master, i was joking! but i'm feeling like a target! ;-)
2008-09-22 21:27:03 - Master Yoda: so this is as it is on top :);p
2008-09-25 21:31:37 - djelebert: putain le vert a poutré et le orange a pris le sud....
2008-09-25 21:33:00 - djelebert: oops sorry was supposed to be self
2008-09-25 21:48:12 - Master Yoda: yes, me and green took your territories, so what ;> ?? :P
2008-09-28 16:40:39 - djelebert: scuse me Master Yoda, it's not personnal.
2008-09-28 17:47:57 - Master Yoda: nice, maybe now green with red see what will happens if they will continue to be passive in action against pink -.-
2008-09-28 18:03:39 - Sovsotif: well i want to stop purple
2008-09-28 18:03:54 - Sovsotif: but red keep picking on me
2008-09-28 19:50:23 - Natali: It's nothing personal, I just needed the cards.
2008-09-28 19:52:26 - Sovsotif: ok but i think you should look a purple now
2008-09-29 13:48:47 - Natali: He just decimated my largest army. :-(
2008-09-29 14:14:56 - Master Yoda: you had chance to attack him and now their no longer exists ;/
2008-09-29 19:04:22 - Natali: That was the plan, I moved armies from east to west Germany in order to attack, but he saw it and made thepremptive strike.
2008-09-30 10:24:22 - Master Yoda: green att Greece and not fortify it, okay? i'll try to att him if i have one more chance ;/
2008-09-30 20:20:03 - djelebert: gg natali
2008-09-30 20:59:30 - Sovsotif: orange, take some of the turkey country
2008-09-30 21:00:03 - Sovsotif: i have enough to protect you with mine on croatia
2008-09-30 21:02:04 - Master Yoda: green att sardinia and sicily if you can ;]
2008-09-30 21:02:26 - Master Yoda: ok ;]
2008-09-30 21:03:21 - Master Yoda: if i read it faster i will deploy all armies in spain, ehh ;/
2008-10-01 08:38:43 - Natali: Have you seen that Iron Maiden has been busted as a multi?
2008-10-01 15:19:50 - Sovsotif: orange: move your troops on turkey, than i will get some bonus
2008-10-01 15:20:01 - Sovsotif: wont take your away
2008-10-01 17:11:48 - Master Yoda: this time you must att his bonus: The West ;]
2008-10-01 18:15:53 - djelebert: i'm ok with your alliance... but it's too visible... frontier with only one guy is not in the spirit! ;-)
2008-10-01 20:41:16 - Master Yoda: maybe yeah but This was our last chance to achieve a balance
2008-10-01 21:00:15 - Sovsotif: think we have lost
2008-10-01 21:03:39 - Sovsotif: I think two will advance
2008-10-01 21:05:00 - djelebert: gg master yoda great strategy in alliance but, i had too really good dice this game, sorry of this
2008-10-01 21:06:47 - Sovsotif: gg djelebert, hope we both advance to next round
2008-10-01 21:07:09 - djelebert: gg all and for you Sovsotif, see you in the final i hope!
2008-10-01 21:07:18 - Sovsotif: from what i can see on the tournement plan, we will
2008-10-01 21:20:56 - Master Yoda: gg, congratulations, so i lost -.- ehh