Conquer Club

Buddy Jesus , calidus [Blocked]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]

Postby Beastly on Sat Jan 13, 2007 7:23 am

AK_iceman wrote:So, you think it's ok to make multiple accounts as long as they only play doubles together?

AndyDufresne wrote:For now, I'm going to BLOCK Buddy Jesus , calidus from playing together, and we'll see where to go from there.


I thought this meant they were cleared of MULTI... oops,... i guess it is still pending... and NO>..... i don't think its ok to make multiple accounts ever!!!
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Postby Buddy Jesus on Sat Jan 13, 2007 2:11 pm

not cleared... just not busted i guess. They're probably investigating it more, but I dunno, it seems pretty clear cut especially with that same second turn. I dunno, I just hope this turns out well
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Postby Beastly on Fri Jan 19, 2007 10:30 pm

AK_iceman wrote:So, you think it's ok to make multiple accounts as long as they only play doubles together?

so are they multi accounts KNOW IT ALL? they still haven't been busted :-^
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Postby Calidus on Thu Jan 25, 2007 9:41 pm

I guess that we're permanently blocked...pretty depressing, I'd enjoyed the doubles games we had played a lot and now I don't have a teammate. :( I guess that doing well and using unique strategies makes you a multi.
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Postby corner G on Thu Jan 25, 2007 10:16 pm

here's what I think. one, I don't think anyone would go that extream about cheating on a game website, and he has a good story too, and i believe it, and it's wrong to restrict them from playing with eachother. or if it's possible, only let them play team games, it's the right thing to do quoting the phrase "inocent until proven guilty" and in team games they/he/she wont cause any damage if they are multi's.

_consiter it_
Cynthia wrote:
Hitman079 wrote:i wonder when I'LL get quoted *sniffle* :cry:

same here :cry:
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Postby sully800 on Thu Jan 25, 2007 11:54 pm

Buddy Jesus wrote:so what are the chances this gets resolved soon?

I don't know if it will get resolved or not, but I think you guys look innocent to me, it just seems like you may have taken each others turns a bit too often. Doing that is fine when a person won't be able to access a computer, but between the 3rd and 13th of January, you guys shared turns (or played at each other's houses) every day. Sometimes Buddy takes turns for both players, sometimes Calidus does. And on those days, taking each others turns was not necessary because you each managed to take your own turns as well. So therefore its a bit of abuse to the system, since you are essentially playing one account to coordinate your team moves.

At least that's how it appears to me. I do think you are innocent and that there are two different players, as evidenced by the simultaneous turn Buddy Jesus posted and the lack of evidence to the contrary. I just think you went too far with playing each others accounts, which makes you look extra guilty (because every time you play two accounts you are doing exactly what a multi does).

So sorry for the length- but I would declare the two of you innocent....just try not to take each others turns unless its because the other person is going to miss their turn. Not only is that kind of wrong by itself, it makes you look more guilty of being a multi.
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