Conquer Club

Tammy DeLee and Poisonous86 [Noted]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]

Re: Tammy DeLee and Poisonous86

Postby king sam on Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:33 pm

Woodruff wrote: Kotaro's acting so concerned isn't because he made me look like an idiot, it's because he's an ass, plain and simple. In fact, his actions in this thread are an outstanding example of why people do not enjoy this site.

Wondering if you look in the mirror when you say things like that above.

You opened the cookie jar by coming in here and making a rant about how two people are cheats cause you got your ass kicked by them with not a shred of evidence to back up your claim.

You opened the door for the scrutiny from the rest of the players on the site and you respond like this...

Woodruff wrote:
DAT_WAT_SHE_SAID wrote:Yo woodruff, tammy doesnt cheat--shes just better then you so get over it

Thank you for your informative and eminently useful addition to this thread. I don't know what we'd have done without you.

Woodruff wrote:
sailorseal wrote:This is terrible, once again another thread is turned into flame wars!
I have created a suggestion to end this nonsense...

Thank you very much for your fine addition to this thread! It's high degree of relevance is very appreciated. I don't know how this thread could have carried forward without your input here.

Who's really the ass that make people not enjoy this site??
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Corporal 1st Class king sam
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Re: Tammy DeLee and Poisonous86 [Pending]

Postby lancehoch on Mon Feb 02, 2009 12:26 am

This has been marked [Pending], we are looking into the accusation. Everyone, please check your inboxes, messages are being sent out.
Sergeant lancehoch
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Re: Tammy DeLee and Poisonous86 [Pending]

Postby lancehoch on Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:19 am

The two accounts are not multis. Given the high win rates of each user on the Feudal War map and given that 9 of the 13 multi-player singles games they played (also that there are only 13 games) were on the Feudal War Map there is not enough information to warrant a block at this time. This will be marked [Noted] for future reference, but will remain locked because people seem unable to remain civil.
Sergeant lancehoch
Posts: 4183
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