Conquer Club

timotioman and djeferrat [blocked]

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timotioman and djeferrat [blocked]

Postby nastysteve on Sat Jan 31, 2009 5:34 pm


The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 4159395

Comments: The following is direct copied chat that I believe must be Portiguise...

timotioman: GL
2009-01-31 09:09:44 - djeferrat: good luck everyone
2009-01-31 15:47:09 - timotioman: vou ter de me chatear contigo puto =P
2009-01-31 15:48:44 - timotioman: para me bloqueares o irao foi logo, mas para gamares os pontos da china ao azul nao se faz nada..
2009-01-31 15:48:49 - timotioman: és a vergonha xD
2009-01-31 16:01:46 - djeferrat: equipa então ?? :P
2009-01-31 16:02:00 - djeferrat: é que o verde tá-te a fuder todo xD
2009-01-31 16:03:23 - djeferrat: fazemos assim
2009-01-31 16:04:02 - djeferrat: eu fico com a américa, tu com a asia, a europa fica a zona do verde, e depois áfrica dividimos
2009-01-31 16:04:22 - djeferrat: ok ?
2009-01-31 16:08:05 - djeferrat: atneção
2009-01-31 16:08:35 - djeferrat: as únicas respostas possiveis a esta proposta são: "sim" ou "sim"
2009-01-31 16:08:58 - djeferrat: senao quando estiver indeciso entre atacar o verde ou tu, ataco-te a ti xDD
2009-01-31 16:57:26 - timotioman: ta bem ;P
2009-01-31 17:00:29 - djeferrat: ok
2009-01-31 17:02:05 - timotioman: e agora o verde percebia portugues xD
2009-01-31 17:02:09 - djeferrat: da áfrica eu fico com o magreb e com a zona da libia
2009-01-31 17:02:22 - djeferrat: tu com a zona laranja e a áfrica do sul
2009-01-31 17:02:27 - djeferrat: que sa foda xD
2009-01-31 17:02:32 - djeferrat: perde na mesma xD
2009-01-31 17:04:26 - timotioman: a zona da libia nao da tropas xD
2009-01-31 17:04:30 - timotioman: mas tass
2009-01-31 17:04:50 - timotioman: green, you can stay with antartida, me and blue share the rest ;D
2009-01-31 17:05:12 - djeferrat: olha, uma cena
2009-01-31 17:05:26 - djeferrat: LOOOL
2009-01-31 17:05:27 - djeferrat: xD
2009-01-31 17:05:36 - djeferrat: eu vou ter que te tirar da amaerica
2009-01-31 17:05:52 - djeferrat: tu nao me ataques as da ásia enquanto nao conquistar o alaska
2009-01-31 17:06:02 - djeferrat: para poder tirá-las de lá
2009-01-31 17:06:08 - djeferrat: ataca-me só aquelas que têm 1 ou 2
2009-01-31 17:06:22 - djeferrat: mais que isso espera um pouco até eu meter nas minhas zonas
2009-01-31 17:06:25 - djeferrat: eu faço o mesmo contigo
2009-01-31 17:06:29 - djeferrat: ;D
2009-01-31 17:12:25 - timotioman: na boa meu filho :P
2009-01-31 17:13:20 - timotioman: 2009-01-31 21:57:56 - timotioman deployed 26 troops on Philippines
2009-01-31 17:13:31 - timotioman: sem cartas xD o verde ja foi :P
2009-01-31 17:14:18 - timotioman: green, sorry man, two portuguese hnonouring the flag, your canadian government expatriated us from canada, we expatriate you from this game ;D
2009-01-31 17:14:54 - timotioman: eu nao te vou atacar a russia
2009-01-31 17:15:03 - timotioman: podes juntar as tropas nas pontas
2009-01-31 17:15:26 - djeferrat: eu sei
2009-01-31 17:15:33 - djeferrat: mas era para o verde nao se aproveitar
2009-01-31 17:15:35 - djeferrat: ele tem moscovo
2009-01-31 17:16:15 - timotioman: e atao, moscovo nao da tropas...
2009-01-31 17:16:28 - timotioman: olha, ja ca ta o menino :P
2009-01-31 17:16:48 - djeferrat: olha, só para o gozo nao conquistes a antarctida ao verde xD
2009-01-31 17:16:49 - timotioman: se eu fosse ele fodiate os states
2009-01-31 17:16:59 - djeferrat: nao sabia :S
2009-01-31 17:17:05 - djeferrat: LOL
2009-01-31 17:17:10 - djeferrat: é o que vai fazer
2009-01-31 17:17:14 - djeferrat: mas eu conquisto outra vez
2009-01-31 17:17:30 - timotioman: nao tou a dizer que o fazia, tou a dizer o que fazia se fosse ele
2009-01-31 17:17:31 - djeferrat: olha, mas vamos atacá-lo em todo o sitio menos na antarctida
2009-01-31 17:17:33 - djeferrat: xD
2009-01-31 17:17:43 - djeferrat: eu sei eu sei
2009-01-31 17:17:53 - djeferrat: mas se ele fizer isso leva na tromba
2009-01-31 17:18:03 - timotioman: é inexperiente, nao sabe que a parte da europa de moscovo nao da tropas, se nao nao a estava a defender tao bem
2009-01-31 17:18:24 - timotioman: recebeu 8 soldados :O
2009-01-31 17:18:32 - timotioman: FDP
2009-01-31 17:18:39 - timotioman: vaime entrar pela australia
2009-01-31 17:18:54 - timotioman: green, i saide antartida :P
2009-01-31 17:18:59 - djeferrat: portanto, américa toda, a rússia, o magreb e zona rosa-clarinho de áfrica sao minhas,
2009-01-31 17:19:05 - timotioman: now im gonna be bored :(
2009-01-31 17:19:33 - timotioman: a russia nao, doute a africa toda pela russia e europa
2009-01-31 17:19:56 - timotioman: ahahaha, ta com dados azarentos :P
2009-01-31 17:19:59 - djeferrat: a zona laranja de áfrica, e rosa-escura de áfrica, a austrália e o resto da ásia é teu, a europa depois decide-se
2009-01-31 17:20:17 - djeferrat: e a antarctida do verde
2009-01-31 17:20:27 - djeferrat: tu conquistas aquela merda outra vez
2009-01-31 17:20:37 - djeferrat: então, nova acutalização
2009-01-31 17:21:20 - djeferrat: meu: américa (tudo), áfrica (tudo) e sakha
2009-01-31 17:21:39 - nastysteve: Talk english, Obviously you two are cheating in your grunts and clicks launguage
2009-01-31 17:21:41 - timotioman: e tu ficas com a russia?
2009-01-31 17:21:42 - djeferrat: teu: austrália, europa, e o resto da ásia toda
2009-01-31 17:21:53 - djeferrat: verde: antarctida xD
2009-01-31 17:21:53 - timotioman: we are making deals
2009-01-31 17:22:05 - djeferrat: nao, eu fico com sakha
2009-01-31 17:22:07 - timotioman: now phorbidden if public
2009-01-31 17:22:14 - djeferrat: só
2009-01-31 17:22:15 - timotioman: not*
2009-01-31 17:22:31 - timotioman: green, we are sharing the world, you stay with antartida
2009-01-31 17:22:34 - djeferrat: EIII GREEN MAN, SHUT THE f*ck UP !! WE ARE KICKING YOU TO ANTARCTIDA !!
2009-01-31 17:22:58 - timotioman: :)
2009-01-31 17:23:11 - timotioman: nao podes insultar :S
2009-01-31 17:23:11 - djeferrat: revelo a nossa nacionalidade ?
2009-01-31 17:23:26 - djeferrat: okok
2009-01-31 17:23:37 - djeferrat: era só para ele perceber xD
2009-01-31 17:23:55 - timotioman: sorry green, he listens to too much rap music xD
2009-01-31 17:24:11 - timotioman: ele vai ao perfil e ve, dah
2009-01-31 17:24:39 - djeferrat: revisão: meu: américa, áfrica, sakha teu: europa, resto da ásia,
2009-01-31 17:24:55 - nastysteve: Any form of diplomatic discussion between opponents must be posted in the game chat in English or in a language that all opponents understand. Diplomacy includes, but is not limited to: proposing truces, negotiating alliances, and coordinating assaults.
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Re: timotioman and djeferrat making deals in some other language

Postby king sam on Sat Jan 31, 2009 5:41 pm


the very first thing you posted from timotioman is a message to djeferrat saying that they have to cheat together in this game.
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Re: timotioman and djeferrat making deals in some other language

Postby Timminz on Sat Jan 31, 2009 5:46 pm

king sam wrote:yeah

the very first thing you posted from timotioman is a message to djeferrat saying that they have to cheat together in this game.

I'm guessing it's not spanish, as google translator tells me that the first non-english note in chat means, "vou ter ishment fucking chat with me" :lol:
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Re: timotioman and djeferrat making deals in some other language

Postby king sam on Sat Jan 31, 2009 5:55 pm

Timminz wrote:I'm guessing it's not spanish, as google translator tells me that the first non-english note in chat means, "vou ter ishment fucking chat with me" :lol:

My online translator said this: (Using Portuguese)
I go to have me to chatear with you puto

Also look 5 out of the 9 games djeferrat has played in has been with timotioman
This one in question being the 5th one. At the least it helps make the case that these 2 have had experience with each other and partake in unsaid alliances, or said ones in different langauges.

Also in this game Game 4159395 djeferrat says this:
2009-01-31 18:37:34 - djeferrat: para a próxima falamos pelo msn ou telemóvel xD

Which by my translator says that "for the next one we say for msn or telemóve"
Which I interpret as use a off site communication to coordinate in their games.

At the least they should be blocked from playing together.
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Re: timotioman and djeferrat making deals in some other language

Postby Bones2484 on Sat Jan 31, 2009 6:11 pm

Seems pretty clear cut to me.

THE RULES wrote:Any form of diplomatic discussion between opponents must be posted in the game chat in English or in a language that all opponents understand.
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Re: timotioman and djeferrat making deals in some other language

Postby king achilles on Wed Feb 04, 2009 4:23 am

As you said, timotioman and djeferrat are blocked from playing together.
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