Thanks! You're right, though it was an Assasin game, I used the same principles of deploying and attacking conservatively that you teach here to stay strong enough to win, and things worked out in my favor. And I am learning the truth about the death traps that are 1vs 1 games

. For awhile, I was experimenting with different types of games, just to see what they were like. But now I'm letting those run their course and trying not to add any more games other than "Society Style" ones. I'm really going to focus on those for awhile, adhere to the principles of the Society and follow the guidance of the teachers, at least until I become stronger at them. A heartfelt thank you to everyone here at the Society for your effort and dedication. You've all been very helpful, and I'm learning a great deal. And it's more fun than a barrel of monkeys. A
big barrel.
Peace, conquer on.
~Amish Ninja