lancehoch wrote:owenshooter wrote:he was banned for flaming me by using my image... the image was removed. he RETURNED FROM HIS BAN and put my image back up with a sarcastic "free owen" on it. he was then warned after i asked about it, and removed it. i found it odd that he was previously banned, returned and committed the same offense for a mere warning. i just wanted a clarification. i don't think anyone understands that this is two seperate instances, even twill...-0
Apparently you have not read certain posts in this thread. I will try to make this explicitly clear:owenshooter wrote:he was banned for flaming me by using my image...
FALSElancehoch wrote:Just wanted to clear this up. DaGip received a three day forum vacation for flaming owen in a post in the Off Topics forum.
really? that's funny. guess what lance, the FLAME was my image with "COCK SUCKER"written on it... sooo, i am still correct. he flamed me through the use of my image, FACT. they didn't remove the POST, twill removed the offending image of me with "COCK SUCKER" scrawled on it. that was the flame lance. now go have me banned for another made up rule... the black jesus has spoken...-0