Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team
aliakber1001 wrote:I am not sure where else to go with this so i am putting it here.
i am asking that someone ban this guy from the site. or at least ban this guy so i never has to see his face again. and he has no way of contact with me ever again. and that he cant go around talking shit about me and making posts.because i dont want to respond to his stupid shit.
this guy has been harassing me for a long time. it goes back months. but as of recent it has gotten even more bad.
every time i go into the chat room if he happens to be there the first thing i see is him starting to talk shit about me and challenging me to play him, and then calling me coward if i dont reply.
since he won the lotto of cc recently and gained some points, now i have been bombarded with pm after pm by this fool talking shit after shit. and i tried my best not to respond, but he continues to harass me. and to be frank i am sick of this shit.
i even told him not to contact me anymore because i want nothing to do with him and that i am going to report him if he does, and even after that warning he sends me 2 pm's in less then 12 hours.
if someone posts in live chat social games and doesn't take it to call out they can get 24 hr ban if they do it over and over.
and for other abuses can even get a permanent ban. what i want to know is what are the CC mods going to do about this kind of abuse where some peace of shit keeps talking shit to you and keeps pming you even after he knows you dont want to talk to him.
what i am asking is for this persons total ban he has made my experience shit of late, i don't even like to go to live chat anymore if i see him in there.
anyway i hope some action is taken, and if you don't care to take any action. please make it so this guy can have no contact with me. i am sick of his pms. i have him on foe in case you were going to say to do that.
i am going to include the pms he has been sending me last day
How is level 63 for a start and an introduction to level...?
Sent: Sat Jan 03, 2009 3:27 am
From: Sun Tzup
To: robindreaux aliakber1001
of skill
You affronted me thinking so highly of how lowly I must be
becayuse I wore a seargents stri[es?
I am not on your skill level colonel?
Your staying power is your downfall
You are so concerned abuot not losing and losing points so being very careful (which is intelligent and prudent) yet you insulted me in a public forum and would not accept a man to man challenge. You stated you would not play me because my rank was too low and you might losae points playing me? No. You just think I am not "on your skill level"
I guess we concentrate and hone different skills with our practice and implementation of strategic principles.
Ready for your waterloo now? You could win a good chunk by beating me. The odds are in your favor...
Shuold I take this to flame wars...? What do you think?
Re: How is level 63 for a start and an introduction to level...?
Sent: Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:05 am
From: Sun Tzup
To: robindreaux aliakber1001
Hey! You are everywhere arent you. Did Alia send this to you ? Am I so unsubtle and coarse? Lets see what I wrote in this letter aliakbar answered with you.
169 points
which is a cook + 26 or 20s against the ones up here against you id lose perhaps 25 or so right? and that would get closer as my rating decreased and yours incxreased until they were close to the same so like a vook + 3 losses to you would be my prediction.
That would being me down to your level so we could be on even .....what?
Hmm. I appreciate your support and by your response get the impression that you agree that he is most definitely a better player than I am and will beat me easily.
The women I have encountered here and respect speak highly of you.
Alas and Alack ...
I am not a woman.
Are you too tired to answer a challenge from a superior officer as well as an inferior? Would you like me to lose points to be the same as yours? Possible. Lining up the games would of course neccesitate or at the very least oil the way to knowing who to lose to to lose the most and then the incrementals down
Soooo.... Ready to go a few rounds?
Sent: Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:23 am
From: Sun Tzup
To: aliakber1001
Pick your map and settings. I will pick mine. Then we play both games. In the event of a tie. We randomly choose a map and settings. Could be my or your most favorite or one we have never even seen before. Then we play that as a tie breaker.
Actually. Lets make sure its skill
We each pick 4 maps and settings each and then in the event of a tie
ramdom three games fpr us to play as deciders.
You are being formally chalenged to take face me on the battle field and match skill vs skill
Whoever wins chooses the losers signature for a month from the end of the last game.
This time its not just gonna fade away. You caught yourself with your derision. As have I now and as soon as I post this in the forums with my clan, The Black Sheep Squadron ... and maybe the general forums after that . I can then accompany it with "IS this the right place to post this or shuold I also put it up ion other threads to make sure its seen?"
''''''''''''''''''' THEN HERE IS THE MESSAGE I SENT HIM''''''''''''''''''''
* Delete message
* Quote message
first and last
Sent: Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:32 am
From: aliakber1001
To: Sun Tzup
yo this is my first and last pm to you. STOP PMING ME AND HARASSING ME
YO first and last time i talk to you. stop trying to challenge me, your not on my level i already told you. pts dont mean shit. and you only got your points from the CC lottery.
I wouldnt play you if you were the last person left on CC.
dont ever message me again. dont ever challenge me again. and dont ever pm me again.
if you pm me again i am going to report you for harassment.
i dont care if your at 3000 or even if you get to 5000.
you have no skills.
you never did, and never will.
now leave me alone.
Re: first and last
Sent: Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:34 am
From: Sun Tzup
To: aliakber1001
Twice in a row. I won the CC lottery twice in a row.
I hear what you are saying
You are too good to play me
Just for the record
Sent: Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:57 am
From: Sun Tzup
To: aliakber1001
I just checked your game history to see what "skill level" you play at.
Aliackber you lose more than you win against anyone higher than seargent! You lose to almost everyone above rank of seargent and you think you can beat me? You fear embarassment and I understand why but to swallow such lies to yourself about your own skill is over the top.
You arent that good based on your record. You dont need to play me. I wont harass you. I am gonna share our corrodpondance with the forums so people can see how full of shit you are with your talk and that your game isnt up to a decent challenge against anyone who can play half decent.
you are a joke man amusing people with your baffling stupidity is about it kiddo
bbqpenguin wrote:also, sun is a vegetarian, which i believe should be grounds for banning all in itself
xruan wrote:He harassed me about this same exact thing as well, but I caved in & ssaid I'd play with him...I havent done that yet but he annoys me so much on Live Chat, its ridiculous.
I believe he should get at least some formal warning about this, because its just annoying.
OK MODERATORS, I want anyone who makes a comment to this post directly, to be banned and spanked with a pacifier!
sailorseal wrote:GENERAL STONEHAM wrote:S
OK MODERATORS, I want anyone who makes a comment to this post directly, to be banned and spanked with a pacifier!
I would hate to be subjected to the punishment you threaten but I agree with you about everything else and can a mod move this thread to flame wars? It is a waste of a multi hunters time.
HardAttack wrote:sailorseal wrote:GENERAL STONEHAM wrote:S
OK MODERATORS, I want anyone who makes a comment to this post directly, to be banned and spanked with a pacifier!
I would hate to be subjected to the punishment you threaten but I agree with you about everything else and can a mod move this thread to flame wars? It is a waste of a multi hunters time.
i exactly agree with you sailor and i dont see any point to be relevant to this forum. This subject needs to be routed to flame wars and necesary foeing and PM managing (block rules) should be put in application by the accuser and accused maybe...
Another aspect i wud like to make is, this post itself is an abuse use of cheat and abuse forum then why do we bother multi hunters with these marco said this, i told him not to do, then he insisted and even gone rude bla bla stuff ? (marco is the role taker one, an example guy here )) )
lets grow up a bit huh ?
GENERAL STONEHAM wrote: spanked with a pacifier!
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