Moderator: Cartographers
whitestazn88 wrote:there's like no blue ships. although i suppose thats to reflect the fact that the brits and the spaniards kicked the crap out of napoleon?
the.killing.44 wrote:Are you going to have the commanders (or at least some) start neutral? Because 3 terits spread out can be placed with a bonus pretty easily.
cairnswk wrote:whitestazn88 wrote:there's like no blue ships. although i suppose thats to reflect the fact that the brits and the spaniards kicked the crap out of napoleon?
What are you talking about man....there are plenty of blue ships on the map that belong to the French.
the French and the Spanish just happen to be on the same side.
History lesson perhaps whites....
whitestazn88 wrote:cairnswk wrote:whitestazn88 wrote:there's like no blue ships. although i suppose thats to reflect the fact that the brits and the spaniards kicked the crap out of napoleon?
What are you talking about man....there are plenty of blue ships on the map that belong to the French.
the French and the Spanish just happen to be on the same side.
History lesson perhaps whites....
there are a combined 31 french and spanish ships, there are 27 british ships, 16 ships are french, 15 spanish. but i think the first time i counted, i must have missed some cuz i only counted like 12 french ships
and yes, apparently i do need a history lesson lol... didn't know the french and spanish teamed up on that one. french history gets overlooked in the states cairns
cairnswk wrote:Any coments?
Incandenza wrote:...
One question: do you have some sort of plan for additional bonuses?
sailorseal wrote:My big boy banana was out the whole time
AndyDufresne wrote:Forever linked at the hip's-banana! (That sounds strange, don't quote me.)AndyDufresne wrote:Many Happy Bananas to everyone, lets party...with Bananas.
LED ZEPPELINER wrote:i would suggest an easier layout, maybe not so many lines
The Neon Peon wrote:Lines should connect from a uniform point on each ship, such as the center, not be different everywhere.
Some of the bombardment is still unclear because the cannon points between two ships.
Your legend still says attacks and bombards.
Why do you have two attack/bombard lines between two ships? only one is necessary.
Telvannia wrote:I'm really glad someone is tackling this idea at last, one of the thing i have always thought had the potential to be a great map! And judging by your past record of complex war maps i can think of no-one better than you to do it.
Keeping with the small and insignificant if you have space you could put Nelson's famous signal behind the legend.
Jolly splendid idea, thanks for that.
Just another trifling matter, at the top you have the faces of Nelson and Napoleon (I think it is them it is hard to tell at that size), surely you could have the faces of Napoleon and George III or Nelson and his French/Spainish counterpart.
Those are the faces of Nelson and French commander Pierre-Charles Villeneuve...i have yet to put the spanish commander in.Also without knowing what you are doing for bonuses, here is what i think would make a good set:You would have to work out the actual numerical value for each of the bonuses, as im terrible at gameplay mechanics
- British Weather Column
- British Lee Column
- HMS Africa
- French Ships
- Spanish Ships
The Neon Peon wrote:Also without knowing what you are doing for bonuses, here is what i think would make a good set:You would have to work out the actual numerical value for each of the bonuses, as im terrible at gameplay mechanics
- British Weather Column
- British Lee Column
- HMS Africa
- French Ships
- Spanish Ships
HMS Africa (frigates) was part of the Weather column, but i'll consider this...good work.
sailorseal wrote:My big boy banana was out the whole time
AndyDufresne wrote:Forever linked at the hip's-banana! (That sounds strange, don't quote me.)AndyDufresne wrote:Many Happy Bananas to everyone, lets party...with Bananas.
The Neon Peon wrote:I think bonuses should be of the type of "x troops for every y (country)'s ships held. Or that same thing except only if you hold the commander for that country (which starts neutral).
Otherwise, the bonus is impossible to obtain.
Great map, and great work on the legend... really good idea. I love the bottom right, but I think that the left part of the legend is too hard to see. Some of the details are made really clear, and they drown out the others to being hardly visible.
LED ZEPPELINER wrote:what i think might be a cool idea is if you were to make it so some boats can only reainforce each other (not attack) and others can attack another but not reinforce it, just throwing that ou thiere, maybe with like ally boats and enemy boats
cairnswk wrote:Let's see.....
Bonuses might be:
British A 13 6 5 2 +7
French A 8 7 5 3 +7
Spanish A 6 2 3 2 +3
British B 14 8 6 3 +9
French B 8 6 7 3 +6
Spanish B 9 5 6 3 +6
What do others think?
Incandenza wrote:
Them's some big bonuses.... I agree with Peon, I think some Berlin-style "build your own bonus" action might work nicely for this map. That way the bonuses can be smaller and a bit easier to obtain (and hold).
TaCktiX wrote:I'm having a hard time getting behind this map. It just doesn't have that "catch" to it present in a lot of your other maps.
- The cannon-pointing mechanism is clunky and hard to pin down right off what's attacking what. Dotted lines would do a lot of help for this.
- Whilst Santissima Trinidad and Victory are nice and emboldened, Bucentaure is not.
- A lot of the text seems to waver between bold and faded, and it's very offputting. Uniformity in name-look would help a lot.
- Instead of "Plus for any commander +1", "Any commander gives +1" is much better verbiage.
- What is the "thing" on the left side of the map? I can't tell if it's the front of a ship, the side, or what-not, it just doesn't look "right", particularly toward the top.
- If possible, adjust the verse underneath the title to note its rhyme more. "Great losses of ships and life were suffered this day / To dear old Napoleon away"
- What do the naval symbols mean in the title? They have zero significance to me, and if they're merely an echo of the verse above, I'd suggest moving the verse down a bit and the symbols up and have the verse overlaying the symbols.
- Adding "Any" to the bonuses would help a lot toward understanding. For the first 5 minutes of looking at this map, I thought that there were only 5 French in the Weather Line and only 8 British in the Lee Line until I actually counted them. The bonus numbers themselves are pretty good.
- Instead of using "A" and "B", why not "W" and "L"? It'd match the line names more.
- Since there is no functional difference between a frigate and a ship of the line (other than attacks that are already noted on the map itself), noting which is which is rather pointless. And what is up with the bottom left corner? They don't make sense.
I'd have to say this has been rather scathing of me. But when I say that maps get,
the results aren't always pretty.
cairnswk wrote:LED ZEPPELINER wrote:what i think might be a cool idea is if you were to make it so some boats can only reainforce each other (not attack) and others can attack another but not reinforce it, just throwing that ou thiere, maybe with like ally boats and enemy boats
And sorry for this, but totally don't understand this one. Please expand.
sailorseal wrote:My big boy banana was out the whole time
AndyDufresne wrote:Forever linked at the hip's-banana! (That sounds strange, don't quote me.)AndyDufresne wrote:Many Happy Bananas to everyone, lets party...with Bananas.
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