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Olympics Part 3: Fortius [Winner: Linksniper]

Tournaments completed in 2010.

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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [UPDATED December 8][RESERVES???]

Postby BaldEagle76 on Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:13 pm

Cycling, Group 1, Game 4 - #3684985 goes to BaldEagle76.

Great game, good competitors.


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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [UPDATED December 8][RESERVES???]

Postby bosborne on Wed Dec 10, 2008 8:06 pm

Tournament Game: Olympics Part 3: Fortius - Qualifying 1. Shooting. Group 4. Game 1
# [3515696]
Is complete.

Good game!

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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Fri Dec 12, 2008 5:46 am

Thanks for the results! I've made some new games and sent some reminders, changed some 6-player to 5-player and 8-player to 7-player. I'm hoping that most groups will end by the end of the year and I can start 2nd Qualifying Round after New Year.

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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Sun Dec 14, 2008 4:29 pm

Refresh your browser if you can't see updated scoreboard on page 1

I've updated scoreboard fully with all finished games and with some games that will surely end before round 66. Just a reminder - all games that go over 66 rounds, might not get counted in the overall tournament standings. I will evaluate each game and if game is active and goes over the limit just a bit then I will most likely count the points.

All 4-player games have ended and we have all group winners which can be seen at the top of this page. Same goes for all other groups that have finished.

Most events, groups and games are moving with a nice speed so most events should be finishing by the end of the year but of course there will be exceptions. Lets just try to push ourselves a bit and speed up the games that need it.

I've sent reminders and made new games, hopefully everybody will join games soon. I will take another look at the games tomorrow or the day after and start kicking out people or bring in a replacement where needed.

Next update at the end of December (probably around Christmas).

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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [UPDATED December 14][RESERVES???]

Postby Hellmanns on Mon Dec 15, 2008 9:55 am

I think you made a mistake on the scoreboard... The correct order for the game 1 (Game 3515686), Shooting, group 2, was:

1) Hellmanns
2) Dominator7
3) Krueger
4) Superkarn
5) XsaladX
6) Wiggin

Despite this, you are doing an exellent job!! I know lots of games to manage can get a little confusing.
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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Tue Dec 16, 2008 6:30 am

Yep, Hellmans, you are right, I've fixed it and it will be shown in the next update :)

I've sent out some reminders, made some new games and included some scores in my excel sheet. I'll take another look at this tournament in a couple of days.
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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [UPDATED December 14][RESERVES???]

Postby apomega on Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:06 am

Game 3746978 has ended. The last game of our group, Game 3746975, should be ending very soon, seeing as the sets have escalated to 25 already with 2 players at 4 cards

Game 3746978 ended with the following standings:
1st: apomega
2nd: Valkel
3rd: MoHabi
4th: P@TO
5th: diddy
6th: imbalanced
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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:58 am

To keep the tournament moving, I've decided to make another update. I've sent out some reminders, made a couple of new games and made replacements.

  • Peter Perfect in WEIGHTLIFTING (group 1) has been replaced with Kotaro. In the same group, I've kicked out canuhelpme previously.
  • In WEIGHTLIFTING (group 7), Gold Knight was removed and that group continues with 7-player games
  • In MODERN PENTATHLON (group 1), Drunk_Idiot asked to be removed because of personal reasons and that group plays 5-player games
  • SAILING (group 1) also plays their last 2 games as 5-player because M1chael was kicked out
  • Same goes for group 5 of SAILING where greyhound was kicked out

I think now all the changes should be also mentioned in the thread.

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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Fri Dec 19, 2008 5:00 am

Thanks to some players we've managed to speed up the tournament a bit :) I've asked if groups that have only premium players agree to play all 6 games at once and they have agreed so I've set up games for these groups. Thank you so much!

Right now, we are waiting groups to end and as soon as we have all winners (except shooting group which is 6-player no spoils and therefore way behind), I will start 2nd Qualification round. It will probably happen in the first or second week of January, at least this is how it is looking right now. Also, I might be a bit busy after Christmas because grandparents and other relatives need visiting and I might not be available as much as usually.

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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [UPDATED December 14][RESERVES???]

Postby pearljamrox2 on Sat Dec 20, 2008 3:02 pm

hi! weightlifting group 6 game 6 game # 3797669 is complete.

3)deaths head
7)lord hauptman
8 ) pogophiles

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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius [UPDATED: January 5, 2009]

Postby amazzony on Sun Dec 21, 2008 5:36 am

Congratulations to everybody who have advanced to second qualifying round!
Thank you everybody who played but didn't advance!!!

3-player events [FINISHED]

Group 1: itsmedicineman
Group 2: KiloJKilo
Group 3: Keellan

Group 1: gorehound
Group 2: hatta76
Group 3: gd039

Group 1: Sunshiner
Group 2: sparkyball
Group 3: luckyderus

4-player events [FINISHED]

Group 1: BaldEagle76
Group 2: joshsoccer7
Group 3: CaponeLegend
Group 4: typhoon41

Group 1: AeroMate
Group 2: musteriuz
Group 3: ralphcptc
Group 4: mbjones79

Group 1: slugo60
Group 2: Joe B.
Group 3: reahma
Group 4: Natewolfman

Group 1: splat33756
Group 2: mdzealand
Group 3: millertime13
Group 4: chemp75

6-player events

Group 1:
Group 2: AzureX
Group 3: dawatts17
Group 4: Yokle
Group 5: Linksniper
Group 6: Keebs2674

Group 1: nooksack
Group 2: AAElite
Group 3: bfunny27
Group 4: Napoleon47
Group 5: csiguy79
Group 6: brad5

Group 1:
Group 2: MoHabi
Group 3: DAZMCFC
Group 4: misher
Group 5: Tommy Tucker
Group 6: fossunited

Group 1:
Group 2:
Group 3:
Group 4:
Group 5:
Group 6:

Group 1: fbonsignori
Group 2: Evilpmpkinhedman
Group 3: ManBungalow
Group 4:
Group 5: cloudcatcher
Group 6: vragus

Group 1: pnorton
Group 2: growler
Group 3: Doss
Group 4: JonTK667
Group 5: gazza trot
Group 6: MudPuppy

8-player event

Group 1: Zombie73
Group 2:
Group 3: Warrior1
Group 4:
Group 5:
Group 6:
Group 7:
Group 6:
Last edited by amazzony on Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:06 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [UPDATED December 14][RESERVES???]

Postby MoHabi on Mon Dec 22, 2008 10:33 pm

apomega wrote:Game 3746978 has ended. The last game of our group, Game 3746975, should be ending very soon, seeing as the sets have escalated to 25 already with 2 players at 4 cards

Game 3746978 ended with the following standings:
1st: apomega
2nd: Valkel
3rd: MoHabi
4th: P@TO
5th: diddy
6th: imbalanced

Sailing group 2's final game, 3746975, has ended as well.


1st: Mohabi
2nd: Imbalanced
3rd: Diddy
4th: apomega
5th: P@TO
6th: Valkel
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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [UPDATED December 14][RESERVES???]

Postby andla666 on Tue Dec 23, 2008 1:54 am

Game 3803530 Weightlifting. Group 7. Game 5 has finished.

Winner andla666

2. crmbum81

3. trex

4. LionStorm

5. relief234

6. pretenders

7. JimMaWong
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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Wed Dec 24, 2008 5:54 am

Merry snowy Christmas!

Most recent update is made and results can be seen in the 2nd post on first page. Also, all winners have been brought out in my post that locates at the top of this page. I've sent out a few games and can only hope that they will start properly because I'll be away from CC from 25th to 28th December and the days after that will also be quite hectic probably. So, please do your best to get into games.

Enjoy the holidays!

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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [Qualif 1; UPDATED December 24]

Postby Hellmanns on Sun Dec 28, 2008 10:45 am

Shooting group 2, game 3 (Game 3661635)


Happy new year!
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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Mon Dec 29, 2008 2:22 pm

Thanks for the results! I've checked games today and made/sent out new games to those who deserved them :D

jela, group 6 weightlifting has been kicked out because he didn't join his last games.
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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [Qualif 1; UPDATED December 24]

Postby Kotaro on Mon Dec 29, 2008 2:29 pm

Epic win for me :D

2008-12-27 20:03:52 - Kotaro won the game
2008-12-27 20:03:52 - Kotaro eliminated pjaraujo from the game
2008-12-27 19:44:19 - Kotaro eliminated IGORGRR from the game
2008-12-27 19:43:20 - Kotaro eliminated Zombie73 from the game
2008-12-25 15:29:37 - Kotaro eliminated Avaris from the game
2008-12-25 15:29:05 - Kotaro eliminated White Moose from the game
2008-12-25 07:51:25 - IGORGRR eliminated Digibomb from the game

First to Last = Top to bottom
Lakad Matataaag!
Normalin, normalin.


TheJonah wrote:I`m not really that arsed. Just supporting my mucker.
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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Tue Dec 30, 2008 3:22 pm

Thanks! I'll take a look to games tomorrow, right now just replacing LionStorm with keiths31 in weightlifting (group 7).
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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [Qualif 1; UPDATED December 24]

Postby kazak on Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:57 pm

sailing group 1 game Game 3816589 finished :)
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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Fri Jan 02, 2009 1:26 pm

Checked results, made new games and sent reminders. I won't be updating scoreboard yet but surely within a week. So close to get all 1st Qualifying games started and most ended but... just a bit ahead :)
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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:10 am

Refresh your browser if you can't see updated scoreboard on page 1

Also, if you look at the top of this page, you will see the list of everybody who have advanced to 2nd Qualifying round. I've also sent out reminders and made a few new games.

I still haven't decided when I will start with 2nd Qualifying Round but I will surely give a week warning before starting with the games.

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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [Qualif 1; UPDATED January 5]

Postby KidWhisky on Mon Jan 05, 2009 10:17 pm

I'm not sure if it is just me but both the 6 player scoreboards are Shooting, Swimming & Triathlon. Anyone know what the scores are looking like for the sailing group 1
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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [Qualif 1; UPDATED January 5]

Postby amazzony on Tue Jan 06, 2009 4:55 am

KidWhisky wrote:I'm not sure if it is just me but both the 6 player scoreboards are Shooting, Swimming & Triathlon. Anyone know what the scores are looking like for the sailing group 1

My mix up, copied wrong link :oops: Correct one is posted now :)

Edit. I've decided that I'll start with 2nd Qualifying Round on 3- and 4-player events within a week. We'll see when exactly, I've sent out messages about it to players who advanced to that round.
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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [Qualif 1; UPDATED January 5]

Postby KidWhisky on Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:41 pm

Thanks amazzony. We just finished our last game and I think that I made enough points to make it to the next round. Woohoo
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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Sat Jan 10, 2009 1:51 pm

KidWhisky wrote:Thanks amazzony. We just finished our last game and I think that I made enough points to make it to the next round. Woohoo

Yep, you did ;)

Sorry about the lack of posting, I'm still keeping an eye on the tournament and things should be under control :P
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