Conquer Club

Around the World in 80 Days [Winner:First Post]

Tournaments completed in 2011.

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Around the World in 80 Days [Winner:First Post]

Postby stahrgazer on Tue Nov 25, 2008 5:19 pm

WINNER: Conquernauts (Humrlmo, littlebrother2k7, tdans, dustin800)


This tournament is open to any player of rank Sargeant First Class or above at the start of the tournament. If you are a non-premium player, you must keep one tournament game slot open or you will be replaced with a reserve player.

Lindbergh. Yaeger. Earhart. Zeppelin. Image
What do they all have in common? Each tried ā€“ with some success and some failure ā€“ to fly higher, longer, faster, further, than those who had come before.

Before his death in 1519, Leonardo Da Vinci inspired the world, not just with art, but with his inventions, especially those inventions that encouraged man to reach the skies. In 1783, on October 15, Frenchman Jean Pilatre de Rozier was the first man to use a captive balloon to defy gravity and escape from the ground.

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Not long after, on November 21 the same year, de Rozier teamed with Marquis dā€™ Arlans to free-fly with a balloon, beginning a rush to the skies. In 1891, Germanyā€™s Otto Lilienthal made the first successful multiple gliding fights, inspiring Wilbur and Orville Wright, who, in 1903, made the first heavier-than-air machine flight.


The race to go higher, faster, and farther was truly on!

In 1957, Major General Archie J. Old, Jr., USAF, led a team of 3 Boeing B-52 bombers powered with eight 10,000 pound thrust Pratt & Whitney Aircraft J57 engines, around the world, for the first nonstop jet plane flight.

On April 12, 1961, cosmonaut Uri Gagarin travelled around the world in less than 2 hours via Russian space programā€™s Vostok 1.

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Americaā€™s X-15 set a speed record of Mach 6.7 (6.7 times the speed of sound) on October 3, 1967, that program contributing to the development of Americaā€™s piloted spaceflight programs including the Space Shuttle program that survives today.

Singly and in teams, in peace and in war, men and women from all over the world have worked to circumnavigate the globe. From 1914ā€™s James Gordon Bennett Trophy for the fastest two laps, to the 1931 Bendix Trophy for a trans-continental flight, competition to be the first to go the fastest and farthest has been fierce.

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Now you can strive to be one of four Conquernauts! The journey starts with de Rozierā€™s single-flight balloon, to Wilbur and Orvilleā€™s doubles attempt, moves on to Archie Oldā€™s triple-jet flight, and ends with two four-man teams reaching for the moon!
Will you be one of those with the right stuff? Or will you crash and burn along the way?

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First Round: de Rozierā€™s Balloon Races (16 Singles) Image

The games will begin when we have 16 players ready to race against each other across 3 continents: Europe, Africa, and Asia. Each player will play a different opponent in one game on each of those maps. This is a double-elimination but the eliminations take place on three maps; lose your (one) game on any 2 of the maps and you may be out of skies forever.

Second Round: Wright Brothers (6 Doubles Teams) Image

Eight Balloon Race winners are guaranteed a slot for doubles. Four ā€œwildcard slotsā€ will be selected at random from those eliminated in the prior races, to compete in this round. Itā€™s another 3-continent double-elimination - 2 teams on each map, rotating opponents on each subsequent map: Australia, North America, and South America. Participants from round 1 will be given first option as ā€œreservesā€ ā€“ by random draw.

Third Round: Archie Oldsā€™ Bombers (4 Triples Teams) Image

Everyoneā€™s a winner! The same twelve players will go on to Triples. Wright Brothersā€™ winners will get to select their third adventurer from the opponents who failed to reach the islands. Fights will be settled by random draw and the remaining players will form the forth team to island-hop across the globe in this final 3-map double-elimination ā€“ 2 teams on each map, again rotating opponents. Maps: Treasures of Galapagos, Caribbean Islands, and British Isles. Participants from round 1 will be given first option as ā€œreservesā€ ā€“ by random draw.

Final Round: Conquernauts (2 Quads Teams) Image

The two winning teams will each rescue one opponent who was otherwise stranded on one of those islands to round out their crew for the final races to the stars. Again, ā€œfightsā€ will be settled by random draw. These final flights will take place on one map: World 2.1. The team who wins best two out of three on World 2.1 will be named the Conquernauts and will each be awarded with 6 months' Premium Membership to go with their title, ā€œConquernautsā€. Participants from rounds 3 (primary) and 1 (secondary) will be given first option as ā€œreservesā€ ā€“ by random draw.


This tournament is seeking 16 players and 4 reserves.

Settings on all maps will be Sequential, with Fog, No Spoils, Chained, Casual (24 hours) unless otherwise agreed by all players in a specific game.

Team Format Clarification

Initial games will be singles where each person plays at least two maps, facing his/her first opponent on one map, a new opponent on a 2nd map, and, if 1 win/1 loss, then a third opponent on a third map. Thus, for round one, the maximum any player will play is 3 games, each on its own map.

For round 2, each DubTeam1 v. DubOpponent1 on Map4. DubTeam1 v. DubOpponent2 on Map5. DubTeam1 v. DubOpponent3 on Map6. Thus, you will only be playing with unknown team on the first map of the round; you will stick with that DubTeam to the end of this round - 2 to 3 games, each on its own map until best 2 out of 3 is achieved.

For Round 3, each DubTeam picks a 3rd to make a Trips Team. TripsTeam1 v. TripsOpponent1 on Map7. TripsTeam1 v. TripsOpponent2 on Map8. TripsTeam1 v. TripsOpponent3 on Map9. Thus, you will only be playing with unknown team on the first map of the round; you will stick with that TripsTeam to the end of this round - 2 to 3 games, each on its own map until best 2 out of 3 is achieved.

For the Final Round, each TripTeam picks a 4th to make Quads. QuadsTeam1 v. QuadsTeam2 on Map 10 (World2.1) and best 2 out of 3 are our Conquernauts.

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Official Entrants:

1 Sackett58
2 Sun Tzup
3 MrBenn
4 dustin800
5 tdans
6 Xx TrustME xX
7 hiitsmestevie1
8 Lindax
9 nemrehs1
10 negoeien
11 littlebrother2k7
12 David Hoekstra
13 xerro
14 agile76
15 Darin44
16 Humrlmo

1 Mr_Adams
2 R0k0v
3 Ironsky
4 astronautg117
6 neanderpaul14
7 soka
8 gcwca_4_life

Congratulations, Conquernauts!


You went from balloon race singles to bomber doubles to island-hopping triples and finally, went around World 2.1 twice to win!

I'm still working on getting CC to give you the prize.
Last edited by stahrgazer on Wed Apr 29, 2009 4:54 pm, edited 38 times in total.
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Re: Around the World in 80 Days Tournament

Postby Sackett58 on Tue Nov 25, 2008 5:45 pm

Sign me up
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Re: Around the World in 80 Days Tournament

Postby Sun Tzup on Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:03 pm

I am a flying tofu monkey. I will CRUSH all opposition (until I lose). We will fly into the stratosphphfere and RULE THE PLANET !!! MUAHAHA haha HAHA ahahAHahhhaa ...ha.. er.. um .... yeah *cough* sorry, wrong personality.

I would love to join in this adventure across the world.

Sign me up please.

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Re: Around the World in 80 Days Tournament

Postby amazzony on Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:10 pm

Very very cool, really like the tournament, well done and good luck with it! =D> Sorry, won't be joining, need to cut down on my games but I'm sure you won't have no problems filling this great tournament.
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Re: Around the World in 80 Days Tournament

Postby MrBenn on Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:41 pm

Sure, sounds like fun...
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Re: Around the World in 80 Days Tournament

Postby dustin800 on Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:43 pm

I'll play, great idea!
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Re: Around the World in 80 Days Tournament (5/16+4)

Postby Xx TrustME xX on Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:31 pm

ill play
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Re: Around the World in 80 Days Tournament (5/16+4)

Postby R0k0v on Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:32 pm

I love traversing the world! I'm in
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Re: Around the World in 80 Days Tournament (5/16+4)

Postby hiitsmestevie1 on Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:32 pm

sounds good to me... ill play...:)
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Re: Around the World in 80 Days Tournament (8/16+4)

Postby Mr_Adams on Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:54 pm

If I can get back up to that rank again, I'll play...
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Re: Around the World in 80 Days Tournament (Round 1 Match 1)

Postby stahrgazer on Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:54 pm

Round 1 Match 1 takes place in Europe (not Europa). Europe is where the first balloon flights occurred. Players were pre-randomized by number, simply waiting for entrant names to fill in. Games will begin as follows:

Sun Tzup


Xx TrustME xX



David Hoekstra



Each of you received a pm offering you and your opponent the chance to pick alternative settings (but not speed) for this first match. Any optional settings will NOT be automatic for the second match (but again, the new opponents will get the option to agree on alternative settings).

If no alternative agreement is reached, settings will be:

No Spoils

Reminder, all games will be 24-hours turns, speed setting is not an option - we have freemies playing.

Once settings are finalized, either nemrehs1 or I will pm you with your tournament match game number and pw.
Last edited by stahrgazer on Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:12 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Around the World in 80 Days Tournament (9/16+4)

Postby Lindax on Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:38 pm

I'll have a go....

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Re: Around the World in 80 Days Tournament (10/16+4)

Postby negoeien on Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:51 pm

Highest ever: 3038 place: 20th, winner of 12 tournies!
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Re: Around the World in 80 Days Tournament (10/16+4)

Postby nemrehs1 on Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:06 pm

i can fly! *jumps off a cliff* ....this was a big mistake. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! *starts flying*


sign me up! i can't lose! 9except when i lose)

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Re: Around the World in 80 Days Tournament (13/16+4)

Postby stahrgazer on Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:24 pm

Thank you all. Past the halfway mark already :)

Everyone below this post is definitely "in" with only 2 exceptions: Rokov, Mr_Adams you'll need to increase your rank to SFC (Sergeant First Class) before the tourney begins; otherwise I'll add you as reserves.

As to that min rank thing: I went with experts' advice on it, though they wanted me to raise the min rank even higher. I chose SFC as closest to Master Sergeant, a "Non Commissioned Officer".
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Re: Around the World in 80 Days Tournament (15/16+4)

Postby agile76 on Wed Nov 26, 2008 12:05 am

In please.
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Re: Around the World in 80 Days Tournament (15/16+4)

Postby Darin44 on Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:57 am

in or reserve
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Re: Around the World in 80 Days Tournament (15/16+4)

Postby neanderpaul14 on Wed Nov 26, 2008 2:23 am

I'll join if there is still a spot open:
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Re: Around the World in 80 Days Tournament (15/16+4)

Postby Humrlmo on Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:49 am

I'll play or reserve...are you in it as well stahr?
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Re: Around the World in 80 Days Tournament (15/16+4)

Postby stahrgazer on Wed Nov 26, 2008 8:27 am

No. Because I'm hosting, and forking up the $$ for the prizes, I've chosen not to play. It just seemed more fair.
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Re: Around the World in 80 Days Tournament (15/16+4)

Postby LFAW on Wed Nov 26, 2008 8:29 am

Id love to play
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Re: Around the World in 80 Days Tournament (accepting reserves)

Postby Darin44 on Wed Nov 26, 2008 9:26 am

did you skip me or did i miss something
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Re: Around the World in 80 Days Tournament (accepting reserves)

Postby stahrgazer on Wed Nov 26, 2008 9:28 am

Ouch! Let me fix that!!!
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Re: Around the World in 80 Days Tournament (accepting reserves)

Postby Darin44 on Wed Nov 26, 2008 9:32 am

ok thank you
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Re: Around the World in 80 Days Tournament*Filled-reserves only

Postby stahrgazer on Wed Nov 26, 2008 9:41 am

I owe public apologies to neanderpaul.

I reserved 4 slots, but forgot to mark that on my table. 3 to players I flock with (Black Sheep Squadron clan, you know) and one to a friend who was helping me with prizes. The rest were to be first come, first serve.

Darin44 made the 3rd of my clan, filling the spot I accidentally put paul into.

neanderpaul14 has been moved to reserves.

I'll be more careful with future tournaments.
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