Conquer Club

Olympics Part 3: Fortius [Winner: Linksniper]

Tournaments completed in 2010.

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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [UPDATED October 5]

Postby Iffy Boatrace on Sat Nov 08, 2008 5:44 am

This tourney is fun and very well run. Just thought I'd share that! Well done Amazzony.
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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [UPDATED October 5]

Postby Jiro-Taro on Sat Nov 08, 2008 9:05 am


The game Qualifying 1. Swimming. Group 2. Game NĀ°3515720 is over.

1. KeggerAL2 (Winner)
2. phirerysky
3. HammerTime
4. Evilpmpkinhedman
5. IHuckDisc
6. Jiro-Taro

Best regards,

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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [UPDATED October 5]

Postby amazzony on Sat Nov 08, 2008 2:51 pm

Iffy Boatrace wrote:This tourney is fun and very well run. Just thought I'd share that! Well done Amazzony.

Thank you!! :)

Boss_oss_ss wrote:lol i didnt mean you to think i was rushing you- i was just pleased that i won a game! :D

I know

I sent out some reminders, will bring in reserves tomorrow (maybe on Monday morning). Sorry about the delay, please just don't blame it all on me, remember, there are people who don't join their games though they have signed up to the tournament. I'm hoping to get all games active in the next 48-60 hours.
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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [UPDATED October 5]

Postby KidWhisky on Sun Nov 09, 2008 1:56 pm

Game 3515650 is finished

1st Kidwhisky
2nd kazak
3rd gcwca_4_life
4th Riskmaster
5th M1chael
6th BlacKnighT

The BlacKnighT deadbeated just a heads up.
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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [UPDATED October 5]

Postby Gold Knight on Mon Nov 10, 2008 11:37 am

Weightlifting group 7, I (Gold Knight) am going to win both games, didnt check the order of the rest of the other players, sorry...
xxtig12683xx wrote:yea, my fav part was being in the sewer riding a surfboard and wacking these alien creatures.

shit was badass
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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Mon Nov 10, 2008 1:33 pm

First of all, thank you everybody for the results. I'll start gathering them right away and will include all finished games to the scoreboard update that will be posted later today (in a couple of hours). Make sure to check it and if you feel that I've done something wrong then don't hesitate to let me know about.

Secondly, thank you for the patience that you had while I was away during the weekend. I don't know how many other countries had Father's Day this weekend but if there are people who qualify then... Happy Father's Day!!!

    Now, once again I had to make some replacements:
    • danyboy (ROWING) has been replaced with CaptainGoatshead
    • arkie (MODERN PENTATHLON) with Soldier4Christ
    • jschramm (WEIGHTLIFTING) with Gunners101

I'll be sending out shortly new games to groups who don't have 2 waiting/active games. If you feel that you have less than 2 games active/waiting then contact me and I'll fix the problem :D I'm afraid that it might be that with such huge amount of games I miss some when checking.

Should be all for now, if I missed something then, once again, let me know about it!

NEXT UPDATE. I'm always keeping an eye on the starting games every day (at least once in 2 days sometimes). Next major update (scoreboard) will happen in a week or so, between November 17-20, probably not before because my bf will be visiting me :D Also, making this kind of update takes several hours so I won't be doing that too often (as I've mentioned before I think).


Edit. I've sent out all possible messages (reminders, reserves, new games).
Edit2. I've updated scoreboard with all finished games.
Refresh your browser if you can't see updated scoreboard on page 1
Last edited by amazzony on Mon Nov 10, 2008 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Mon Nov 10, 2008 2:20 pm

Of course I forgot something very important and I think this deserves a new message.

Congrats to slugo60, winner of Equestrian Group 1 =D> He will move on to Round 2 of Equestrian Qualifying where he waits for other Eq. groups to end. Thank you Superfluous, FerSureMaybe and R0k0v!
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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [UPDATED November 10]

Postby sparkyball on Mon Nov 10, 2008 7:31 pm

game 3514159 done... group 2 cayaking

1. sparkyball
2. gffighter29
3. kobebean
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Gymnastics Group 1 Game 3 Complete

Postby splat33756 on Tue Nov 11, 2008 8:33 am

Game 3590364 (Gymnastics Group 1 Game 3 is complete)

Order of Finish:

1. slpjdp
2. Splat33756
3. Sure
4. Magik

2008-11-09 13:18:52 - splat33756 eliminated magik from the game in round - 5
2008-11-10 09:09:01 - splat33756 eliminated sure from the game in round - 7
2008-11-10 23:41:48 - slpjdp eliminated splat33756 from the game in round - 12
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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Tue Nov 11, 2008 8:42 am

  • Thanks to the results I've started new game to CANOE/KAYAK group 2. GYMNASTICS group 1 has got all their needed games, just waiting for last game to begin (and finish) and then that group is done.
  • I'll try to check finished games tomorrow and make new ones to those who need them. But if you want your new game for sure then remember to post a finished game number here ;)
  • Also, reminders/replacements are in the schedule for tomorrow.

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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [UPDATED November 10]

Postby amazzony on Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:35 pm

I've sent out several reminders and have to make appr. same amount of replacements :evil:

Once again - if you plan to leave CC or can't play anymore - tell me about it! Thanks.

    • sure in GYMNASTICS with brandoroc
    • jamesto113 in DIVING with Aussie02
    • rubycobra in TRIATHLON with bazmac
    • NunoC23 in SAILING with vkas
    • Adino in WEIGHTLIFTING with shaneramma

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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [UPDATED November 10]

Postby negoeien on Tue Nov 11, 2008 5:30 pm

Just won my 8 player on china :)
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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [UPDATED November 10]

Postby hun1 on Tue Nov 11, 2008 10:41 pm

game 3590507 completed
Qualifying 1. Rowing. Group 5. Game 2

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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [UPDATED November 10]

Postby sparkyball on Thu Nov 13, 2008 12:07 am

3514160 done
1; gffighter29
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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [UPDATED November 10]

Postby phirerysky on Thu Nov 13, 2008 11:17 am

Game 3590523 completed
Tournament Game: Olympics Part 3: Fortius - Qualifying 1. Swimming. Group 2. Game 3


1st place Phirerysky
2nd place Jiro-Taro
3rd place HammerTime
4th place IHuckDisc
5th place Evilpmpkinhedman
6th place KeggerAL2
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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Thu Nov 13, 2008 12:02 pm

Thank you for the results! I've checked all the finished games and I will start making new games shortly.

Right now I've finished sending a few reminders and here are next replacements :evil:

    • shrub in MODERN PENTATHLON with killaknight
    • BlacKnighT in SAILING with Skg343
    • P@TO in SAILING with Men at WorK

I've decided to postpone the scoreboard update to next week because there aren't enough games ended and as it's quite a bit of work then I will do it in 4-5 days so it would include more games.

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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [UPDATED November 10][RESERVES???]

Postby Keellan on Thu Nov 13, 2008 12:17 pm

Archery group 3 has no active games at the moment, game 3 just finished.
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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [UPDATED November 10][RESERVES???]

Postby amazzony on Thu Nov 13, 2008 12:27 pm

Keellan wrote:Archery group 3 has no active games at the moment, game 3 just finished.

Just finished making games and wanted to start sending out games... I guess I'll make one more to your group.

Everybody, if in an hour you feel that you don't have 2 waiting/active games then let me know and we'll see what I've missed and I'll try to make new games.
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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [UPDATED November 10][RESERVES???]

Postby martyn on Thu Nov 13, 2008 2:17 pm

martyn won game 3515786
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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [UPDATED November 10][RESERVES???]

Postby Hellmanns on Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:58 pm

Hi there!
Since I'm the only freebie in my group, I have one slot availble and our games are running really slowly, I wouldn't mind if you create one more game and let us play three at the same time...
I could be wrong, but I believe the other players wouldn't also mind...

It would help to speed the tournament up..
What do you think?
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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [UPDATED November 10][RESERVES???]

Postby amazzony on Thu Nov 13, 2008 6:14 pm

Hellmanns wrote:Hi there!
Since I'm the only freebie in my group, I have one slot availble and our games are running really slowly, I wouldn't mind if you create one more game and let us play three at the same time...
I could be wrong, but I believe the other players wouldn't also mind...

It would help to speed the tournament up..
What do you think?

I'm all for it :D I will send message to everybody about it tomorrow and set up new game if it is alright by everybody. Would do it today but it is really late (I'm going to sleep), made just a quick peek to the forums.
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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [UPDATED November 10][RESERVES???]

Postby Jim1086 on Fri Nov 14, 2008 9:14 pm

Olympics Part 3: Fortius - Qualifying 1. Modern Pentathlon. Group 2 GAMES 4 & 5

Game 3634864 Completed
1st: Jim1086
2nd: AzureX
3rd: plash.ricrem
4th: MuzzaG
5th: ZionT
6th: SalvatoreLuciano

Game 3634865 Completed
1st: SalvatoreLuciano
2nd: Jim1086
3rd: MuzzaG
4th: plash.ricrem
5th: AzureX
6th: ZionT
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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [UPDATED November 10][RESERVES???]

Postby Napoleon47 on Sat Nov 15, 2008 11:47 am

Rowing Group 4

Game ID: 3515636


Game ID: 3590504


Ready for next games...
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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [UPDATED November 10][RESERVES???]

Postby william18 on Sat Nov 15, 2008 12:31 pm

Group 5 in weightlifting is done both our games and already started the 3rd and 4th games.
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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [UPDATED November 10][RESERVES???]

Postby Beagle_Invaders on Sat Nov 15, 2008 3:45 pm


Olympics Part 3: Fortius - Qualifying 1. Diving. Group 3. Game 3
game # 3590379
1st Beagle_Invaders
2nd noretreat
3rd ralphcptc
4th southern_warrior
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