by max is gr8 on Thu Oct 02, 2008 1:30 pm
I've recently been immensely bored with repetitive tasks, but I have managed to get through this manual labour (The hardest part was not creating the games but the randomly allocating took time 26,543 bits today, and considering I did only half today and the rest yesterday that means I probably used 63,086 bits. That's a lot of time
I'm sending out the PMS games in batches of 4 players, because It hurt my eyes when I was posting in thread. I may have made mistakes during this, if you press "autojoin game" and the game is full PM me IMMEDIATELY, I may have taken steps to prevent it but it may not be enough, and I am only human.
Furthermore, my spreadsheets are rather inadequate for this so the fencing, swimming and equestrian games won't be up until tomorrow
Last edited by
max is gr8 on Sat Nov 08, 2008 11:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
‹max is gr8› so you're a tee-total healthy-eating sex-addict?
‹New_rules› Everyone has some bad habits
(4th Jan 2010)