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General Congratulations

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Re: General congratulations

Postby The Fuzzy Pengui on Tue Oct 14, 2008 10:55 am

Frop wrote:
The Fuzzy Pengui wrote:Alright guys, this is for ACTUAL CC RELATED CONGRATULATIONS ONLY.

Don't make me split anymore out of here, I don't want to have to warn anybody for their posts ;)

Twill and/or his tantrum isn't related to CC? By the way, congratulations on using that smiley as well to cover up the fact you're extremely anal and behaving like a total twat. It really brings out the mod in you.

You must have thought I was joking....If you want to flame or bait me, go ahead, but do it in flame wars :)
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Re: General Whiskey

Postby 3Asefa on Tue Oct 14, 2008 11:13 am

great job pal =D>
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Re: General congratulations

Postby jbrettlip on Tue Oct 14, 2008 12:34 pm

This thread is titled General Congratulations...therefore any congrats regarding the CC community are still on topic. There are 27 pages of you really think this is only for promotions??

So Congrats to Twill who has given me yet another reason to hate Canada. And congrats to Fruitcake who channeled his inner Harry Houdini and got this thread unlocked. And congrats to all the admins that just don't want anyone to have any fun on a GAMING site.
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Re: General congratulations

Postby owenshooter on Tue Oct 14, 2008 1:43 pm

not sure how you did it, but congrats on beating the system and keeping this great spam absorbing thread alive!! you have survived wicked and now the Great Turkey Day Massacre, congrats!!! i look forward to the weekly update, it is going to be a doozy!!!!-0
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Re: General congratulations

Postby General Mojo on Tue Oct 14, 2008 2:03 pm

Has Grimreaper. ever made this thread? I have so much to congratulate him for that I don't even know where to start.....what ever happened to that guy, anyways? I re-upped my premium just to ensure full exposure to him in all his glory...
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Re: General congratulations

Postby KoE_Sirius on Tue Oct 14, 2008 2:15 pm

I got up this morning on time..Congrats me. woohoo...I'm so great ty ty ty =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>
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Re: General Whiskey

Postby Frigidus on Tue Oct 14, 2008 2:18 pm

I'm going to party forever.
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Re: General Whiskey

Postby cicero on Tue Oct 14, 2008 2:47 pm

General Whiskey's achievement merged.

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Re: General congratulations

Postby Fruitcake on Tue Oct 14, 2008 2:51 pm

Well after a few weeks break, in which time I seem to have been doing little else that running around a bunch of semi conscious relatives sorting out their rapidly diminishing assets, I thought I might have a round up

So looking around the forum, who are the Icelandic Banks and who are the Australian banks.

On a serious note, since my last round up, poor old t-o-m hit the ether. It seems the powers that be decided there had been a step too far. But hurrah! I see he has made Colonelā€¦well there may be a salutary lesson for all of us there, leave the forums to the trolls and just play the gameā€¦

Now one evening this week, I was draining the last of a decanter of some particularly nice Vintage when I saw a thread named ā€˜colorā€™. Assuming this actually meant colour, I took a quick look. It seems kylegraves1 feels that red and green are boring and the ā€˜coloursā€™ should be random. I agreeā€¦but what if we turned up and all the armies were red? Then again, sometimes I end up trying to attack myself anyway when Iā€™m green and another is greyā€¦or perhaps it is just when I am about to fall into another mighty stupor.

The internet speed test proved so many things on so many levels to me. First it proved what I knew, that my Kitchen is rubbish for mobile internet connection. More importantly congrats to Frop for pointing me in the right direction for a cleaning up program. I whizzed it thru this system of mine and lo and behold, everything worked better. I just want to know where all my blackmail pictures went that I had hidden in my temp files???? Now what am I going to do for income???? Oh well, maybe Iā€™ll get a job.

I see our Blitz has thought up another great wheeze, of course. This time it is CCā€™s top 16 conkers. Naturally Blitzy has the longest time at the top. But I did chuckle seeing the time our favourite anti-hero JR held the slot. So, moving on, here are my all time top lists showing the first place on each:

1st to 4K score: Blitzy
1st to 3.5K Score: Blitzy
1st to 3K Score + 20 Medals: Blitzy
1st to 2K CC Trifecta-Score/Games/Posts: Blitzy
1st to Winning % 75+ (minimum 500 games): Blitzy
1st to Win 500 Triples Games: Blitzy
1st to Win 50 Maps : Blitzy

I could go on, but I think you get the message dear reader. Yes, indeed, you should bow down in recognition of this Deity who sits astride conky club like a virtual colossus. Blitzy has been, and will be for many eons to come, the one and the only real heavyweight. We mere mortals run around in his shadow like so many worker ants bringing nourishment to the Queen.

Anyway, enough of this. What else has been happening?

Apart from a rash of new congratulatory threads (yawn) wishing well to anyone who has managed to rise in rank to any number of levels. Bob72 says goodbyeā€¦.twiceā€¦and little else, except of course for the meltdown this weekend past. I have to admit to not really noticing until I logged in and saw a rash of threads about it. So what did happen over the last weekend? It seems our furtle turtle was taking a (ahem) well deserved break. Decided we could do without parts of the forum and left it so. Well all I can say is, itā€™s your toy lack, so you do as you see fit! However, it did bring about a plethora of complaints. Black Elk Speaks (not a multi apparently) had a bit of a go, and later on in the thread posted this:

lol, I'll say it again, I'm not complaining, I am glad that I have free access, because it would suck to pay for this kind of maintenance / support.

Comic Boy responded with a comment that definitely had me reaching for another glass of the Vintage stuff when he said:

You mean suck to pay for the THIRD time Mr_Multi

Meanwhile the rest of GD was like something out of ā€˜Plague of the Zombiesā€™. I watched with an almost anthropological fascination as the walls of GD crumbled, as withered hands tore them apart and the beings from below poured in. A gentle attempt to pen them all in a thread was made, but this had little effect. Laughing with maniacal delight, the interlopers went round pulling up the roses, making grown children cry, and generally causing carnage. I sighed deeply and poured myself another....

Moving on....As you know dear reader, I see our Blitzy in a certain light. But I almost choked on my Quinta Do Noval Vintage 1960 when I saw his post in the twitching, but near dead, Max thread. Could this be that same nice guy we all know and love, picking over the remnants of a players reputation? Well yes it could actually. It was almost casual in approach, yet one could almost see the glint in his eye as he wrote itā€¦shame on you Blitzyā€¦but nicely done you old rogue.

It was with great sadness I read of the retirement of Optimus (a star of one of my skits some time back) and rebelman. Both team members of note. I shall always recall the glee with which Optimus welcomed a thread about himself. Still, letā€™s hope he finds happiness and oil aplenty in his retirement home.

Now threading my way through the forum, I touched upon an interesting subject about Copyrights. What caught my attention was the OP purported to be an Italian, with an Irish IP and a distinctly American style of saying ā€˜doingā€™. OK, I hear you say, come on Fc thereā€™s loads of Irish Italians living in America, and for sure I would have to agree. But this would seem to be an Italian American, living in Ireland. Now I have to tell you, I often find myself in the bars of Dublin (enough of that another time) and I have never yet met one. Well anyway, Twill stepped in, as he does, and got the padlock out sharpish. His comment got me chortlingā€¦

You may want to talk to a real lawyer about such things, 16 year olds on the internet are not a reliable source of information on just about anything

Quite right Twill, maybe T Blair and G Dubya could have taken that advice some years back!

As for posts, congratulation just has to go out to Timminz. A playing member asked the question ā€œHow do u get up to a high rankā€ (sic)ā€¦with this memorable post to kick the thread off:
how do really high ranks get there cause i cant get up there IM SO MAD

Our Timminz stepped in with this great piece of advice:
You have 2 options, from what I can tell. You can either win more than 41% of your games, or you can win games that have more than 2 players in them.

Another nice post that got me chortling was this from Mr Changsha

ā€¦and even more congratulations to fruitcake for manfully managing to wilfully ignore the quite justified accusations of double standards inherent in this thread!

So very subtle on so very many levels, congrats to you Mr C.

So finally, I come to the end of this round up, but in a thread about excuses for low ranks I noticed some of the posts. And for the very first time, our Paradice has to get the congrats of this round up for his wordsā€¦

my account was jacked by my pissed of gf

Although running a very close second was a post by our favourite anti hero JR when he saidā€¦

I cant afford 25 bucks
JR is so damn good looking

It makes one wonder how much you charge JR????

I'm off to sort out some cash before my Bank collapses under the weight of its own self importance!

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Re: General congratulations

Postby jbrettlip on Tue Oct 14, 2008 9:15 pm

Congrats to French Pirate and Wicked for forcing a vocabulary change at CC. I am sure they are suffering injured shoulders from patting themselves on the back.
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Re: General congratulations

Postby jiminski on Tue Oct 14, 2008 9:26 pm

congratulations to Fruit on getting his monthly newsletter out on the precise moment that next months news is made:
Re: General congratulations

Postby Fruitcake on Tue Oct 14, 2008 8:51 pm
Well after a few weeks break,

Crazy Maps And Dice?

Postby kmhebert on Tue Oct 14, 2008 8:51 pm
What is that all about?
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Re: General congratulations

Postby clapper011 on Tue Oct 14, 2008 10:50 pm

congrats fruit hun for making me smile again ;)
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Re: General congratulations

Postby owenshooter on Tue Oct 14, 2008 11:03 pm

clapper011 wrote:congrats fruit hun for making me smile again ;)

congrats to clapper for showing up well after the fray is underway!!-0
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Re: General congratulations

Postby clapper011 on Tue Oct 14, 2008 11:20 pm

congrats to owen for not knowing why I really was away....
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Re: General congratulations

Postby Fruitcake on Wed Oct 15, 2008 5:34 pm

Congrats to Twill, who has showed that even when the storm is raging he can sometimes, just sometimes, show a touch of class and style that can make a man like me laugh until my sides hurt.

Twill wrote:
zerotonine wrote:the classic map is gone, none of the scripts work, the dice look retarded,

bye bye CC


Ya know what, why don't I save ya the effort of leaving...busted.

Please don't complain when you cheat ;)


Moved and Locked

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Re: General congratulations

Postby owenshooter on Wed Oct 15, 2008 6:01 pm

congrats to twill for the post of all posts during this turbulent time!!!! amen!!!-0

Twill wrote:
zerotonine wrote:the classic map is gone, none of the scripts work, the dice look retarded,

bye bye CC


Ya know what, why don't I save ya the effort of leaving...busted.

Please don't complain when you cheat ;)


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Re: General congratulations

Postby Snorri1234 on Wed Oct 15, 2008 6:10 pm

Congrats to Twill for being a power-hungry maniac.
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Re: General congratulations

Postby KoE_Sirius on Wed Oct 15, 2008 6:15 pm

Snorri1234 wrote:Congrats to Twill for being a power-hungry maniac.

QFT...Yippppeeeee =D>
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Re: General congratulations

Postby Fruitcake on Thu Oct 16, 2008 1:55 am

KoE_Sirius wrote:
Snorri1234 wrote:Congrats to Twill for being a power-hungry maniac.

QFT...Yippppeeeee =D>

Please stay on topic Sirius. You are meant to phrase the response in a congratulatory message.

We wouldn't want this thread being locked now would we....

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Re: General congratulations

Postby InsomniaRed on Thu Oct 16, 2008 2:03 am

Fruitcake wrote:
KoE_Sirius wrote:
Snorri1234 wrote:Congrats to Twill for being a power-hungry maniac.

QFT...Yippppeeeee =D>

Please stay on topic Sirius. You are meant to phrase the response in a congratulatory message.

We wouldn't want this thread being locked now would we....

Congrats to Fruitcake for not following his own advice?
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Re: General congratulations

Postby jiminski on Thu Oct 16, 2008 6:25 am

InsomniaRed wrote:
Fruitcake wrote:
KoE_Sirius wrote:
Snorri1234 wrote:Congrats to Twill for being a power-hungry maniac.

QFT...Yippppeeeee =D>

Please stay on topic Sirius. You are meant to phrase the response in a congratulatory message.

We wouldn't want this thread being locked now would we....

Congrats to Fruitcake for not following his own advice?

Congratulations for keeping the joyous, dark shadow of irony alive!
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Re: General congratulations

Postby Jeff Hardy on Thu Oct 16, 2008 6:33 am

i congratulate everyone inm the top 50
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Re: General congratulations

Postby Bruceswar on Thu Oct 16, 2008 7:36 am

Congrats to Yeti_C for getting CM back working!!!!
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Re: General congratulations

Postby owenshooter on Thu Oct 16, 2008 7:44 am

Bruceswar wrote:Congrats to Yeti_C for getting CM back working!!!!

congrats to those of us that are smart enough to play the game without cheats!!!-0
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Re: General congratulations

Postby yeti_c on Thu Oct 16, 2008 7:49 am

owenshooter wrote:
Bruceswar wrote:Congrats to Yeti_C for getting CM back working!!!!

congrats to those of us that are smart enough to play the game without cheats!!!-0

Congrats to Owen for steadfastly refusing to join the current century!!!

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