The tournament is over, and
moguaiis the champion and new Top Terminator. Congratulations, moguai.
Here is the final scoreboard:
1. moguai - 424
2. Phr34ky - 392
3. Gilligan - 386
4. lagger-no-1 - 384
5. Tommy Tucker - 196
6. negoeien - 161
7. Steinmeister - 130
8. Raybaer - 123
9. geigerm -88
10. RobinJ -84
11. blockhead15 - 82
12. aznin -81
13. MikeMcD585 - 79
14. axh98 - 71
15. Fircoal - 46
15. mangus - 46
15. lozzini - 46
18. Angus Khan - 45
19. longboreder - 43
20. foregone - 41
Thanks to everyone for playing, I hope you enjoyed it.