by true2paintball on Sun Sep 28, 2008 2:57 pm
The game that I am referring to is one that I am currently participating in now. At one point you indicated that you were taking his turns but the other comments in bold do not represent your or rainman's play history. Game 3140657.
2008-08-31 15:08:53 - true2paintball [team]: what's the plan?
2008-08-31 20:04:46 - Phatscotty: or, you can take is trapped in the bathist and had now way to get back in....maybe try a roll on it from tikrit without deploying
2008-08-31 20:05:38 - Phatscotty: i invented the question mark
2008-08-31 23:34:02 - Rainman23 [team]: only played 1 time
2008-09-01 18:58:52 - true2paintball [team]: h
2008-09-01 18:58:56 - true2paintball [team]: k
2008-09-02 03:52:07 - Rainman23 [team]: What paintball gun you have?
2008-09-02 07:07:35 - true2paintball [team]: evo
2008-09-09 08:12:42 - Rainman23: shrinky for rainman
2008-09-09 14:26:53 - true2paintball [team]: what?
2008-09-12 17:22:39 - true2paintball [team]: hey rain, you might want to drop on Ramadi and use it to take blue
2008-09-13 10:01:53 - Rainman23 [team]: k
2008-09-13 10:02:30 - Rainman23 [team]: crap wrong Ramadi
2008-09-14 08:39:42 - true2paintball [team]: no big just drop on the right one next round and then use the 5 on the city to fortify at the end
2008-09-14 08:42:15 - true2paintball [team]: besides it gave you an extra army this coming round
2008-09-16 05:35:03 - true2paintball [team]: Are your 5 armies stuck in the Ramadi City Loyalty then or are you able to fortify them to the Ramadi City?
2008-09-17 00:56:45 - Rainman23 [team]: stuck...
2008-09-17 01:02:01 - Rainman23 [team]: im trying to figure out this map I havent studied it enough
2008-09-17 01:04:21 - Joe B.: Yellow, tried to break Teal at Sulaymania, didn't do so well.
2008-09-17 01:06:15 - Joe B.: Unless green cuts through me, which might be a smart move, Teal is going to pull in 9 extra.
2008-09-17 01:06:52 - Joe B.: I'm leaving 1 on Dyala so maybe green helps too.
2008-09-17 04:00:13 - true2paintball: Very nice tactic orange, as you have 7 armies, are the weakest on the board and have been attacked repeatedly to put you within the realm of elimination, why not try and focus attention elsewhere?
2008-09-17 09:29:39 - true2paintball [team]: You need to get the Baathists in each city you control so that you can start pulling more armies. I need some help in taking back kurd
2008-09-18 00:24:48 - Joe B.: Teal, give me a break, you had 9 + coming, why shouldn't we team up to break you?
2008-09-18 00:25:12 - Joe B.: You don't like me, knock me out of the game.
2008-09-18 00:26:39 - Joe B.: At this point, red and green are the only 1's that really have a shot at you, I'm here as long as the ride lasts.
2008-09-18 00:27:39 - Joe B.: By the way, nice job green.
2008-09-20 07:49:22 - true2paintball [team]: is it possible for you to drop on Anbar and use it to take Salhaddan and then secure Ta'Mim to help defend that area so I can move my armies to the right side?
2008-09-21 01:53:13 - Rainman23 [team]: am I stuck with thos 5 rmies or what in city loyalties Ramidi?
2008-09-21 07:30:28 - true2paintball [team]: if it does not let you fortify them outwards then yes
2008-09-21 07:40:32 - true2paintball [team]: ***Note to self, hit one of Red's Al Queda Citys
2008-09-21 23:16:41 - Joe B.: Green, no place I could help this time, lost 4 straight trying to go though Anbar.
2008-09-21 23:20:16 - Joe B.: Maybe you can hit him at Niniwa through Salahadin and weaken him a little. Only leave 1 on Salahadin so yellow can come back through with his 11 from Adhamiya.
2008-09-21 23:22:50 - Joe B.: Again, if Teal holds, he has 10 coming.
2008-09-22 16:20:56 - true2paintball: Hey green, what do you say we work together to get orange off the board? You can hit him in Babil from one of your three boardering nations and pink can hit him in Karbala from Anbar?
2008-09-22 16:21:33 - true2paintball [team]: wait for green to confirm that he will accept the plan before hitting orange
2008-09-23 15:22:26 - Joe B.: Getting me off the board helps you teal, do you think green really thinks that's in his best interest?
2008-09-23 15:23:19 - Joe B.: Green was the only 1 who stepped up to the plate, obviously, he know's how to play.
2008-09-23 15:23:46 - Joe B.: I'm sure you can take me out all by yourself.
2008-09-23 15:24:20 - Joe B.: Yellow, what happened to you? Was hoping you would save the day.
2008-09-23 15:27:46 - Joe B.: Got good dice, but if you 2 don't step in and beat him up a little, he'll easily recover.
2008-09-23 15:29:14 - Joe B.: Green, if you can get a couple of lucky rolls, maybe you can get a few off teal at salahadan, then yellow can bust him up a little more.
2008-09-23 15:30:07 - Joe B.: This is our last chance guys, yellow, if you don't come through, end is near.
2008-09-24 06:18:48 - Dirk Diggler 54: got bad dice the last round
2008-09-24 07:31:59 - true2paintball [team]: Take out orange
2008-09-24 07:33:36 - true2paintball [team]: what are you doing anyway?
2008-09-24 07:34:08 - true2paintball: Hoq about the 7 red is pulling a round?
2008-09-24 07:34:22 - true2paintball: He and green are the strongest pair on the board right now
2008-09-24 08:44:36 - Phatscotty: you mean the 2...?
2008-09-24 15:33:45 - Rainman23 [team]: never played this map b4...
2008-09-24 16:43:52 - true2paintball [team]: are you using the installation that lets you see what attacks what and how to get bonuses?
2008-09-24 16:49:53 - true2paintball [team]: Ok p our points of defese to hold the bonus are the city if Tikrut, Province of Ramadi, Province of Salhaddin, and Dyala
2008-09-24 16:50:21 - true2paintball [team]: add armies to those areas, especially Dyala and Salhaddin. If they take one, build up defenses to take those areas back
2008-09-24 16:50:52 - true2paintball [team]: Unfortunately I think we already lost because orange will hit me this turn and then green will come through and finish the job
2008-09-24 17:36:21 - Joe B.: I think if everyone gives him 1 more round of beatings, he'll be in line.
2008-09-24 17:37:10 - Joe B.: Green and yellow, maybe you guys can put a hurtin on Salahadan.
Paddy The Cat:
Of course people can have lives, if you would have read the ENTIRE post you would see that I said I do not have a problem with people taking turns for others in an emergency. What I have a problem with is someone starting 10+ games, leaving and then having others start/finish the games for them. If it was an emergency, which is perfectly fine, then whoever takes his turns in existing games should drop the games that he is in that are "Waiting for Players" status. Otherwise people will join the games expecting to play with/against a certain ranked opponent and end up playing against someone with a different level of experience.