Conquer Club

Asian Dinner Date [WINNER: amazzony]

Tournaments completed in 2009.

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Asian Dinner Date [WINNER: amazzony]

Postby PaulusH on Mon Sep 08, 2008 3:52 pm

News on running
amazzony is the overall winner =D> =D>
Most guests had fun :roll:

Second post on page1 and first post on page3 contain a status overview. :geek:
The 3 predictions made on 8 sept had a mistake of 0%; 25% and 2%. So average 9%. Crazy Dinner Date was average 11.5% mistaken, so improved :lol:

Premiums as well as non-premiums are welcome in this restaurant.
At entering you have to choose what your major reason is to join: eat or date?
Date: you need one slot open at the start and two weeks later another slot.
Eat: you need two slots open at the start and a third slot two weeks after the start.

Except for the number of games you can play in parallel, there is no difference between date & eat. For premiums the default is eat, for non-premiums the default is date.

Start first games on 25 September. You need to have your slots open at that moment.
In case I have to postpone that date, I will enounce it at this location, latest on the 21 Sept.
Start date is now fixed. I like to get some more reserves, but that will not influence the starting date.
After getting at least a third reserve, I need one or two days to get it started, so starting before 25th of September is not likely.

The asian dinner date
Basically there will be 25 people at this date. You will get 6 dishes at 6 tables. Each table has 5 chairs. Every next table/dish people will be swapped (using the windmill setup). At the end of the dinner you will have met all 24 other persons.

To make it more complex we might serve several dishes at the same moment, so you have to walk through the restaurant remembering your chairs at the tables. ;)

We only have a menu-of-the-day and you are not allowed to skip a less tasting dish. (You will get approx. 48 hours to join a game you are invited for by a PM). The menu and complete recipes are given below; in case there are parts you really donā€™t like (read the menu!), you better look for another restaurant. In case you prevent to get a (bad) dish to be served, you are kicked out of the restaurant. In case you donā€™t like the food, get sick of it or there are other problems, just ask me for some help.
In case I need somebody from the waiting line he (or she) will get an extra attention of our restaurant to compensate for the waiting, see score.

I hope you all will enjoy the complete dish.

1. Starter: Balut. A Filipino delicacy
2. Wonton soup. A typic Chinese soup.
3. Main course: Fugu. A difficult Japanese fish; a mistake at preparing is killing for the eaters.
4. Drinks: San Miguel Beer from Hong Kong.
5. As desert: mandarin orange.
6. Afterwards: tea. Just to relax and talk about the good things of this dinner date.

The recipes of the Menu
Everybody joining this diner should play 6 games each with 5 persons. More info at post3.
1 Balut: Philippines; standard, freestyle, flat rate, unlimited, sunny
2 Wonton soup: Greater China; standard, sequential, flat rate, unlimited, sunny
3 Fugu: WWII on Iwo Jima; standard, sequential, escalating, unlimited, sunny
4 Beer: Hong Kong; standard, sequential, flat rate, unlimited, fog
5 Mandarins: Mongol Empire; standard, sequential, flat rate, adjacent, sunny
6 Tea: Asia; standard, sequential, no cards, unlimited, sunny

As score we use the windmill score. Accept for dish3 you will get more tulips in case you leave the dish later. You will get for each game 21, 17, 13, 9 or 7 tulips depending on your position. The winner gets 21 tulips
Since at WWII people had to eat tulips; you also have to eat tulips at the WWII related maps as at dish3. You will have to eat 0, 4, 8, 12 or 14 of your tulips depending on your end position of dish3. So the winner doesnā€™t eat tulips
In case you have not enough tulips at the moment you need to eat, you will eat only the tulips you have at that moment. Negative tulips donā€™t exists ! :) :D :lol:

In case there is at the end of the competition a tie in number of tulips collected, the results of game(s) in which those persons where in together will show there relative position.

Any needed reserve will get the same number of tulips as the person at position 7 at that moment. Furthermore he -or she- will get one extra bonus tulip.

Predictions like this are easily not 100% correct, see my earlier tournament with predictions: link. The problem is that they really are only predictions.
ā€¢ Expected start first games at 25 September.
We started on the 25th. So here a score of 100%
ā€¢ Expected start last game on 18 November
In reality the last game started on 31 Okt, that is 18 days too early. Prediction made on 8 Sep. 18 Nov - 8 Sep = 71 days. 18/71= 25% mistake
ā€¢ Expected the very last game to be finished at 11 January
In reality the last game ended on 13 Jan, that is 2 days too late. Prediction made on 8 Sep. 11 Jan - 8 Sep = 125 days. 2/125= 2% mistake
Last edited by PaulusH on Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:10 pm, edited 127 times in total.
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Postby PaulusH on Mon Sep 08, 2008 3:52 pm

Click image to enlarge.

Only reserve needed: at dish5. He (or she) started at position number 7 with on top of that one extra tulip.

There are 4 persons with an overall end score of 65 tulips. In each of the 6 games where two of those persons were together one of the two had a of course better end position; but all 4 persons were sometimes better and sometimes worse; so overall it still is a tie. Since it is not about the first or the last place there will not come a tie-game for this.

PAUL912 and LordZack72 also have the same number of tulips. They both were at the same table at dish5, by which that dish directly was the tie-game, so PAUL912 is just ending above LordZack72.

amazzony is overall winner
Last edited by PaulusH on Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:06 pm, edited 76 times in total.
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Extra info. Not needed for decision to play or not :)

Postby PaulusH on Mon Sep 08, 2008 3:55 pm

Currently this gives more detail on why the recipes must be correct
And it also gives the complete general windmill scoring. With the windmill scoring all kind of games can be mixed, for instance standard games with team games.

Game settings
It is just a standard dinner date, so basically the standard settings (standard, sequential, flat rate, unlimited & sunny); but with some exceptions
1 Balut. Since this is the starter and everybody should feel free to meet each other. And also because of the high-protein in Balut we use freestyle
2. Wonton soup: nothing strange, so complete normal setting
3. Fugu. A small mistake is killing; in that way it is a kind of Russian roulette. With the escalating cards somebody will pull the trigger. Because of the fish an isle is very welcome and to again because of the Russian roulette aspect I have taken isle Iwo Jima.
4. Beer. In case you drink too much your mind will cause a fog.
5. Mandarin orange: the name is reefing to its origin (so the old china). Today china produces >10 M tonne per year; logistics and transport must be complicated so we use adjacent.
6. Tea: could come from anywhere in Asia. We want you to concentrate on the relaxing and the good talks; to prevent the temptation to study your cards, we just donā€™t give cards.

General windmill scoring
In fact there are two groups of maps each having there own scoring. The reason for that is that in WWII people start eating tulips because of the hunger.

The complete windmill system scoring is up to 8 persons. Simply leave out lowest in case you play with less.
Score: get 21, get 17, get 13, get 9, get 7, get 5, get 3 or get 1 tulip
WWII: eat 0, eat 4, eat 8, eat 12, eat 14, eat 16, eat 18 or eat 20 tulips.
It is never possible to have negative tulips.
Reserve player: get one tulip extra on top of starting quantity of current position 7.

Mixing of standard, terminator, all team-setting and most assassins is possible. Assassin with 7 players is not perfect and for assassin with 6 players a small trick is used.
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Re: Asian Dinner Date (5x5 windmill) open 4 all [0/25+reserve]

Postby amazzony on Mon Sep 08, 2008 4:15 pm

Of course count me in! Eating it is, no dating needed :D
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Re: Asian Dinner Date (5x5 windmill) open 4 all [0/25+reserve]

Postby MEK on Mon Sep 08, 2008 6:42 pm

Yum I'll eat
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Re: Asian Dinner Date (5x5 windmill) open 4 all [0/25+reserve]

Postby R0k0v on Mon Sep 08, 2008 9:42 pm

I'm going to go Kung-Pow on some chickens. (I know really bad pun.)
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Re: Asian Dinner Date (5x5 windmill) open 4 all [0/25+reserve]

Postby matt c. on Mon Sep 08, 2008 11:01 pm

count me in and eat please
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Re: Asian Dinner Date (5x5 windmill) open 4 all [4/25+reserve]

Postby PaulusH on Tue Sep 09, 2008 11:51 am

Ok you all 4 are in
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Re: Asian Dinner Date (5x5 windmill) open 4 all [0/25+reserve]

Postby Kotaro on Tue Sep 09, 2008 12:12 pm

matt c. wrote:count me in and eat please
Lakad Matataaag!
Normalin, normalin.


TheJonah wrote:I`m not really that arsed. Just supporting my mucker.
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Re: Asian Dinner Date (5x5 windmill) open 4 all [4/25+reserve]

Postby sooupy on Tue Sep 09, 2008 4:12 pm

Well I'll Eat...,
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Re: Asian Dinner Date (5x5 windmill) open 4 all [4/25+reserve]

Postby PaulusH on Tue Sep 09, 2008 5:59 pm

Ok you are both added to the list 8-)
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Re: Asian Dinner Date (5x5 windmill) open 4 all [6/25+reserve]

Postby madman7 on Tue Sep 09, 2008 10:22 pm

im in
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Re: Asian Dinner Date (5x5 windmill) open 4 all [8/25+reserve]

Postby PaulusH on Sat Sep 13, 2008 4:12 pm

Hi madman7, you are the 7th to enter =D>

And I have also number 8 (by PM) :D

Only 17 places left for this nice food :roll:
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Re: Asian Dinner Date (5x5 windmill) open 4 all [8/25+reserve]

Postby Gunner1980 on Sat Sep 13, 2008 4:20 pm

i'm in
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Re: Asian Dinner Date (5x5 windmill) open 4 all [8/25+reserve]

Postby PaulusH on Sat Sep 13, 2008 4:53 pm

Welcome Gunner1980
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Re: Asian Dinner Date (5x5 windmill) open 4 all [8/25+reserve]

Postby Tammy DeLee on Sat Sep 13, 2008 4:54 pm

I'm in to eat :D
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Re: Asian Dinner Date (5x5 windmill) open 4 all [10/25+reserve]

Postby LordZack72 on Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:22 pm

Sign me up! I love to eat!
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Re: Asian Dinner Date (5x5 windmill) open 4 all [11/25+reserve]

Postby PaulusH on Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:54 pm

Updated to this point
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Re: Asian Dinner Date (5x5 windmill) open 4 all [11/25+reserve]

Postby seamusvibe on Sat Sep 13, 2008 7:54 pm

i love to eat!
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Re: Asian Dinner Date (5x5 windmill) open 4 all [11/25+reserve]

Postby Katya on Sun Sep 14, 2008 1:14 am

I will eat :)
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Re: Asian Dinner Date (5x5 windmill) open 4 all [11/25+reserve]

Postby PaulusH on Sun Sep 14, 2008 1:19 pm

Ok. You are in as well.

13 persons entered now :D
So approx halfway the entering period still 12 to go :)
But I also need some reserves ;)
So not clear yet if I can realize my planning :geek:
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Re: Asian Dinner Date (5x5 windmill) open 4 all [13/25+reserve]

Postby PAUL912 on Sun Sep 14, 2008 1:45 pm

I'll eat
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Re: Asian Dinner Date (5x5 windmill) open 4 all [13/25+reserve]

Postby Lexitonia5 on Sun Sep 14, 2008 1:56 pm

Ill Join. Put me where you need me.
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Re: Asian Dinner Date (5x5 windmill) open 4 all [15/25+reserve]

Postby PaulusH on Mon Sep 15, 2008 2:18 pm

Welcome PAUL912 and Lexitonia5 :D

Lexitonia5 wrote:Ill Join. Put me where you need me.

I need you in 6 games to be organized soon :geek:
Or did you had something different in mind :P
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Re: Asian Dinner Date (5x5 windmill) open 4 all [15/25+reserve]

Postby mangus on Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:47 pm

Not a big Sushi fan but I do love noodles so I am in.
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