by RedBaron0 on Tue Aug 26, 2008 2:43 am
It's a great idea you have here kiddo, I hope you go far with it!
My suggestions:
It's huge. Crossing lines create lots of confusion I say you drop half the territories, at least. You don't have to have a territory for each star in the constellation. This I think will lend to a better overall look for the map, less cluttered and the map becomes... well a map instead of a collection of dots. Put some stars in as a part of the backround to show the major shape of the constellation and "territories" perhaps at brighter well known stars and pheonominon. Take Taurus for example, you could drop that down to 4 territories say(just a suggested number). The main well known star, Aldebaran(alpha Tauri) - the Bull's eye, The Pleiades, well know open cluster- the shoulder of the bull, The Hyades, a lesser known open cluster, relatively very close to Earth(only 150 lys) - the head of the bull, and the Crab Nebula(M1), well know as a supernova remnant from 1054 - near the last star represented by the hind legs, just south of the line of the ecliptic.
Personally, territories should have names, not just numbers. With constellations each star has a greek letter designation(i.e. alpha Tauri) and at worst, would be a better territory name, that's more of a personal preference, but I think it'd make for a more pleasing map. This goes along with what I said earlier.
A lot of things will flow if some of these changes go down. Some constellations don't really have much in the way of bright stars(Pisces, Capricorn, Libra, etc.) Some of those could be just 1 or 2 territories folded into a larger 'continent'
I don't like the black hole, the Earth should be in the center. With the Earth at the center the map become more like the celestial sphere, but just the ecliptic.
Ok... that's probably a ton of stuff to deal with, and I'm sorry to give you a lot of work, but astronomy is a passion of mine. A lot of the map does look good, and you've done a good job! Keep it up and you'll get this map up and running!