Conquer Club

Olympic Tournament [WINNER: djelebert]

Tournaments completed in 2011.

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Re: Olympic Tournament [357 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby japser_be on Wed Aug 06, 2008 4:19 am

if you still need some1 add me on the list
after a proud ID now a proud...
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Re: Olympic Tournament [357 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Iron Maid on Wed Aug 06, 2008 2:37 pm

UPDATE 2008-08-06 (2)

The first European game has finished today. The Poland Game 2964275 was won by Master Yoda (POL), who will be representing Poland in the second stage European qualifiers. Beauty Monique (POL) was unfortunately the first European to leave the Tourney as she was eliminated in Round 6.

After some work the Finland Game 2961985 finally started. Padisova (FIN) who wasn't online for a long time, merirosvo (FIN) who still is too busy with other games and Urban85 (FIN) who joined just after Jantti85 (FIN) and then dropped the game were replaced by some good players: Elite_Penguin (FIN), Major Gauntlet (FIN) and float (FIN). Thank you guys for joining!

japser_be (BEL) replaces daany (BEL) in the Belgium Game 2962938 and nymdespana (ITA) replaces rosper75 (ITA) in the Italy Game 2963136. So this brings the total number of games that still are awaiting players down to 21.

Great news: nban (IND) did his first turn ! Game 2967091. So if you have put your money on risk it all (USA) to be the first one eliminated for missing too many rounds, you have a good chance to win the micro-wave oven.
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Re: Olympic Tournament [357 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby MuEagles79 on Wed Aug 06, 2008 3:41 pm

put Fortworthian(USA) on the clock to miss his first 3 turns...about to miss his 2nd and really delaying our game...have a quick moving group otherwise...darn cooks.
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Re: Olympic Tournament [357 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Iron Maid on Wed Aug 06, 2008 5:08 pm

MuEagles79 wrote:put Fortworthian(USA) on the clock to miss his first 3 turns...about to miss his 2nd and really delaying our game...have a quick moving group otherwise...darn cooks.

Next Tournament I will create a qualifying game for the Cook Islands. ;)
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Re: Olympic Tournament [357 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Iron Maid on Thu Aug 07, 2008 5:51 am

UPDATE 2008-08-07 (1)

As Muleyak (USA) joined for the United States Group 2 Game 2961531 all US games are in progress. Thanks to all Americans, as there were only little problems, for joining these games.

The Uruguay Game 2967240 has finally started as rodrigopel (URU) finally joined and I replaced sergiosh (URU) with colonel neil (TRI). The Trinidad player signed up too late for the Trinidad & Tobago game and as he wanted to be a reserve he can take his chance in this game. By the way, I don't know where to place Trinidad. Is it South America or like the other Caribbean Islands North America.

The 8-player Portugal Game 2961290 finally started as MadRMax (POR) luckily joined just in time. Eduardo da Silva (CRO) joined the Croatia game, still 1 player needed here. The Serbia Game 2964179 has begun as jela (SRB) replaces Red Jack (SRB) who ignored my reminder. Australian in Singapore codyjd (SIN) is in the Tourney as after reminders we already waited too long for shawntrevis (SIN) and Tommy Tucker (SIN) to join.

risk it all (USA) is busy trying deadbeating in Game 2961661.

Sovsotif (DEN) is becoming favourite in the Denmark Game 2962012 as he eliminated zuxsion (DEN) in Round 4.
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Re: Olympic Tournament [357 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Iron Maid on Thu Aug 07, 2008 3:41 pm

UPDATE 2008-08-07 (2)

I'm happy that I can tell you that the Tournament already has done a good job. The Slovenes in Game 2964139 really found eachother and they are organizing their own League / Tourney: viewtopic.php?f=31&t=58791#p1498245

Only 12 games left that are waiting for players. The Belgium & Italy Game 2962993 has now 4 Italians and 2 Belgians as major MEP (ITA) replaced Bennyke (BEL). The Spain Game 2963058 just started as another major Hesoos (ESP) from Asturias replaces Sinfocito (ESP) who hasn't been online for few weeks. And this definitely is a major update as I also arranged major fakoman (CRO) to get the Croatian Game 2963520 completed. I luckily found 2 other Macedonians SWeko (MKD) and KREPA (MKD) to replace Ditka (MKD) and stevkov (MKD) in the Rep. of Macedonia Game 2966846. French Singaporian nykhone (SIN) was helpful to become the last player to join the Singapore Game 2967342. homelessguy65 (NZL) is down to 10 active games, so 7 left to go before he can join.

In the Argentina Game 2967454 captain magoya (ARG) has been eliminated in Round 2. Bad luck for the only Premium player in this game.

Fellow tournament organizer Lufsen75 (SWE) plays very well in the Sweden Game 2961953 as he already conquered 2 "continents" and 5 cards.
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Re: Olympic Tournament [357 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby vax on Thu Aug 07, 2008 10:25 pm

No probs Iron Maid...
although looking @ a map you would swear we are part of south america but historically and politically we are part the lesser antillies i.e. the windward islands ( hence you will also note in C&C map we are also grouped as such!
So we are definitely part of the greater caribbean basin! if you want to think of it in terms of sport (e.g. world cup football n.b. like the rest of the world we don't call it soccer) we are usually grouped within the central and north american regionals but for the purpose of the tourney i think ( i assumed) we were going to play against the other central american countries
despite our native language being english
while central america native language is spanish ! (we don't see that as a prob)
any more questions feel free to ask !
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Illegal entry in Olympic Tournament

Postby Iron Maid on Fri Aug 08, 2008 4:53 am

Unfortunately I have to disqualify 2 players in the Olympic Tournament.

Here is the message I have sent to the players of the Caribbean Islands Game 2968154 and Tournament Directors Night Strike & Optmus Prime and to jackupton (ISV).

Iron Maid wrote:Hello,

as 2 entries from the British Virgin Islands & the US Virgin Islands didn't show up for the Q1 Caribbean Islands Game 2968154 of the Olympic Tournament I contacted some other Caribbeans for a replacement. I gave the password to 2 of them which replied on my PM: maximuss of Antigua & Barbuda and jackupton of the US Virgin Islands.

Unfortunately jackupton couldn't take the spot as another Antiguan player pope john paul got in. This player must have had the password from maximuss, as I didn't contact pope john paul.

It is not done to give passwords to other players without contacting the host. Therefore both maximuss and pope john paul will be disqualified for the Tournament. jackupton will be given a chance in a new game which has to be created yet.

It's sad that this happened in a Tournament which takes a lot of time and efforts to organize.


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UPDATE 2008-08-08

Postby Iron Maid on Fri Aug 08, 2008 8:58 am

As mentioned in previous message 2 players have been disqualified for the Tourney. A new game will be created later to replace the Caribbean Islands Game 2968154.

American player risk it all (USA) leaves the Tourney because of missing too may turns in Game 2961661. Better not join a Tournament if you are going to deadbeat!

In the Belgian Game 2962938 Tichke (BEL) eliminated BlAckICE (BEL) in Round 5, but it seems that cadet Qorten (BEL) has the best chances to win the game as he both conquered West Netherlands & North Netherlands.

In the Bulgaria & Greece Game 2963619 greek entry psaxnoulis (GRE) killed Lucifer4o (BUL) in Round 4.

With merodac (AUT) I already found 1 player for replacing the Hardy brothers in The Alps Game 2964101. The Hungary Game 2964332 finally started as pitemeister (HUN) replaced EuGenius (HUN). Shai (ISR) replaces n1a1d1 (ISR) so the Israelians can also make their first moves in the Tourney. The Japanese & Koreans in Game 2967203 started as Holis (KOR) replaces Flabbus (JPN).

Only 8 players for 8 different games have to join now. And I'll have to see how to create a new game for the Caribbean Islands.
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UPDATE 2008-08-09 (1)

Postby Iron Maid on Sat Aug 09, 2008 5:32 am

The last Canadian Game 2967030 finally started as colonel Asclepio (CAN) from Vancouver was willing to take over the spot of poolshark (CAN). thecrazy1 (GER) was replaced by GROND 2cd. (GER) in the Germany Game 2963767. In The Alps Game 2964101 speckknoedelsup (AUT) joined merodac (AUT) to replace Jeff Hardy (AUT) & Matt Hardy (AUT) to fight for the Austrian spot in the next stage. In Hong Kong Game 2967565 xiaotian (HKG) replaces hk2007 (HKG).

South Africa has really good competitors as FATHARRY (RSA) replaces cjoe (RSA) in the South Africa Group 1 Game 2968235. With FATHARRY (RSA), the highest ranked South African on CC, we have now already all top 4 South Africans of Conquer Club in our Tourney. As 5 more South Africans wanted to join after the replacement PM for cjoe (RSA), I decided to create an extra game for them with 5 players Game 3014449 in which the best 2 players also will qualify. A big 8 player game in the second qualifying stage will then decide who will become South Africas representive in the Main Tourney.

Another new game which had to be created is the Honduras & Caribbean Islands Game 3012149 which replaces the cancelled Caribbean Islands Game 2968154.

The South Africa Group 3 Game 2968713 ended as C_FOUR (RSA) eliminated Arcane100 (RSA) and major musteriuz (RSA) both in Round 9. The major is lucky as he was eliminated just after Arcane100 (RSA) and so will advance as a runner-up to the second stage.

In the China Game 2967324 Joodoo (CHN) & Shu (CHN) are already qualified as the other 4 opponents were eliminated in Rounds 5 & 6.

amhowie (NZL) is the first New Zealand player who leaves the Tourney as he has been eliminated by Me-Da-MiNoRiTY (NZL) in Round 7 of the New Zealand Group 1 Game 2968100
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Re: Olympic Tournament [360 players, 74 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Joodoo on Sat Aug 09, 2008 8:13 am

ty for the update
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UPDATE 2008-08-09 (2)

Postby Iron Maid on Sat Aug 09, 2008 5:00 pm

The newly created Honduras & Caribbean Islands Game 3012149 started with new entries wijotoma (HON) from Honduras, US Virgin jackupton (ISV) and Antiguan dcozyone (ANT). Last player in the game is dcozyslayer (ANT) who's already in his second game as he also was in the Caribbean Islands Game 2968154 in which 2 other Antiguans were disqualified and the game was cancelled for the Tourney.

Another new game started as I created an extra game for the South Africans that all wanted to play as replacement for cjoe (RSA). In this new Game 3014449 the best 2 will qualify to face 7 other South Africans in the 2nd stage for one ticket to the Main Event.

Also the Other Africa & Oceania Game 2968732 started. After days of swimming in the river Nile, crawling through the Sahara Desert and climbing the Kilimanjaro no one from Africa could help me to replace Egyptian Himawaw (EGY). So Jordan major riskconquerer (JOR) was allowed to take the free spot. And we are back to 75 countries again! (It were temporarily 74 as British Virgin thenikfox (BVI) was replaced earlier.)

MEK (USA) was eliminated by lukethespy (USA) in Round 5 of the United States Group 6 Game 2961708. With 5 cards and holding the Southwest lukethespy (USA) is one of the favourites for this game.

In the North Central American Game 2967704 Nicaraguan Sid Caracas (NCA) did a good job by eliminating Guatemalan pps (GUA) in Round 8. As the other 2 remaining players are both from Honduras, Sid Caracas (NCA) automatically has a ticket to the next stage, as the best 2 players from different countries qualify.

Cadet Qorten (BEL) is definitely the most dangerous player now in the Belgium Game 2962938 as he has eliminated captain japser_be (BEL) in Round 6.

At the Iran & Indian Subcontinent Game 2967091 leyla (IRI) eliminated only Sri Lankan player risky4me (SRI) in Round 5. It seems she doesn't understand that her chances for qualification are bigger when she eliminates the other Iranians first.

Highest ranked player in the Tourney Me-Da-MiNoRiTY (NZL) was eliminated by n8dog (NZL) in Round 7 of the New Zealand Group 1 Game 2968100. The remaining 3 players are secured now to go to the 2nd qualification round. Russian Colonel Beadle (RUS) who's ranked 59 is now the highest ranked player that is still active in the Tourney.

Fortworthian (USA) & JohnTheBrit (FRA) were kicked out for missing too may turns and definitely deserve their spot in the Hall of Shame.
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UPDATE 2008-08-10 (1)

Postby Iron Maid on Sun Aug 10, 2008 3:37 am

I don't know what kind of "Fiesta" they had in South America last couple of days as DColodro (CHL), deego86 (CHL) and Colombian Falkomagno (COL) all missed their turns. No other news from the Americas in this update.

The Netherlands Game 2961234 still hasn't started as we all wait for dupke (NED). If dupke (NED) doesn't show up after this weekend, I will search for replacement.

The Macedonians in Game 2966846 already advanced to Round 6 after less than 3 days of playing. SWeko (MKD) looks to be the favourite here.

And again we have a winner: Bulgarian captain eorg (BUL) eliminated his countrymen BagwellTheGreat (BUL) and mrstoyanov (BUL) in Round 5 of the Bulgaria & Greece Game 2963619 to become the Bulgarian entry for the second stage. It's up to the Greek players now to fight for the Greek spot.

And another game ended as n8dog (NZL) eliminated nomadicchris (NZL) in Round 8 and lkmgray (NZL) in Round 9 to be the winner of the New Zealand Group 1 Game 2968100. Nevertheless all 3 will advance to the next stage.

The other New Zealand game (Group 2) is still waiting for homelessguy65 (NZL) to join. He's down to 8 active games now. So still 5 to go.
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Re: Olympic Tournament [360 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby darklinkz on Sun Aug 10, 2008 6:28 am

Hey, if dupke doesnt show up, can i be his replacement??? im dutch ^^
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Re: Olympic Tournament [360 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Iron Maid on Sun Aug 10, 2008 7:41 am

darklinkz wrote:Hey, if dupke doesnt show up, can i be his replacement??? im dutch ^^

Sorry, no new recruits in the Tourney. New Recruits that signed up before were all a pain in the ass. Suspected multis or they didn't show up after I allowed them to play when they had a rank (in the case of Creampie (GBR)).
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Re: Olympic Tournament [360 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby darklinkz on Sun Aug 10, 2008 11:56 am

owke... im fine with that. When u do this again i will sign me up again :D
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UPDATE 2008-08-10 (2)

Postby Iron Maid on Sun Aug 10, 2008 3:57 pm

In the Great Britain Group 2 Game 2961364 drake_259 (GBR) looks to be favourite as he already received 3 times the bonus for holding Ireland.

The Romania Game 2961340 advances slowly in Round 3 as both DarkMalkin (ROM) & Snowborder34 (ROM) missed their turns.

After 10 Rounds the Slovenia Game 2964139 looks very balanced. All 5 players still have chances to win.

pittman (IND) was leyla's (IRI) next victim as she eliminated him in Round 6 of the Iran & Indian Subcontinent Game 2967091.

The China Game 2967324 finished in Round 7 with the elimination of Shu (CHN) by Joodoo (CHN). Both players qualified.

English jademagon (THA) living in Thailand eliminated LGM830 (MYA) from Belfast, who's living in Myanmar, in Round 8 of the South East Asia Game 2967598. This means that Italian in Cambodia cinematic (CAM) automatically qualified to the second stage.
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Re: Olympic Tournament [365 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Arrows on Mon Aug 11, 2008 1:14 pm

to late to join for Norway?
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UPDATE 2008-08-11

Postby Iron Maid on Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:51 pm

In Round 8 of the United States Group 8 Game 2961791 Lexitonia5 (USA) eliminated Cypress333 (USA). This game is still not decided yet, but ralphcptc (USA) with 5 cards and holding the West probably has the biggest chances at the moment.

Beautheser (BRA) has been eliminated by danyboy (BRA) in Round 8 of the Brazil Game 2967724.

Elite_Penguin (FIN) is the first victim in the Finland Game 2961985. jezerai (FIN) eliminated him in Round 4.

jaruler (GBR) is the first British player to leave the Tourney as he has been eliminated by John Price (GBR) in Round 7 of the Great Britain Group 2 Game 2961364.

Survivor (CRO) didn't survive (haha, what a joke) Round 4 of the Croatia Game 2963520 as Zagreb's Natali (CRO) eliminated him.

It's now between psaxnoulis (GRE) and andreas1977 (GRE) for the Greek spot, as andreas eliminated major gdok (GRE) in Round 6 of the Bulgaria & Greece Game 2963619.

With the elimination of Pringleplace (RSA) in Round 12, scholtz (RSA) got himself and MrOpolo (RSA) a ticket to Stage 2. scholtz (RSA) has almost won this South Africa Group 2 Game 2968265.

goozook (IRI) eliminated nban (IND) and Digibomb (IND) eliminated goozbeh (IRI) both in Round 7 of the Iran & Indian Subcontinent Game 2967091. Digibomb (IND) now is automatically qualified as he is the only non-Iranian left in the game.

In Round 8 of the South East Asia Game 2967598 Holland's conimex (THA) living in Thailand was eliminated by British Didda (THA) who has to fight other British jademagon (THA) for the Thailand ticket to Stage 2.

New Zealand Group 2 Game 2968128 has begun now as I replaced homelessguy65 (NZL), who has too many games running that probably will not end soon enough to have a slot open for the Tourney. Major Begbie (NZL) from the Southern Island replaces him.
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Re: Olympic Tournament [365 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby The Viking on Tue Aug 12, 2008 10:14 am

I'm in the Iceland&Norway group, we'll play two games before anyone's eliminated from the tourney, right?
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Re: Olympic Tournament [365 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby MuEagles79 on Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:59 am

badnuzjr missed a turn in my game....this game may take an eternity to complete
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UPDATE 2008-08-12

Postby Iron Maid on Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:06 pm

In Round 4 of the United States Group 4 Game 2961600 TaCktiX (USA) made some tactical moves to eliminate Ajna (USA). Another victim in the USA is brhsoccer14 (USA) who didn't survive Round 6 of the United States Group 7 Game 2961755. Terminator: Funkelee (USA).

Costa Rican abarbaro (CRC) eliminated greenhouse (PAN) from Panama in Round 6 of the Costa Rica & Panama Game 2967400.

In Belgium Game 2962938 former favourite Qorten (BEL) was eliminated in Round 13 by Hoofdschudder (BEL), which can be translated as 'Headbanger'.

SWeko (MKD) looks fav to me as he ended the ambitions of KREPA (MKD) in Round 12 of the Rep. of Macedonia Game 2966846.

The Bulgaria & Greece Game 2963619 ended in Round 13 with the elimination of psaxnoulis (GRE) from Athens. eorg (BUL) won the game and is going to represent Bulgaria in the next round. psaxnoulis (GRE) qualified as Greek entry when he eliminated other Athens player Andreas1977 (GRE) in Round 11.

South Africa Group 2 Game 2968265 finished in Round 14. scholtz (RSA) indeed won the game and qualifies together with MrOpolo (RSA) to the second qualifying stage.

In the Lebanon & United Arab Emirates Game 2967527 DeserRatinDubai (UAE) was eliminated in Round 7 by chac (LIB) who's in Qatar at the moment. Qatar is the nicest country in the world starting with Q.

The Iran & Indian Subcontinent Game 2967091 ended in Round 10 with the elimination of 'terminatrix' leyla (IRI) by goozook (IRI). Both players from Iran qualified together with India's Digibomb (IND) who ended 4th. Number 3 of this game shervin1963 (IRI) was unlucky as only 2 people from the same country can qualify to the next round in Asia.

The Netherlands Game 2961234 finally started as Gisbert (NED) replaces dupke (NED). The famous Dutch player Iron Maid (NED) also plays in this game. He could use some support as he is the lowest ranked player here. =D>

Well I thought that all games started now .... but, I did it again. Same as with South Africa happened to New Zealand. Lots of players wanted the open spot from homelessguy65 (NZL). So I created again a 5 player Game 3035091, with the best 2 to qualify to the next stage. So the second round 6-player Kiwi-game becomes an 8-player game.
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Cdkutusu on Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:46 am

lol no reports from our game =) are we forgotten? :)
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Iron Maid on Wed Aug 13, 2008 10:14 am

Cdkutusu wrote:lol no reports from our game =) are we forgotten? :)

Eliminate someone or miss 3 turns in a row and I will report it. If I would report more, I can better quit my dayjob and become a sportsjournalist or a writer. It definitely pays more. :lol:

Or maybe everyone of the 370 entrances should pay $ 10 dollars entry, then I could do also some more work on the updates. Wow, that's a great idea!!
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Cdkutusu on Wed Aug 13, 2008 10:59 am

Iron Maid wrote:
Cdkutusu wrote:lol no reports from our game =) are we forgotten? :)

Eliminate someone or miss 3 turns in a row and I will report it. If I would report more, I can better quit my dayjob and become a sportsjournalist or a writer. It definitely pays more. :lol:

Or maybe everyone of the 370 entrances should pay $ 10 dollars entry, then I could do also some more work on the updates. Wow, that's a great idea!!

lol ok :D we better not :D
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