Game #2964139: 5 Players,
Flat Rate,
Standard Tournament:
Olympic Tournament Label: Q1 Slovenia
Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
- Players
- 5
- Game Type
- Standard
- Slots Per Player
- 1
- Initial Troops
- Automatic
- Play Order
- Sequential
- Spoils
- Flat Rate
- Reinforcements
- Chained
- Fog of War
- No
- Trench Warfare
- No
- Round Limit
- None
- Round Length
- 24 Hours
5 |
Standard |
In a standard game each player fends for himself and there is only one winner. |
Automatic |
Regions are randomly distributed at the start of the game and each region starts with three troops. |
Sequential |
A player is selected at random to go first and then subsequent players follow in turn. During a team game the play order alternates between the teams. |
Flat Rate |
At the end of your turn if you have conquered at least one region you get 'spoils.' Once you have three of the same color (or three different) these can be traded in at the start of your turn for bonus troops. A set of three reds is worth four bonus troops. Three greens is worth six and three blues is worth 8. A set of three different colors is worth ten bonus troops. If you own any of the regions that you trade-in you get two bonus troops on those regions. |
Chained |
At the end of your turn you can reinforce once from one region to another (they must be connected by regions that you own). |
No |
Fog of War masks enemy positions that are not adjacent to your forces (or your team's forces). It also masks region and zone names in the log |
No |
You can only assault from regions held since the start of your turn. If you conquer a region during your turn you cannot assault from it until your next turn. |
None |
24 Hours |
Each player has up to 24 hours to complete a turn. You will get an email notification when it is your turn to play. |
Regular leaderboard scoring is in place for this game |
| Italy: | 36 Territories, 9 Continents, Min Reinforcements: 3 | |
Toggles change the setting temporarily, other settings are saved on a per map basis. For site-wide settings see our
Game Settings page.
2008-08-02 13:34:42 - Game has been initialized
2008-08-27 13:37:35 - LaZyMaN eliminated lalinea from the game
2008-09-16 05:12:52 - LaZyMaN eliminated tminc83 from the game
2008-09-17 18:33:25 - Pecka eliminated tito81 from the game
2008-09-17 18:35:47 - Pecka eliminated LaZyMaN from the game
2008-09-17 18:35:47 - Pecka won the game
2008-09-17 18:35:47 - LaZyMaN lost 15 points
2008-09-17 18:35:47 - lalinea lost 22 points
2008-09-17 18:35:47 - tminc83 lost 21 points
2008-09-17 18:35:47 - tito81 lost 21 points
2008-09-17 18:35:47 - Pecka gained 79 points
2008-08-28 09:10:00 - Pecka: Tminc meni manjka sladkor.... Kdaj dobim tisto sladko? Kadar mi kej manjka sm zelo agresiven....
2008-08-28 09:11:32 - Pecka: Poslusta, sem dobu eno igro (3097025), kjer jim manjkajo prav nasrotujoci trio. Pogljeta in sporocita. Caw
2008-08-28 09:40:36 - tminc83: tito se mi zdi da lahko samo ti nevtraliziras peckota
2008-08-28 09:41:48 - tminc83: in se to le se kratek cas
2008-08-28 11:23:06 - Pecka: Aha Tminc, si pojedu vse sladkarije. Baraba! Jst sm pa ti hotu pomagat, da se ne bi redil.
2008-08-28 17:30:17 - lalinea: jaz bom jutri dopoldan tud na pol ure online, tako da ospri po ?elji
2008-08-28 17:31:54 - lalinea: men je tudi (3097025)ok
2008-08-28 17:53:52 - LaZyMaN: so eni ze joinali -.-
2008-08-28 18:02:12 - LaZyMaN: tminc tega pa nism pricakoval =P
2008-08-29 05:21:20 - tminc83: se malo bi cakal, pa bi me pecka pojedel za zajtrk
2008-08-29 05:53:36 - Pecka: A ne, tako lacen pa spet nisem. Ne vem ce bi se odlocu za napad, a tega ne bomo izvedli.
2008-08-30 10:32:27 - tito81: glede na to, da sem vas vrnil nazaj v ?ivljenje, me zanima, kdo mi bo zdaj udaril na moje otoke....
2008-08-30 12:30:02 - Pecka: Uhh, to boli. Ma sej je samo igra.
2008-08-30 23:54:42 - tito81: boli boli... itak da smo se mogli malo skupi dat, da te malo skinemo, kr ?e ne bi bla kmalu igra tvoja...ce ze ni,,,,,
2008-08-30 23:55:49 - tito81: fantje..... ne me zbijat na otokih, kr zdej delamo skupaj proti Pecki.....k ma ze pol italije....
2008-08-31 07:08:29 - Pecka: Ku sem zalosten. Nobeden me nima rad.
2008-08-31 09:16:02 - tito81: tminc.... pomagi mi skinat pecko, jst ne bom mogu sam....
2008-08-31 16:38:33 - Pecka: Ja ma zdej nisem vec najmocnejsi igralec. Lepo ste odigrali.
2008-08-31 17:55:24 - LaZyMaN: kaj potem za triplese? naredim igro ali ne? =P
2008-08-31 18:18:47 - lalinea: jaz vaju ?e vedno ?akam
2008-08-31 18:18:53 - lalinea: dobr so te pecka
2008-08-31 19:31:53 - LaZyMaN: kdo je reku da nima proste? =P
2008-09-03 14:24:56 - Pecka: Ce hocmo se kej igrat mormo ustavit tovarisa Tita.
2008-09-03 14:25:35 - tminc83: se strinjam
2008-09-03 14:26:20 - tminc83: mogoce se lahko zmeniva za delitev ozemlja?
2008-09-03 17:43:19 - Pecka: Dejmo tako. Najprej podrmajmo "tovarisa", da ne bo tolko pred nami. Do takrat pa vse ostale pustim pr mir.
2008-09-04 03:00:28 - lalinea: a bodo trojke:-)
2008-09-04 11:44:26 - tito81: sej pa nisem pred vami.....
2008-09-04 12:43:13 - Pecka: Oprostite, ma dans imam tako guzvo, da je k... Zal sem lahko komi zdej pregledal situacijo in Tito nic spreevedanja. Si trenutno prvi in delali bomo proti tebi.
2008-09-04 15:20:02 - tito81: ma prvi sem za dlako..... sej mate vsi po en bonnus!
2008-09-04 15:20:13 - tito81: ma kakor koli.....
2008-09-04 15:20:47 - tito81: to so kao kvalifikacije za OI..... se bojo prej kon?ale predem mi kon?amo kvalifikacije ;)
2008-09-04 15:23:11 - Pecka: Glede tega imas pa prou Tito. Vsi ze doma slavijo uspeh, mi se pa tle se zmeri "jebemo" po domace.
2008-09-04 17:58:54 - Pecka: Ma kako se vse hitro obrne, a?
2008-09-10 16:16:54 - Pecka: Tminc, kaj so ti nrdili?
2008-09-10 16:30:49 - LaZyMaN: jst sm sam mel sreco =)
2008-09-10 18:10:39 - Pecka: Sreca je potrebna povsod. Vec kot jo imas, lepse je.
2008-09-13 09:14:12 - tito81: ja pecka prav mas..... kako hitro se stvari spreminjajo....vidis, zdaj si spet ti najmocnejsi :)
2008-09-16 04:15:23 - lalinea: Neverjetni ste samo Titu 81 ne morte ni? se je tako lepo zabetoniru:)
2008-09-16 06:00:59 - Pecka: Kaksni obrati! Res je zanimivo igrati z vami.
2008-09-16 07:12:12 - tminc83: dobra igra, vsaj dokler je trajala :)
2008-09-16 07:13:33 - tminc83: druga?e pa mislim, da je pecka blizu zmage
2008-09-16 17:07:35 - Pecka: Kako, a imamo zdej vsi cajt igrat? Kako je LaZyMaN?
2008-09-16 18:09:13 - Iron Maid: finally some more action :o)
2008-09-16 19:40:48 - tito81: aaaaaa zdej ste pa mene nasli.......
2008-09-16 19:41:24 - tito81: zadnja sansa, da malo skinemo pecko, sicer bo c parih rundah konec...
2008-09-16 20:34:54 - LaZyMaN: jst mam vedno cajt =) (se opravicujem za pozn odgovor =)
2008-09-17 05:46:39 - Pecka: Nc hudga. Sem ze pozabu po slovensko pisat, ker igram tako malo z nasimi. Je ze prov, da si vsako toliko kej povemo.
2008-09-17 13:56:48 - LaZyMaN: drgac pa gg pecka ne ;)
2008-09-17 18:36:22 - Pecka: Hvala vsem za res lepo igro. Upam da se zelo hitro spet dobimo na bojiscu. Lahko noc