Conquer Club

Olympic Tournament [WINNER: djelebert]

Tournaments completed in 2011.

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Re: Olympic Tournament [357 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Iron Maid on Fri Aug 01, 2008 2:23 pm

The first game of the Tournament is underway now:

Q1 United States Group 3 - Game 2961555

Thanks for the quick joining.
Last edited by Iron Maid on Sat Aug 02, 2008 1:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Olympic Tournament [357 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Gilles#1 on Fri Aug 01, 2008 6:52 pm

Iron Maid wrote:The first game of the Tournament is underway now:

Q1 United States Group 3 - Game 296155

Thanks for the quick joining.

game number incorrect
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Re: Olympic Tournament [357 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby JimMaWong on Fri Aug 01, 2008 7:16 pm

TinusArov wrote:hi im not so sure im interested with playing with cooks and cadets at this point. i apologize for dropping out of the tourney for sure

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Re: Olympic Tournament [357 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Iron Maid on Sat Aug 02, 2008 1:26 am

UPDATE 2008-08-02 (1)

3 games are underway now, all US qualifiers: Game 2961555, Game 2961661 & Game 2961755

On top of the list to create today are the remaining European Qualifiers, the 4 Canadian Qualifiers, Mexico, Iran & the Indian Subcontinent, Rep. of Korea & Japan and maybe some other games.
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Re: Olympic Tournament [348 players, 75 countries, 3 days left]

Postby ctgottapee on Sat Aug 02, 2008 7:13 am

well acording to china this won't be a problem as there is no difference in the two ;)
just be thankful your not becoming a tibetan monk!

Joodoo wrote:I represent China to participate...
But I'll be in Hong Kong in late August so I'm not sure if that'll conflict with anything...
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Re: Olympic Tournament [357 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Agustin on Sat Aug 02, 2008 1:54 pm

i`ll play for Panama..
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Re: Olympic Tournament [357 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Iron Maid on Sat Aug 02, 2008 2:51 pm

UPDATE 2008-08-02 (2)

All 64 games are created now.

7 games already started:
3 USA qualifiers, as mentioned before.
Canada Group 2 Game 2966964
Poland Game 2964275
Slovenia Game 2964139 &
Iran & Indian Subcontinent Game 2967091

badnuzjr(USA) took the place of Colonel TinusArov(USA) as the Colonel did not want to play against cooks and cadets.

I posted a topic for 2 reserves for Great Britain as PHS(GBR) & Creampie(GBR) are both doubtful.
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Re: Olympic Tournament [357 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby goozook on Sat Aug 02, 2008 5:39 pm

Iron Maid, Thanks for all the effort u put to set this huge tournament up.
I have a question about the qualification, when there's gonno be 3 qualifiers in 1 game, they would be the last three participants that remain in the game?
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Re: Olympic Tournament [357 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Iron Maid on Sun Aug 03, 2008 1:15 am

goozook wrote:Iron Maid, Thanks for all the effort u put to set this huge tournament up.
I have a question about the qualification, when there's gonno be 3 qualifiers in 1 game, they would be the last three participants that remain in the game?

Exactly, but in the case of your game there can be exception as the remaining 3 players are all from India or all from Iran, then the 4th or even 5th player can qualify if he/she is not from the same country as the first 3.
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Re: Olympic Tournament [357 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Iron Maid on Sun Aug 03, 2008 6:16 am

UPDATE 2008-08-03 (1)

After some efforts to get few players in, 14 games (of 64) have started now.

Round 2 started already for the US Group 3 Game 2961555
The Trinidad & Tobago game started, everybody knows eachother there Game 2967421
North Central America is also underway Game 2967704
Africa, 2 of 3 South African qualifiers begun.
Lebanon & United Arab Emirates are conquering the Middle East Game 2967527

In Europe the Other Europe game and the Swedish game began.
The Polish players have a good time in their game which already advanced to Round 3 Game 2964275
Slovenia is also already chatting in their own language Game 2964139

For the meanwhile I try to contact the other remaining players to join their games.
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Re: Olympic Tournament [357 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Iron Maid on Sun Aug 03, 2008 4:48 pm

UPDATE 2008-08-03 (2)

At this point 20 of 64 games started. I try to do my best to get the other players in. sensfan (CAN) is replaced by n8tius (CAN) in the Canada Group 1 game. Game 2966949

risk it all (USA) is the first player that missed a turn in the Tourney.

The Poland game already advanced to Round 3 Game 2964275. At the other hand the Rep. of Korea & Japan game still needs 5 players to join.
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Re: Olympic Tournament [357 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Iron Maid on Mon Aug 04, 2008 1:37 am

UPDATE 2008-08-04 (1)

With the help of some reminders and the help of sid12345 (GBR) who replaces Creampie (GBR) in the Great Britain Group 1 Game Game 2962855, 24 games started now. The New Zealand Group 1 game Game 2968100, with our highest entry for the Tourney: Me-Da-MiNoRiTY (NZL) currently 41th on the scoreboard, also got under way.

The Canada Group 2 game Game 2966964 is really going fast. Round 6 at the moment. Gilles#1 (CAN) is probably the first player in the Tourney who cashed in a set of cards.
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Re: Olympic Tournament [357 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Joodoo on Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:08 am

Dude, could you tell the guy who's suppose to join the Greater China game to hurry up, it's been like 1.5 days since you sent that message with the password.
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Re: Olympic Tournament [357 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Killakazooma on Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:54 am

My god, u r doing an amazing job on this, im certainly enjoying the news updates :D
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Re: Olympic Tournament [357 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Iron Maid on Mon Aug 04, 2008 9:05 am

Thanks for the support!

Those comments keep me going.
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Re: Olympic Tournament [357 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby MuEagles79 on Mon Aug 04, 2008 12:18 pm

thank you for the of my pet peeves with these tourneys is no updates...keep up the good work!
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Re: Olympic Tournament [357 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby plurple on Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:24 pm

yeh thanks for the updates iron
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Re: Olympic Tournament [357 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Iron Maid on Mon Aug 04, 2008 3:26 pm

UPDATE 2008-08-04 (2)

After some reminders to players, the Brazil, France, Ireland, Bulgaria & Greece and the USA Group 1 game have also started. hcr (GBR) helped out to replace doubtful cook PHS (GBR) in the Great Britain Group 2 Game 2961364. So finally we have 30 games started and still 34 to go.

homelessguy65 (NZL) also lost his premium-membership and still has 15 games running. As the other players in his Group are all premiums it shouldn't be a problem that he joins later than August 8th. Yes I have also a human side ;)

The boys from Trinidad & Tobago are really enjoying it, already Round 6 and a nice chat Game 2967421
The Slovenian chat is also nice, wish I could read it Game 2964139 :?

All readers (well at least 3 I guess) thanks for the support!
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Re: Olympic Tournament [357 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby ZydnItachi on Mon Aug 04, 2008 7:11 pm

gotta love T&T!! Good job on everything Iron....
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Re: Olympic Tournament [357 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Joodoo on Tue Aug 05, 2008 2:31 am

yeah, good job on being able to manage such a huge tournament (I dun think the others are usually this big although this is the only tournament that I've ever played...)
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Re: Olympic Tournament [357 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Iron Maid on Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:44 am

UPDATE 2008-08-05 (1)

I already thougt I'm going nuts as there are now 32 games active and 30 still awaiting players. 32 & 30 makes 62 in the Netherlands and I know I created 64 games. Well already 2 games are finished!

Compliments to the Trinidad (& Tobago) boys who did the quickest game of the Tourney. Game 2967421. vax (TRI) did a great job to win it and ZydnItachi (TRI) also qualified to the second stage as runner-up.

Second game that finished is the Canada Group 2 game Game 2966964. Bad Speler (CAN), which could be a translation in Dutch for someone who plays in the bath-tub, won the game and qualifies together with private 1st class im2good4theboard for the next stage. The freemium private did a great job leaving 2 premium captains behind.

The South East Asia game Game 2967598 has started now. Players from Thailand, Myanmar and Cambodia take part in this one. After reminders to drunkenmarauder (CHN) and Olafsson (ISL), China and Iceland & Norway are also making their moves. The last game was filled up automatically, obviously the Mexicans didn't need a reminder Game 2967048.

I'm trying to remind more players to join their games as there are still 30 games which didn't start yet. For Italian and Finnish players a Topic is created in the create/join section, as I'm afraid that these games won't fill up totally.
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Re: Olympic Tournament [357 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby vax on Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:23 am

Gl to all those battling for the qualifying rounds !
can't wait to face off the guys/gals from 1 - Mexico Costa Rica Panama Antigua Honduras Guatemala Nicaragua and Honduras ! (don't know if i missed out any ! but gl all)

will be monitoring your games carefully !

btw good job there Iron Maid this hada be one of the best "tourneys" C&C has ever had... talk about bringing in the world together...
warfare without blood!
rocks !
GL HF all !
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Re: Olympic Tournament [357 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Iron Maid on Tue Aug 05, 2008 2:47 pm

UPDATE 2008-08-05 (2)

4 more games started now after some PM-ming. The Other South America game with players from Chile, Colombia, Peru & Suriname started. CaptainGoatshead (AUS) and zendragon (USA) also joined after a reminder to make the line-up for their games complete. As pirriga (CRC) didn't react on 2 reminders I replaced him with abarbaro (CRC) to get the Costa Rica & Panama game Game 2967400 started. It was definitely hard to find a Costa Rican player on CC.

So far no other players are eliminated today and there is no more news.....

Well actually you might have a look at the South East Asia game Game 2967598. They aren't that Asian as their profiles tell you. But I hope they will represent Thailand, Myanmar & Cambodia well.
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Re: Olympic Tournament [357 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby The Viking on Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:41 pm

Great job on this tournament, keep up the good work, the updates are great!
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Re: Olympic Tournament [357 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Iron Maid on Wed Aug 06, 2008 1:20 am

UPDATE 2008-08-06 (1)

It's getting harder and harder to let the remaining games start. There are players that haven't been online in August and it would be rude to replace them already. So wait until August 8th is all I can do. Nevertheless there are players which had the opportunity and didn't get it to join. I could 2 more games get started: Game 2961600 United States Group 4 as Darin44 (USA) replaces sexydude (USA) and Game 2961340 Romania as a real major dexterdexter (ROM) was willing to join instead of eliberator (ROM).

I placed a topic on the Dutch language forum, searching for reserves to take over open spots of 2 Belgians and 1 Dutch player if they don't join before August 8th. I also PM-med Finnish and Italian players to get these games completed.

Nobody has been eliminated meanwhile, but I know that risk it all (USA) and nban (IND) are doing their best to be the first player that is going to be eliminated by missing too many turns. Great job guys!
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