The Mythology Clan’s Mythical Magical Journey Tourney
Let us take you on a journey through the mist of far off lands where Warriors once fought on the fields of battle in such places as “Middle Earth” and “Midkemdil.” Where dragons took their flight over green pastures looking down upon the “Feudal Wars” taking place far below. Where Gods once resided in their Realms during the "Age of Might" and "Age of Magic" and "Age of Mayhem." Where the evil Wizards of a world long perished in time committed their human slaves to the "Dungeons of Draknor."
The Mythology Clan would like to take you on a journey of wonderment and dispair. Are you ready to go? If so, read on.
If after you have read the description below, you dare to join up, please either PM me (Lexitonia5) or post here that you are interested and let me know which of the 10 groups you would like to join or whether you wish to be a reserve player.
60 players and several Reserves are needed.
This tournament will consist of seven (7) rounds. There are no points or brackets. This is basically a single elimination tournament - the first player eliminated in each game, is eliminated from the tournament. The remaining players move on to the next round.
It should be noted that at least one member of the Mythology clan will host each of the first ten games in Round 1. The matches are set up to keep you in a mist of sorts by engaging you with different players each round. So don't get too cozy with your group. At some point, you may end up with more than one mythology clan member in your group and/or you could end up with players in your group whom you have already played in earlier games. This is by virtue of the system I set up.
This is a fremium-friendly game as it is played one game at a time.
For the sake of understanding the organization of games after Round 1, the following terms should be noted:
Winner = The player who won the game
Second Place = Player who was eliminated last
Third Place = Player who was eliminated Fourth
Fourth Place = Player who was eliminated third
Fifth Place = Player who was eliminated Second
Last Place = Player eliminated first
Round 1
10 Groups of 6 players each. Games are organized according to the sign up list below.
Map: MidKemdil
Game Type: Standard
Play Order: Sequential
Card Type: Escalating
Fortification: Chained
Fog of War: Yes
Round 1 Group Sign up:

Group I
1. Lexitonia5

2. Smokingdude420
3. Gozo_the_Great
4. FeeBee
5. calidrmr
6. MikeMcD5858
Group II
1. Peanutsdad

2. barterer2002
3. The Weird One
4. fidelx
5. Jonny_Morbid
6. cena-rules
Group III
1. khellendros

2. Shatners Bassoon
3. blindmatt
4. PAUL912
5. frankroz
6. geigerm
Group IV
1. Alcazar

2. Ethitts
3. Oshida
4. zissou2
5. PHS
6. rainman23
Group V
1. KiwiTaker

2. plurple
3. TaCktiX
4. mushin
5. benliaw
6. Natelya
[u]Group VI[/u]
1. Orange_idaho_dog

2. mwaser
3. JET5
4. kRaZyXmAn
5. doochbagbill
6. Romanius
Group VII
1. KingPin01

2. Juan_Bottom
3. plowable_earth
4. Taos1854
5. gawdofwar
6. Whitetrash67
Group VIII
1. muy_thaiguy

2. Capt Killroy
3. tammsmu
4. Godd
5. xabigerrard
6. Seth#12
Group IX
1. Redfelt

2. Ritter8point0
3. Bolo XXXV
4. Katya
5. Mikoto1610
6. pittman
Group X
1. Bryguy

2. DanOfWar

3. ralphcptc
4. killukbrisk
5. dragon dor
6. drunk_idiot
Group 1
Winner: FeeBee
2nd Place: Calidrmr
3rd Place: MikeMcD5858
4th Place: Gozo_the_Great
5th Place: Lexitonia5
Last Place: Smokingdude420
Group 2
Winner: barterer2002
2nd Place: cena-rules
3rd Place: identity shaker
4th Place: Jonny_Morbid
5th Place: Fidelx
Last Place: peanutsdad
Group 3
Winner: khellendros
2nd Place: frankroz
3rd Place: Shatners Bassoon
4th Place: blindmatt
5th Place: PAUL912
Last Place: geigerm
Group 4
Winner: Ethitts
2nd Place: zissou2
3rd Place: Oshida
4th Place: Rainman23
5th Place: alcazar
Last Place: PHS (deadbeat)
Group 5
Winner: mushin
2nd Place: TaCktiX
3rd Place: Natelya
4th Place: benliaw
5th Place: Razzafrat
Last Place: KiwiTaker
Group 6
Winner: doochbagbill
2nd Place: kRaZyXmAn
3rd Place: mwaser
4th Place: PepperJack
5th Place: JET5
Last Place: Orange-Idaho-Dog
Group 7
Winner: kingpin01
2nd Place: whitetrash67
3rd Place: TAOS1854
4th Place: Plowable_Earth
5th Place: Juan_Bottom
Last Place: gawdofwar
Group 8
Winner: tammsmu
2nd Place: Capt Killroy
3rd Place: Seth#12
4th Place: Godd
5th Place: muy_thaiguy
Last Place: xabigerrard
Group 9
Winner: Ritter8point0
2nd Place: pittman
3rd Place: bolo XXXV
4th Place: mikoto1610
5th Place: Katya
Last Place: Redfelt
Group 10
Winner: Shrinky
2nd Place: Drunk_Idiot
3rd Place: DanOfWar
4th Place: dragon dor
5th Place: ralphcptc
Last Place: bryguy
Round 2
10 Groups of 5 players each.
Map: Middle Earth
Game Type: Standard
Play Order: Sequential
Card Type: Flat Rate
Fortification: Unlimited
Fog of War: Yes
Round 2 Groups will be organized once all Round 1 games are complete.
Groups will be organized as follows:
Groups 1 and 2 will include all the Winners of the Round 1 games.
Groups 3 and 4 will include Second Place Winners of Round 1.
Groups 5 and 6 will include the Third Place Winners of Round 1.
Groups 7 and 8 will include the Fourth Place Winners of round 1.
Groups 9 and 10 will include the Fifth Place Winners of Round 1.
Round 2 Results:
Group 1
Winner: Khellendros
2nd Place: Barterer2002
3rd Place: FeeBee
4th Place: Mushin
Last Place:Ethitts
Group 2
Winner: Shrinky
2nd Place: kingpin01
3rd Place: doochbagbill
4th Place: Ritter8point0
Last Place:tammsmu
Group 3
Winner: Frankroz
2nd Place: cena rules
3rd Place: zissou2
4th Place: TaCktiX
Last Place:calidrmr
Group 4
Winner: pittman
2nd Place: Drunk_Idiot
3rd Place: whatetrash67
4th Place: acrazyfella
Last Place:kRaZyXmAn
Group 5
Winner: medicrick007
2nd Place: Natelya
3rd Place: Shatners Bassoon
4th Place: identity shaker
Last Place:MikeMdD5858
Group 6
Winner: mwaser
2nd Place: Seth#12
3rd Place: taos1854
4th Place: DanofWar
Last Place:bolo XXXV
Group 7
Winner: Rainman23
2nd Place: benliaw
3rd Place: Jonny_Morbid
4th Place: Gozo_the_Great
Last Place:blindmatt
Group 8
Winner: Plowable_Earth
2nd Place: PepperJack
3rd Place: Godd
4th Place: dragon dor
Last Place:mikoto1610
Group 9
Winner: Alcazar
2nd Place: PAUL912
3rd Place: fedelx
4th Place: lexitonia5
Last Place:Razzafrat
Group 10
Winner: Ralphcpc
2nd Place: Katya
3rd Place: juan_bottom
4th Place: muy_thaiguy
Last Place:JET5
Round 3
8 Groups of 5 players each. Round 3 will not begin until all Round 2 games are complete.
Map: Feudal War
Game Type: Standard
Play Order: Sequential
Card Type: Escalating
Fortification: Adjacent
Fog of War: Yes
Round 3 Groups will be set up following completion of all Round 2 games. The Round 3 games will be organized as follows:
Groups 1 and 2 will include all the Winners of the Round 2.
Groups 3 and 4will include Second Place Winners of Round 2.
Groups 5 and 6will include the Third Place Winners of Round 2.
Groups 7 and 8 will include the Fourth Place Winners of Round 2.
Group 1
Winner: Medicrick007
2nd Place: Pittman
3rd Place: Shrinky
4th Place: Frankroz
Last Place: Khellendros
Group 2
Winner: Pikeman_Poon
2nd Place: Ralphcptc
3rd Place: Plowable_earth
4th Place: Alcazar
Last Place: Mwaser
Group 3
Winner: Cena rules
2nd Place: Natelya
3rd Place: Drunk_Idiot
4th Place Barterer2002
Last Place: Kingpin01
Group 4
Winner: Katya
2nd Place: PepperJack
3rd Place: Reltny
4th Place: Evil Semp
Last Place: Paul912
Group 5
Winner: Shatners Bassoon
2nd Place: zissou2
3rd Place: doochbagbill
4th Place whatetrash67
Last Place: FeeBee
Group 6
Winner: fedelx
2nd Place: taos1854
3rd Place: juan_bottom
4th Place: BVandyke
Last Place: Godd
Group 7
Winner: TaCktiX
2nd Place: Ritter8point0
3rd Place: identity shaker
4th Place Mushin
Last Place: acrazyfella
Group 8
Winner: DanofWar
2nd Place: Lexitonia5
3rd Place: dragon dor
4th Place: muy_thaiguy
Last Place: Gozo_the_Great
Round 4
8 Groups of 4 players each.
Map: Age of Realms: Chapter 1 - Age of Might
Game Type: Standard
Play Order: Sequential
Card Type: No Cards
Fortification: Unlimited
Fog of War: Yes
Round 4 Groups will be set up following completion of all Round 3 games. The Round 3 games will be organized as follows:
Groups 1 and 2 will include all the Winners of the Round 3.
Groups 3 and 4will include Second Place Winners of Round 3.
Groups 5 and 6will include the Third Place Winners of Round 3.
Groups 7 and 8 will include the Fourth Place Winners of Round 3.
Group 1
Winner: Medicrick007 or Katya
2nd Place: Medicrick007 or Katya
3rd Place: Cena rules
Last Place: Pikeman_Poon
Group 2
Winner: TaCktiX
2nd Place: Shatners Bassoon
3rd Place: fedelx
Last Place: DanofWar
Group 3
Winner: Pittman
2nd Place: Ralphcptc
3rd Place: Natelya
Last Place: Lexitonia5
Group 4
Winner: taos1854
2nd Place: Ritter8point0
3rd Place: PepperJack
Last Place: zissou2
Group 5
Winner: Plowable_earth
2nd Place: Reltny
3rd Place: Rainman23
Last Place: Drunk_Idiot
Group 6
Winner: dragon dor
2nd Place: identity shaker
3rd Place: juan_bottom
Last Place: doochbagbill
Group 7
Winner: Frankroz
2nd Place: Alcazar
3rd Place: Barterer2002
Last Place: Evil Semp
Group 8
Winner: muy_thaiguy
2nd Place: Mushin
3rd Place: whitetrash67
Last Place: BVandyke
Round 5
6 Groups of 4 players each.
Map: Age of Realms: Chapter 2 - Age of Magic
Game Type: Standard
Play Order: Sequential
Card Type: No Cards
Fortification: Unlimited
Fog of War: Yes
Round 5 Groups will be set up following completion of all Round 4 games. The Round 5 games will be organized as follows:
Groups 1 and 2 will include all the Winners of the Round 4.
Groups 3 and 4will include Second Place Winners of Round 4.
Groups 5 and 6will include the Third Place Winners of Round 4.
Round 5 Groups:
Group I
1. Medicrick007 or Katya
2. TaCktiX
3. Pittman
4. Plowable_earth
Group II
1. Taos1854
2. dragon dor
3. Frankroz
4. muy_thaiguy
Group III
1. Medicrick007 or Katya
2. Shatners Bassoon
3. Ralphcptc
4. Ritter8point0
Group IV
1. Reltny
2. identity shaker
3. Alcazar
4. Mushin
Group V
1. Cena rules
2. fidelx
3. Natelya
4. PepperJack
Group VI
1. Rainman23
2. juan_bottom
3. Barterer2002
4. whitetrash67
Group I
Winner: Pitman
2nd Place: Plowable_Earth
3rd Place: TaCktiX
Last Place: Medicrick007
Group II
Winner: frankroz
2nd Place: dragon dor
3rd Place: muy_thaiguy
Last Place: Taos1854
Group III
Winner: ralphcptc
2nd Place: Ritter8point0
3rd Place: Katya
Last Place: Shatners Bassoon
Group IV
Winner: mushin
2nd Place: alcazar
3rd Place: Reltny
Last Place: identity shaker
Group V
Winner: PepperJack
2nd Place: Natelya
3rd Place: fidelx
Last Place: cena-rules
Group VI
Winner: barterer2002
2nd Place: Rainman23
3rd Place: whitetrash67
Last Place: Juan_Bottom
Round 6
3 Groups of 6 players each.
Map: Age of Realms: Chapter 3 - Age of Mayhem
Game Type: Standard
Play Order: Sequential
Card Type: No Cards
Fortification: Unlimited
Fog of War: Yes
Round 6 Groups will be set up following completion of all Round 5 games. The Round 6 games will be organized as follows:
Groups 1 will include all the Winners of the Round 5 games.
Groups 2 will include Second Place Winners of Round 5 games.
Groups 3 will include the Third Place Winners of Round 5 games.
Round 6 Groups:
Round 6 Groups
Group I
Group II
dragon dor
Group III
Group I
Winner: ralphcptc
2nd Place: barterer2002
3rd Place: mushin
4th Place: PepperJack
5th Place: Frankroz
Last Place:Pittman
Group II
dragon dor
4th Place: alcazar
5th Place: Plowable_Earth
Last Place: Ritter8point0
Group III
Winner: fidelx
2nd Place: Katya
3rd Place: Reltny
4th Place: muy_thaiguy
5th Place: whitetrash67
1 Group of Six Players
Map: Dungeon of Draknor
Game Type: Standard
Play Order: Sequential
Card Type: Escalating
Fortification: Unlimited
Fog of War: Yes
Final Game will include the 3 winners of Round 6 games and the 3 Second Place Winners.
Round 7 Group: