Who is going to rule Middle Earth?
As you all probably know, in the last battle for Middle Earth Aragorn and his friends and allies defeated Sauron after The Ring was destroyed. Well, guess what: Sauron forged a new ring and is threatening to take over the rule of Middle Earth again. This tournament will represent the battle between the Army of Sauron and the Army of Aragorn. The winning army will rule Middle Earth (until the next battle)!
Doubles Tournament (elimination style)
Army of Aragorn - v - Army of Sauron
Players: 16 doubles teams, 8 for each army. At least one officer required in each doubles team (when signing up). Each army of 8 teams will play 3 rounds to decide which team will represent that army in the final. The final battle will be between the teams left of the respective armies. The tournament brackets of the 2 armies will be decided randomly.
Map: Middle Earth
Game Style: all games are sequential and with chained fortification
First round (16 teams):
Best of 3, flat rate, no fog
3rd game (if applicable), escalating, no fog
Second round (8 teams):
Best of 3, no cards, no fog
3rd game (if applicable), escalating, fog
Third round (4 teams):
Best of 3, no cards, with fog
3rd game (if applicable), escalating, fog
Best of 5
Games1 & 2: flat rate, no fog
Games 3 & 4 (if applicable): no cards, fog
Game 5 (if applicable): escalating, no fog
Winning couple wins for the 8 teams of the army they assigned with. That army will get The Ring and a banner stating āRulers of Middle Earth 2008ā.
Teams can sign up in this thread or send me a pm. Please state which army you are going to fight for. You can also sign up as a reserve player or reserve team.