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which is best?

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Postby Skittlesandmnms on Tue Nov 21, 2006 3:31 am

hmmn. thats weird.
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Postby Ham on Tue Nov 21, 2006 10:23 am

Here will shut up PS3 fans forever. I buy a gameing system to play games, not to have a dvd player, not to have a music player, not to have any other gay feature the PS3 has. I bought my wii for games, the PS3 dosent have games they have graphics poseing as games. Anyone who bought a PS3 to play games i feel sad for you :_( really i do.

Ok heres the thing that comment is mildly stupid. Resistance fall of man. Sure its beatifull but its one of the best shooter games this year. The ps3 doesnt have many exclusive games but there games are just as good as an Xbox 360s just better looking. With blu-ray the games will be able to store much more info making a more indepth game. And you cant really say the Wii is a better system. It would be like comparing apples and oranges. They are 2 entirely different things. The Wii is going to make fun games yes. But can you really say that its a better system. The ps3 has wifi video capability and dvds. But is that really that bad to have? The Ps3 rlies on better looking graphics and more indepth gameplay.

I mean cmon you cant say that takes away from the console. In 2 or 3 years all these things will make the ps3 the best system out there but right now the developers havent come close to maxing out the Ps3 capabilities.
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Postby sfhbballnut on Tue Nov 21, 2006 3:59 pm

Ham wrote:Ps3. The reason ? Its got the best graphics out there the best technology and its at a great deal.Blu-ray is going to revolutionize games by making them able to process many more things.

Now most of you are going to fuss 600 bucks is not a great deal but it costs around 900 dollars for sony to make one PS3 so isnt that a good deal?

That is complete BS, no one in their right mind ould make something for $900 and sell it for $600 and if this is by some miricle true then not only is sony just a bad company but they ar compltely retarded as well. The discussion is over better system, not who has the most new technology crammed into a box
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Postby ghoste99 on Tue Nov 21, 2006 4:58 pm

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Postby wcaclimbing on Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:37 pm

different modes of communication that involve Wiis

wii to DS
DS to wii
wii to other wii
wii to many other wiis
wii to internet
wii to internet multiplayer(free)

all is free, including the free online multiplayer
(only part not free is the internet browser)
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Postby sfhbballnut on Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:37 pm

that's very true, but unnecessarily vulgar
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Postby qeee1 on Tue Nov 21, 2006 6:08 pm

sfhbballnut wrote:that's very true, but unnecessarily vulgar

Hah, vulgarity demonstrates the strength of his conviction.
Frigidus wrote:but now that it's become relatively popular it's suffered the usual downturn in coolness.
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Postby sfhbballnut on Tue Nov 21, 2006 7:10 pm

I'm incredibly impressed wca, I didn't know all that was possible The Wii is incredible
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Postby Ham on Tue Nov 21, 2006 10:05 pm

Hey dont get pissed at me because you say its Bs. Im serious. There was this organization that did research on what each part of the ps3 would cost and factored in man hours. It came out to 900 bucks.
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Postby Skittlesandmnms on Tue Nov 21, 2006 10:22 pm

Ham wrote:Hey dont get pissed at me because you say its Bs. Im serious. There was this organization that did research on what each part of the ps3 would cost and factored in man hours. It came out to 900 bucks.

yeah. blue rays = not cheap

but the ps3 still sucks
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Postby Ham on Tue Nov 21, 2006 10:34 pm

Well with a pro wii arguement like that who can beat it?
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Postby Skittlesandmnms on Tue Nov 21, 2006 10:40 pm

im sorry for not explaining why it sucks.

The games have no plot, and the hide behind graphics so you don't notice.

Sony treats its customers poorly.

All of Sony's merchandise is poorly built.

It's 600$.
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Postby cowshrptrn on Tue Nov 21, 2006 11:04 pm

I jsut find it hilarious that people woudl either camp out, or spend over a thousand dollars on eBay on a console once its released. They almsot always are glitchy, and not as good as they could be, have very few decent games, and are waay too expensive.

I commend nintendo on getign the Wii out fairly cheaply, and i ahvent' heard anything about any snags or glitches (unless they've all been drowned out by the PS3 news)
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Postby Skittlesandmnms on Tue Nov 21, 2006 11:10 pm

Yeah... I usually wait a year, and get it 100$ cheaper than it was when it comes out, but hey, thats part of the whole...




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Postby Ham on Wed Nov 22, 2006 10:59 am

Most of the reports Iv heard are problems with the wii remote not working exactly right. I havent heard many stories of ps3s breaking down.

And one example of a game with plot is Resistance: fall of man. Most of the rest are sports games.
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Postby ghoste99 on Wed Nov 22, 2006 11:25 am

I havent had any problems with my wii-mote yet, only two things i could think of haveing problems with,

1: Not angleing yourself right, If you set the sensor up in front of the TV and then stand in a way that the wii-mote cant register it its not gonna work

2: Throwing the wii-mote, the second me and my brother started playing Wii-sports we were jokeing about how funny it would be if someone wasent wearing the wrist band and threw there controler :D and then i read this and thought it was hilarious :)

Some people really should read the manual and do some of the things it says :P
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Postby mr. incrediball on Wed Nov 22, 2006 11:49 am

ps3 owns, 'nuff said 8)
darvlay wrote:Get over it, people. It's just a crazy lookin' bear ejaculating into the waiting maw of an eager fox. Nothing more.
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Postby wcaclimbing on Wed Nov 22, 2006 11:50 am

please elaborate mr incrediball
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Postby mr. incrediball on Wed Nov 22, 2006 12:03 pm

well, look at it, it has wireless internet for free, backwards compatible, will be the first blu-ray player here in europe, (btw i've heard blu-ray players across the pond cost upwards of £800) it's almost like a computer, with a motion sensing controller and awesome graphics, the gameplay on the ps2 is also some of the best i've ever played (the only old-gen game i've found that could beat it is halo 2)

^now look at this and call me a graphics whore.
darvlay wrote:Get over it, people. It's just a crazy lookin' bear ejaculating into the waiting maw of an eager fox. Nothing more.
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Postby edmundomcpot on Wed Nov 22, 2006 12:08 pm

ps3 because

1) Xbox360 carbon copy of Xbox just with better graphics maybe a little faster

2)the ps3 is the wii with better graphics

- motion sensing on both
-backwards compatability on both
- "free internet"- on them both


the wii will be the "best" console for a while then the novelty will go and ps3 will come out on top
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Postby wcaclimbing on Wed Nov 22, 2006 12:16 pm

mr. incrediball wrote:well, look at it, it has wireless internet for free, backwards compatible, will be the first blu-ray player here in europe, (btw i've heard blu-ray players across the pond cost upwards of £800) it's almost like a computer, with a motion sensing controller and awesome graphics, the gameplay on the ps2 is also some of the best i've ever played (the only old-gen game i've found that could beat it is halo 2)

^now look at this and call me a graphics whore.

ok here it seems like you were describing the Wii and PS3 at the same time

PS3 is NOT backwards compatible. Wii is.
PS3 does not have a motion sensing controller. Wii does.
IF halo 2 can beat the gameplay on the ps3, why dont you buy an xbox?
WHO CARES IF IT HAS BLUERAY or graphics that look real if its gonna cost $350 more than Wii, which has fun, simple games.
and the PS3 is not like a computer. go load a CPU game on your PS3 and see how it does.
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Postby ghoste99 on Wed Nov 22, 2006 3:23 pm

Ok now i agree with what wcaclimbing just said but i would also like to point this out,

Even if they both did have the same features, Nintendo will alwase kick sonys ass when it comes ot games, period.

As for the PS3 being like a computer i have to same who cares, gameing on a computer has a uniqe controll scheme like all systems do ( The speed of the mouse is perfect for FPS/RTS games ) And the only console systems that are even close to mimicing this speed is the Nintendo wii/Nintendo DS.

So if you want to say the PS3 is like a computer it would be a lie becouse its games are nothing like a computers and all consoles can go online now, my freaking DS can go online.

But then if you want to use the word computer for what it really is :P then almost evrything electronic is a computer.
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Postby edmundomcpot on Wed Nov 22, 2006 3:52 pm

wcaclimbing wrote:
mr. incrediball wrote:well, look at it, it has wireless internet for free, backwards compatible, will be the first blu-ray player here in europe, (btw i've heard blu-ray players across the pond cost upwards of £800) it's almost like a computer, with a motion sensing controller and awesome graphics, the gameplay on the ps2 is also some of the best i've ever played (the only old-gen game i've found that could beat it is halo 2)

^now look at this and call me a graphics whore.

ok here it seems like you were describing the Wii and PS3 at the same time

PS3 is NOT backwards compatible. Wii is.
PS3 does not have a motion sensing controller. Wii does.
IF halo 2 can beat the gameplay on the ps3, why dont you buy an xbox?
WHO CARES IF IT HAS BLUERAY or graphics that look real if its gonna cost $350 more than Wii, which has fun, simple games.
and the PS3 is not like a computer. go load a CPU game on your PS3 and see how it does.

ps3 is fully backwards always has been
ps3 does have a motion sensing controller do your reasearch please
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Postby strike wolf on Wed Nov 22, 2006 3:54 pm

Isn't the wii out selling the ps3? You know by a lot?
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Postby ghoste99 on Wed Nov 22, 2006 4:11 pm

Well I just read up about the whole Playstation Sensor things, and i want to ask a couple things

1: I heard that they stole that idea from nintendo at the last minute ( just wanted to point that out :P )

2: How dose this effect the gameplay? As far as i can tell from first looks it only seems like it would be usefull as cheap ingame gimics and raceing games.
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