Just in case this info has not linked I have re-posted this, with the new info, in both the ottoma67 and Brutalmaggot threads as the stats are ridiculously similar.
Ottoman67 and Hammertime65 (unless stated)
Game number(s):
Game 2124853 otto win 8 man game last two left in
Game 2126850 otto win 8 man game last two left in
Game 2138000 otto win 6 man game last two left in
Game 2138391 otto win 8 man game both left in last 3
Game 2151066 Hammer win 6 man game last two left in
Game 2152916 otto win 4 man game last two left in
Game 2154956 otto win 4 man game last two left in
Game 2281170 otto win 4 man game last two left in
Game 2283399 otto win
Game 2337890 otto win 5 man game last two left in
Game 2394981 otto win 7 man game last two left in
Game 2395221 Hammer win 5 man game last two left in
Game 2395237 otto win 5 man game last two left in
Game 2448877 Hammer win 5 man game last two left in
Game 2449072 otto win 6 man game last two left in
Game 2442515 otto win 8 man game last 4 left in with Generalhoffman, stormrising and sgtfury*
*See last three games in Brutalmaggot list
Brutalmaggot and Hammertime65 (unless stated)
Game numbers
Game 2139493 3 player singles winner BM Last 2 with Hammertime65
Game 2139772 8 player singles winner BM Last 2 with Hammertime65
Game 2140584 5 player singles winner BM Last 2 with Hammertime65
Game 2140617 5 player singles winner BM Last 2 with Hammertime65
Game 2149111 8 Player singles winner BM
Game 2151491 8 player singles winner BM Last 2 with Hammertime65
Game 2152937 4 player singles winner BM Last 2 with Hammertime65
Game 2153339 5 player singles winnerHM (about time you let him win one!)
Game 2205471 8 player singles winnerBM (Normal service resumed) - Last 3 with Hammertime65 and King conan as well!!!!
Game 2209076 6 player singles winner BM Last 2 with Hammertime65
Game 2210523 8 player singles A defeat (gasp)
Game 2281168 4 player singles winner BM Last 2 with Hammertime65
Game 2282932 6 player singles A second defeat!
Game 2282982 8 player singles A third
Game 2283392 8 player singles winner BM Last 2 with Hammertime65
Game 2283448 8 Player singles winner BM Last 2 with Hammertime65
Game 2338121 8 player singles 4th defeat
Game 2345811 6 player singles winner BM Last 2 with Hammertime65
Game 2377736 4 player singles winner BM Last 2 with Hammertime65
Game 2412222 8 player singles winner BM Last 2 with Hammertime65
Game 2442516 8 player singles winner BM last 4 with general hoffman, hammertime65 and stormrising*
Game 2443476 8 Player singles winner BM last 4 with general hoffman, hammertime65 and stormrising*
Game 24452348 player singles BM last 3 with general hoffman, hammertime65 (stormrising not in the game)*
*See last game for ottoman67 and last 3 for Brutalmaggot. The same new players are the last remaining in four 8 player games. This is beyond coincidence and yet more evidence against the cheating of these players.
Brutalmggot is a major
Hammertime65 is a major
Ottoman67 is a captain
Both Brutalmaggot and ottoman67 have been previuosly busted for secret diplomacy with each other and blocked from playing together. Clearly they have totally ignored this and simply engaged in the same activity with another user.
They have also both used the same new players to win games which is extremely suspitious.
In my opinion these players are not just deserving of a score reset but a loss of premium as well. They have been sticking the finger up at the conquer club adminstration and the paying members as well. I don't believe that they will stop cheating unless they are given an effect punishment.
Thank you.