BBoz wrote:The reason for the pairs being there is actually to prevent straights and flushes on the start and still leave a reasonable number of starting positions.
ah - I missed that earlier. Thanks for the clarification. Are there any other outsanding play issues I should be aware of, or are people thinking this is stamp-ready?
As for the "rounding" I still look at this image and I feel like the perspective is somehow off. I get that the image is intended to look like I'm sitting right up at the edge of the table, so looking down the cards are bigger and look to be receding less than those across the table. Trouble for me is that the cards at the left look to be falling off to the left, and the cards across the table look so much smaller than those in the foreground that this table must be about ten feet across.
If somebody has five minutes, a camera and a deck of cards they should lay the deck out and take a photo from a seat at the edge of the table for comparison.