Conquer Club

KLOBBER (merged threads) [Closed]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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Postby Kemmler on Mon May 05, 2008 7:08 am

alstergren wrote:
alstergren wrote:LOL. Interesting thread.

I joined game no. Game 2345423 as second in line. Let's see if that game survives until its filled up.

Now, as a principal matter, I don't really care what this Klobber guy is doing. Whatever the game engine allows is fine with me, and I see no reason per se for harassing this guy. On the other hand, he seems to have a pretty annoying attitude. I've had my fair share of people being pissed at me for "abusing" the agme settings. On the other hand though, I've never claimed to be the sharpest knife in the CC-drawer. I don't approve of him being so full of himself (at least judging from the profile and some forum posts I read).

Well. Game 2345423 was dropped. I joined another game to get the chance to play this guy. But alas. It was dropped and I seem to be on his ignore list.

Discuss: Why is that so? Does he believe that I would suicide him (then presumably based on the one reamrk above)? Or does he believe that I would be a too though nut to crack (then presumably based on my glorious game-style and the dice' apparent love for me)?

Anyways, it seems ridiculous. What the hell kind of attitude is it to block people before playing them?

man, read the thread. he#s just desperate to play noobs cause he'll beat them. But I've won 4/5 games I've played with KLOBBER so he's obviously not that good, he's just obsessed with getting points - and making this thread has made him lose 700pts to us!
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Postby herndawg on Tue May 06, 2008 6:46 am

herndawg wrote:
herndawg wrote:the hern is officially on the FOE list. Now he has a few games waiting. And as we all have been reading the thread I am a gentleman to be "around". I am truly hurt and it may cause me to defenestrate myself (now that is a good word) because of this course of action. I will also be forced to win the two games I am in as I will never have another chance to beat the infamous circus master himself. I suppose my sly remarks were to much to handle. Although I believe my best game chat yet with a one word response and a sentence to the foe pit. Well, party on wayne! =D>

one down,
one to go
only one newbie in this one

Yes it is true, the hern won both games as I promised, ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! =D>
And only 2 noobs in this one
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Postby Timminz on Tue May 06, 2008 8:24 am

I got killed pretty qickly in the one I joined. I'm not his 'foe' yet, but I just don't care enough to play any more on one of my least favourite maps.
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Postby yeti_c on Tue May 06, 2008 8:32 am

herndawg wrote:
herndawg wrote:
herndawg wrote:the hern is officially on the FOE list. Now he has a few games waiting. And as we all have been reading the thread I am a gentleman to be "around". I am truly hurt and it may cause me to defenestrate myself (now that is a good word) because of this course of action. I will also be forced to win the two games I am in as I will never have another chance to beat the infamous circus master himself. I suppose my sly remarks were to much to handle. Although I believe my best game chat yet with a one word response and a sentence to the foe pit. Well, party on wayne! =D>

one down,
one to go
only one newbie in this one

Yes it is true, the hern won both games as I promised, ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! =D>
And only 2 noobs in this one

Great work Herndawg.

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Postby poo-maker on Wed May 07, 2008 9:47 am

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Postby yeti_c on Wed May 07, 2008 9:54 am

I think this is either
a) someone multing Klobber.
b) Klobber multing to prove that it doesn't always work and killing himself.

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Postby scarface99x on Wed May 07, 2008 3:26 pm

Agree with yeti. Either someone is using multies to kill klob or klob is killing himself with his own multis to make it look like he isn't controlling them. Like I said multis killing multis.
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Postby alster on Sun May 18, 2008 4:32 pm

Well. Just to say something positive among all these negative posts...

The guy at least is being nice and handing out advice to new players. See, Game 2400708. Wish more people would take the time doing that.
Last edited by alster on Mon Jun 23, 2008 10:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Postby conquerAce on Sun May 18, 2008 4:34 pm

alstergren wrote:Well. Just to say something positive among all these negative posts...

The guy at least is being nice and handing out advice to new players. See, Game 2400708. Wish more people would take the time doing that.

hahaha that's funny :lol:
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Postby anibus on Mon May 19, 2008 11:17 am

Maybe only noobs join his games because everyone else who has ever played him is on his Foe's list.
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Postby waseemalim on Sat May 24, 2008 2:27 pm

He is at it again, and gaining back his lost points quickly.
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Postby firth4eva on Sat May 24, 2008 2:30 pm

Why the f*ck do you care?
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Postby cisco2001 on Sat May 24, 2008 4:19 pm

Because it's fun to pull his chain. Because the thread is very entertaining.
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Postby waseemalim on Mon Jun 23, 2008 11:25 am

I was just wondering if something is being done about this.

Klobber is back to being a Brigadier and I think that is an insult to the CC scoreboard. Also seems like he is manipulating the noobs to give him good ratings.
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Postby cisco2001 on Mon Jun 23, 2008 11:44 am

I can't remember the name of the thread but there was a player busted, not too long ago, for using proxies to set up his multis from different countries.

This is the only rational explanation for Klobber's wins.

Frankly, I avoid playing newbies because their style is so unpredictable that many times I just get destroyed. I don't have to draw a picture but being a ranked player also means that you become a target. The only way Klobber can win consistently over newbies is by controlling them. This would, of course, mean that he's using proxies. When I have some time, I'm going to take a much closer look at his games.
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Postby jiminski on Mon Jun 23, 2008 11:47 am

ahhh there's Klobby!

is anyone looking into his blatant ratings manipulation?

Most of his games are filled with Deadbeats and he offers to mark all with 5's in spite that! he choses Circus Maximus as he has calculated that most of them will deadbeat due to the crappy board and 'esoteric' appeal. he knows all or most will deadbeat and then offers high ratings to maintain his rating.

Game 2505752
Elimination Summary
2008-06-09 13:17:21 - spearce was kicked out for missing too many turns in round - 3
2008-06-10 13:17:21 - catchat4 was kicked out for missing too many turns in round - 3
2008-06-11 13:17:21 - Norris was kicked out for missing too many turns in round - 3
2008-06-12 13:17:21 - xufan1089 was kicked out for missing too many turns in round - 3
2008-06-14 13:06:45 - fireburnscold was kicked out for missing too many turns in round - 3

Game Chat
2008-06-13 15:52:44 - KLOBBER: By the way, I am in the habit of rating all members with all 5's. : )

as you can see:

Game 2527285
Game 2614288 in this one he instructs/ 'encourages' a player to deadbeat.
2008-06-13 15:45:48 - KLOBBER: By the way, I am in the habit of rating all members with all 5's. : )
2008-06-15 00:26:10 - DJ Glass: This game is taking forever. How can I leave a game?
2008-06-16 02:24:57 - KLOBBER: "You are automatically kicked out from the game if you miss 3 consecutive turns."
2008-06-16 02:25:23 - KLOBBER: The above is from the official CC Instructions page, under "How to Play."

Game 2614297
Game 2614301
Game 2620144 look at this gamechat... his intent is all too obvious! (almost like a set up in the crowd!?)
2008-06-13 15:49:16 - KLOBBER: By the way, I am in the habit of rating all members with all 5's. : )
2008-06-16 19:28:04 - rjgirardi: well Klobber, I will take that into consideration when I rate you as well...
2008-06-19 06:46:58 - KLOBBER: Cool, thanks!

Game 2621730

It goes on and on! you could pick any active game and see that he is engaging not just point theft but also in the Manipulation of the newest players to maintain a high rating and in so doing keep steeling points!

Should we not be protecting those who first enter the site!? at the moment their first contact, robs them and then talks them into giving him a reference to make the next mugging more easy!

com on, someone do something please!
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Postby icedagger on Mon Jun 23, 2008 12:15 pm

He found it in his heart to help a new recruit with how to get out of a game here too- Game 2505751

Surely his constant leaving of 5 star ratings for deadbeats counts as abuse?
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Postby jiminski on Mon Jun 23, 2008 1:00 pm

not just the intentional leaving of 5 for Attendence for deadbeats but the advertising of the fact which seeks to gain high ratings back.

If you can not pin his farming of points from the unsuspecting on him as cheating, then surely the above has to be abuse of the system.
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Postby liamo6969 on Mon Jun 23, 2008 1:25 pm

sorry if this was said befor, i only read the 1st page,
but this klobber guy is it not very possible that he went down the leader board putting every single person of high rank on his foe list. so every one that was above X amount of points or was in the top 250 at some particular point in time when he may have done this is now on his foe list.

Hence even if you didnt play him, you could be a foe by just being too good! moderateors is this legal on cq??
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Postby treefiddy on Mon Jun 23, 2008 1:34 pm

liamo6969 wrote:sorry if this was said befor, i only read the 1st page,
but this klobber guy is it not very possible that he went down the leader board putting every single person of high rank on his foe list. so every one that was above X amount of points or was in the top 250 at some particular point in time when he may have done this is now on his foe list.

Hence even if you didnt play him, you could be a foe by just being too good! moderateors is this legal on cq??

That's what he did. People tried to join his games and they were on his foe list without ever previously playing him. He sets up his foe list so that only new recruits can join his games. If he sees someone who is not a new recruit join, he drops the game, adds them, then makes a new one.
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Postby jiminski on Mon Jun 23, 2008 4:50 pm

treefiddy wrote:
liamo6969 wrote:sorry if this was said befor, i only read the 1st page,
but this klobber guy is it not very possible that he went down the leader board putting every single person of high rank on his foe list. so every one that was above X amount of points or was in the top 250 at some particular point in time when he may have done this is now on his foe list.

Hence even if you didnt play him, you could be a foe by just being too good! moderateors is this legal on cq??

That's what he did. People tried to join his games and they were on his foe list without ever previously playing him. He sets up his foe list so that only new recruits can join his games. If he sees someone who is not a new recruit join, he drops the game, adds them, then makes a new one.

true, i found i was on his Foe list when i tried to join a Circus game... and i have never played him either.
He seems to prefer that all players just leave (DeadBeat) and even instructs them that Deadbeating is the best way. I guess that way there is less chance he can lose but is must be very boring for him.
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Postby Ditocoaf on Mon Jun 23, 2008 5:07 pm

What I find infinitely funny: Klobber says "get a life" to all those mocking him. But he's the guy who spends all his time on a game site trying to improve his rank, without improving his ability. Rank is only worth something because you're having fun winning challenging games... but Klobber seems to be under the impression that a rank is worth something in itself. And he says, "get a life". :lol:

I wonder how long his ignore list is...

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Postby lancehoch on Mon Jun 23, 2008 6:06 pm

Someone had asked about the previous bust for using a proxy. The player was Han Solo. These investigations can take some time due to the complexity. I assure you that all of these "proxy" type cases are being looked into.
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Postby hulmey on Mon Jun 23, 2008 7:35 pm


This player plays mainly on Circus Maximus maps (Escalating) and uses tactics that ensures most of the players he plays are new recruits. He then announces in game chat that he is going to give every player a +5 rating for every category.

I pulled up random games an within 2 minutes found 5 players he gave a +5 rating, even though they deadbeated and never said a word in chat. The players are listed below ;

Ninjua -

Its quite obvious that he is abusing the system to try and gain more medals and ratings. He is openly abusing the system. However, new players are not aware of what an unpleasant chap he really is! The other players in game that didnt deadbeat are left with a first very bad experience of Conquer Club.
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Postby jiminski on Mon Jun 23, 2008 8:04 pm

thanks Lance, i'll move my info on rating abuse to the relevant thread as the 2 issues are separate.
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