have a look on game Game 2513729 and note the path of the red player
Hmm,i look map and i realy dont understand how you alove red to hold these large are,but you can easy brake hes weak defence lines,but you must work together,
3 way to brake weak red defence.
Yelow from US III CORPS-80 Infantry division-352VG DIVISION-LXXXV CORPS-VII ARMEE.
GRAY from 12SSPanzerDIvision-12VG Division-IISS KORPS-LXVI KORPS.
ORANGE Also can brake form 3PG division.
So only what you need its to cooperate for 2 turns and red will be devastate,because he have very weak defence.
by chipv on Tue Jun 03, 2008 12:30 pm
Just spoke to yeti_c and it's ok to just correct the code from Ȩ to ä
as it's not a good reason to prevent maps from using correct names just because scripts can't currently handle them
If i understand you want to put normal a like- present Fallschirmjäger- to change to be Fallschirmjager