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Greasemonkey script - Conquer Club Turn Watch

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Re: Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURN WATCH (Testing)

Postby chipv on Sun May 18, 2008 1:49 pm

I'm going to save current version and just code this up for you (later this evening).

I can revert if/when info goes on game screen.

Good idea, if I haven't already said so!
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Re: Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURN WATCH (Testing)

Postby chipv on Mon May 19, 2008 5:10 am

Sorry, was busy yesterday, just uploaded new version with tournament info.

If you want to see your old game list with this info,
you'll have to uninstall associated preferences
and then install from link on head post in this thread.
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Re: Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURN WATCH (Testing)

Postby yowzer14 on Mon May 19, 2008 10:38 am

cicero wrote:Out of curiosity, is any one apart from lancehoch suffering from this problem ?

Just loaded the Turn Watch to test it and I am missing the thumbnail images. The firebug listing shows no map name for all maps such as:
Code: Select all
<img width="25" height="17" src="" title="Go To Game Page" style="margin: 0px; padding: 1px 0px 1px 5px; cursor: pointer; width: 25px; height: 17px; vertical-align: middle;" alt="X"/>

I'll have a look at the code and see if I can ascertain anything.
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Re: Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURN WATCH (Testing)

Postby chipv on Mon May 19, 2008 11:33 am

yowzer14 wrote:
cicero wrote:Out of curiosity, is any one apart from lancehoch suffering from this problem ?

Just loaded the Turn Watch to test it and I am missing the thumbnail images. The firebug listing shows no map name for all maps such as:
Code: Select all
<img width="25" height="17" src="" title="Go To Game Page" style="margin: 0px; padding: 1px 0px 1px 5px; cursor: pointer; width: 25px; height: 17px; vertical-align: middle;" alt="X"/>

I'll have a look at the code and see if I can ascertain anything.

Can you give me your game numbers please so I can test this out, this is a fixable problem and would certainly have produced
lancehoch's problem?
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Re: Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURN WATCH (Testing)

Postby chipv on Mon May 19, 2008 11:52 am

Found it. Fix will be in next version (1.5.5)

Can you guys please le me know what the results are?

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Re: Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURN WATCH (Testing)

Postby yowzer14 on Mon May 19, 2008 2:54 pm

chipv wrote:Found it. Fix will be in next version (1.5.5)

Can you guys please le me know what the results are?


....Still no thumbnail links get populated with the names.

Just found the problem, your RegExp only assumes a player is using large maps.

Just change to [SL] for the RegExp
Last edited by yowzer14 on Mon May 19, 2008 3:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURN WATCH (Testing)

Postby chipv on Mon May 19, 2008 3:11 pm

yowzer14 wrote:
chipv wrote:Found it. Fix will be in next version (1.5.5)

Can you guys please le me know what the results are?


Still no thumbnail links get populated with the names.

Ok, can you post the contents of the div id="outer-map" on any of the games pages that are not showing thumbnails, please?

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Re: Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURN WATCH (Testing)

Postby chipv on Mon May 19, 2008 3:14 pm

I suppose if I'd asked for the div earlier it might have been clear!

Brilliant, well spotted, that's the problem.

Fix coming up.

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Re: Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURN WATCH (Testing)

Postby chipv on Mon May 19, 2008 3:35 pm

Hadn't even considered small maps, so apologies to everyone using smaller maps,
most of all lancehoch (I hope this works for you now).

Many thanks, yowzer14, great spot!
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Re: Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURN WATCH (Testing)

Postby lancehoch on Mon May 19, 2008 4:13 pm

chipv wrote:Hadn't even considered small maps, so apologies to everyone using smaller maps,
most of all lancehoch (I hope this works for you now).

Many thanks, yowzer14, great spot!

Yes, it now works. I did not realize that the files for the larger and smaller maps were different and I never would have thought to try that. Thanks for all the effort you put into solving the problem. Once again, great script.
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Re: Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURN WATCH (Testing)

Postby chipv on Tue May 20, 2008 7:42 am

Most welcome and thanks, lancehoch.

Keep the comments coming, everyone!
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Re: Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURN WATCH (Testing)

Postby lancehoch on Tue May 20, 2008 8:29 pm

Quick question as to how you code the drop-down to show the game log. I am currently in a game on AOR: Magic (Game 2460249)and I noticed a few lines missing from the drop-down. In the drop-down:
# Last turn:
# PLAYER57832 receives 3 armies for 3 territories
# PLAYER57832 deployed 4 armies on ?
# PLAYER57832 attacked ? from ? and conquered it from neutral player
# PLAYER57832 fortified ? with 2 armies from ?
# PLAYER57832 fortified ? with 1 armies from ?

From the game log:
2008-05-20 21:22:03 - PLAYER57832 gets bonus of -1 armies added to ?
2008-05-20 21:22:03 - PLAYER57832 gets bonus of 3 armies added to ?
2008-05-20 21:22:03 - PLAYER57832 receives 1 armies for holding ?
2008-05-20 21:22:03 - PLAYER57832 receives 3 armies for 3 territories
2008-05-20 21:22:12 - PLAYER57832 deployed 4 armies on ?
2008-05-20 21:22:17 - PLAYER57832 attacked ? from ? and conquered it from neutral player
2008-05-20 21:22:28 - PLAYER57832 fortified ? with 2 armies from ?
2008-05-20 21:22:31 - PLAYER57832 fortified ? with 1 armies from ?

As you can see, a few lines were missing from the drop-down. As I am not sure how you are coding the start of a turn, I do not know what to suggest as a fix.
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Re: Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURN WATCH (Testing)

Postby chipv on Tue May 20, 2008 8:51 pm

I totally forgot about this - this has been sitting in my todo list for a while now.

Ok, I will fix this tomorrow, thanks for the level of detail, excellent.
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Re: Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURN WATCH (Testing)

Postby lancehoch on Tue May 20, 2008 10:52 pm

One more thing:
If you look carefully, you can see that the black line does not appear after the red 'X'. I believe that your background is extending one pixel past the intended distance. Not sure how quick a fix this will be, but I just wanted to point it out.
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Re: Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURN WATCH (Testing)

Postby chipv on Wed May 21, 2008 7:21 pm

lancehoch wrote:Quick question as to how you code the drop-down to show the game log. I am currently in a game on AOR: Magic (Game 2460249)and I noticed a few lines missing from the drop-down. In the drop-down:
# Last turn:
# PLAYER57832 receives 3 armies for 3 territories
# PLAYER57832 deployed 4 armies on ?
# PLAYER57832 attacked ? from ? and conquered it from neutral player
# PLAYER57832 fortified ? with 2 armies from ?
# PLAYER57832 fortified ? with 1 armies from ?

From the game log:
2008-05-20 21:22:03 - PLAYER57832 gets bonus of -1 armies added to ?
2008-05-20 21:22:03 - PLAYER57832 gets bonus of 3 armies added to ?
2008-05-20 21:22:03 - PLAYER57832 receives 1 armies for holding ?
2008-05-20 21:22:03 - PLAYER57832 receives 3 armies for 3 territories
2008-05-20 21:22:12 - PLAYER57832 deployed 4 armies on ?
2008-05-20 21:22:17 - PLAYER57832 attacked ? from ? and conquered it from neutral player
2008-05-20 21:22:28 - PLAYER57832 fortified ? with 2 armies from ?
2008-05-20 21:22:31 - PLAYER57832 fortified ? with 1 armies from ?

As you can see, a few lines were missing from the drop-down. As I am not sure how you are coding the start of a turn, I do not know what to suggest as a fix.

This should be fixed in 1.6.0

Please let me know, thanks.
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Re: Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURN WATCH (Testing)

Postby chipv on Sun May 25, 2008 7:14 am

There is a new icon on the game label now. Click on the magnifying glass and
you'll get a popup with current map and last turn log so it's a little easier to
see what has happened.

Please let me know any problems as this is experimental.

If all goes well, the intention is to have this replace the dropdown.
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Re: Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURN WATCH (Testing)

Postby danalan on Sun May 25, 2008 5:53 pm

I like it, thanks bunches. Is it possible to list more than 17 games on the watch? Best Score: 2564, Colonel. Ranked #223
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Re: Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURN WATCH (Testing)

Postby chipv on Sun May 25, 2008 6:27 pm

danalan wrote:I like it, thanks bunches. Is it possible to list more than 17 games on the watch?

I haven't put any limit on the number - are you having problems with more than 17?
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Re: NEW Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURNS (Testing Phase)

Postby chipv on Sun May 25, 2008 8:51 pm

Twill wrote:i.e. attacks have a red background, fortifications have a green background, deployments have a yellow background, card summaries get a blue background or something like that.
Then put a red border around anything that involved you (i.e. "Bob attacked Twill" would get a red border for me, but "Bob attacked chipv" would keep the black border)

Ok, finally got round to this in a roundabout way.

The popup map will highlight everyone's armies when you hover over their names at the top but
also if you now hover over the turn log on the right of the map, each move will be highlighted on the map
showing deployment (yellow), fortification (green) and attacks (red).

Click on the magnifying glass search icon on the game labels to see the popup map.
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Re: Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURN WATCH (Testing)

Postby danalan on Mon May 26, 2008 1:26 am

chipv wrote:
danalan wrote:I like it, thanks bunches. Is it possible to list more than 17 games on the watch?

I haven't put any limit on the number - are you having problems with more than 17?
On my laptop I'm only seeing 17, on my desktop I've got them all -- I'll re-check the laptop tomorrow AM, and let you know if it still has that limit. Best Score: 2564, Colonel. Ranked #223
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Re: Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURN WATCH (Testing)

Postby danalan on Mon May 26, 2008 12:37 pm

danalan wrote:
chipv wrote:
danalan wrote:I like it, thanks bunches. Is it possible to list more than 17 games on the watch?

I haven't put any limit on the number - are you having problems with more than 17?
On my laptop I'm only seeing 17, on my desktop I've got them all -- I'll re-check the laptop tomorrow AM, and let you know if it still has that limit.
Still had the same problem on the laptop. I completely uninstalled the script, and re-installed. That fixed the problem. It seems like it only was keeping track of the games I was in when I first installed the script. When I was eliminated from one of those, and X'd it off the list, the list dropped to 16.

I'll keep you posted, but to test it you need to install the script with just a few games active, then add a bunch of games. Best Score: 2564, Colonel. Ranked #223
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Re: Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURN WATCH (Testing)

Postby chipv on Mon May 26, 2008 12:50 pm

danalan wrote:
danalan wrote:
chipv wrote:
danalan wrote:I like it, thanks bunches. Is it possible to list more than 17 games on the watch?

I haven't put any limit on the number - are you having problems with more than 17?
On my laptop I'm only seeing 17, on my desktop I've got them all -- I'll re-check the laptop tomorrow AM, and let you know if it still has that limit.
Still had the same problem on the laptop. I completely uninstalled the script, and re-installed. That fixed the problem. It seems like it only was keeping track of the games I was in when I first installed the script. When I was eliminated from one of those, and X'd it off the list, the list dropped to 16.

I'll keep you posted, but to test it you need to install the script with just a few games active, then add a bunch of games.

Yes, I think I know what happened.

The script currently only looks through your full list of active games on installation.
From that point onwards it lets you add/remove subsequent waiting/eliminated/active games and never checks your active list again.

On a separate computer, the list of active games might well be different on installation because you may have joined new
games or been eliminated since the installation on the first computer.

I will put in a new option to refresh active games - that has been requested before and would have solved your problem, I think.

Thanks for the accurate description, very helpful!
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Re: Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURN WATCH (Testing)

Postby danalan on Mon May 26, 2008 10:13 pm

The "Loading Games" scroll bar is wider than the game menu. No big deal, but it should be easy to fix. My screen resolution is 1440x900. The gray background extends off the menu on the right, seems to be at the 84% mark. If I was watching fewer games/ had a faster connection, it would be pretty transient. Best Score: 2564, Colonel. Ranked #223
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Re: Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURN WATCH (Testing)

Postby chipv on Tue May 27, 2008 10:01 am

Popup Map highlighting

Quick explanation which I've failed to give so far:
Click on the magnifying glass (search) icon on the game label and
a popup map with turn log appears.

  • Hovering over map
    Hover over any territory.
    All neighbours highlighted in occupying player colour.
    Black border means neighbour has more than twice the armies than this territory
    Grey border means neighbour has more armies.
  • Hovering over player names at bottom of popup
    All occupied territories highlighted
    Grey border means a neighbour has more armies
    Black border means a neighbour has at least twice the armies
  • Hovering over turn log
    Each move will be highlighted on the map.
    Hover down through the log to walk through the whole turn.
    Green is fortying territory.
    Green with white border is fortified territory.
    Yellow is deployment
    Red is attacking territory.
    Red with white border is conquered territory.
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Re: Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURN WATCH (Testing)

Postby lancehoch on Tue May 27, 2008 10:17 am

Really nice chipv. I think the new map feature is awesome.
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