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GameZZone: HOMM Champion - bonus_mop

Tournaments completed in 2008.

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GameZZone: HOMM Champion - bonus_mop

Postby amazzony on Wed May 07, 2008 3:20 pm


***Everybody who have 2 free slots are welcome to enter***

\:D/ Welcome to GameZZone, special place of amaZZony's favorite computer games! \:D/

I've always been better at turn based games and strategy games are definitely my stronger side so lets start with my all time favourite game.

Heroes of Might and Magic (sometimes called simply Heroes or HoMM) is a series of turn-based computer games developed by New World Computing, a division of The 3DO Company. The games are fantasy-themed strategy conflicts in which characters called heroes have pivotal roles as leaders of armies of mythical creatures. There are currently five games in the series. (Wikipedia)

This tournament is mostly based on HOMM V, mixed with my imagination and will consist of 2 rounds. All games are Sequential, Standard and Casual.

Round 1: Gathering of the Tribes
Tribes from everywhere are gathering together to decide who is the strongest of them and who will rule the lands of Ashan.
There are 6 Tribes (Towns - check post 2), each of them will have 7 players (Heroes - check post 2) who will step into the fight for their Tribe to decide which of the Towns has the most Might and Magic.
Players: 6 per game
Number of games: 2 at once, overall 6 per person
Maps: 2 games on AoR: Might, 2 games on AoR: Magic and 2 games on AoR: Mayhem
Cards: Escalating
Fortifications: Chained
Weather: 3 games Sunny and 3 games Foggy
For each game, you will receive points for your Tribe and the Town with most points advances to Round 2.
First place: 6 points
Second place: 5 points
Third place: 4 points
Fourth place: 3 points
Fifth place: 2 points
Sixth place: 1 points

Round 2: Fight for the Leader
Players of the strongest Tribe have advanced to Round 2 where they will have fearsome battles to decide who is ready to become the leader of that Town and therefore winner of the tournament.
Players: 7 per game
Number of games: 2 at once, overall 7 per person
Maps: each finalist picks his/her home map
Cards: each finalist picks his her home cards
Fortifications: each finalist picks his/her home fortifications
Weather: each finalist picks his/her home FoW settings
First place: 7 points
Second place: 6 points
Third place: 5 points
Fourth place: 4 points
Fifth place: 3 points
Sixth place: 2 points
Seventh place: 1 point
*Extra points will be given according to Round 1 results.
Players will be "lined up" (as they would have all played a 7-player game): the person who gained most points in round 1 receiving points as they would have won the game and the person with least points would be as seventh place of that game.

****SIGN UP FORM****

*Check next post!

**If you donā€™t post needed data on sign up then you will be put to reserve list**

*I'm your Goddess and what I say, goes in this tournament. If I feel that something needs changing then I have the right to do if it's fair to everybody and is in the benefit of the tournament.
*Alliances are not allowed.
*Foe List is ignored. If you wish to play in my tournament then you have to play with anybody who I tell you.
*Signing up to the tournament counts only when posted to this thread.
*I know that my explaining skills aren't top-notch so if there's something confusing about the tournament then please use this thread so others would also see the answer.
*With any problems and questions, turn to me either by PM or posting to this thread.

*Notification list It seems that letting organisers notify you when they are making a new tournament is pretty popular so hereā€™s mine. If you wish to get a message when I launch a new tournament then please let me know about it :)
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Postby amazzony on Wed May 07, 2008 3:21 pm

Don't forget to refresh your browser [pressing F5 is one possibility] for updated scoreboard.

Click image to enlarge.

Click image to enlarge.
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Postby amazzony on Wed May 07, 2008 3:21 pm

Here's where you can pick your Town and Hero!
Town names are clickies. Heroes are made of different Heroes and city's Creatures (on the pictures).








  1. Plowable_Earth [In]
  2. thedoggdakdes [In]
  3. fuegosan [In]
Last edited by amazzony on Tue Jan 25, 2011 2:46 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Postby amazzony on Wed May 07, 2008 3:22 pm

Reserved just in case
"Thou shalt accept thy dice rolls as the will of the Gods" (Church of Gaming)
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Re: GameZZone: HOMM [***0/56***]

Postby Natewolfman on Wed May 07, 2008 3:24 pm

Commander of Pit Fiends

Username: NateWolfman
Town&Hero*: Inferno*Commander of Pit Fiends

EDIT: i filled out the correct form in this edit ;)
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Re: GameZZone: HOMM [***0/56***]

Postby Sir. Ricco on Wed May 07, 2008 3:25 pm

8 players can't play on Age of Might of Magic. Only 6
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Re: GameZZone: HOMM [***0/56***]

Postby Sir. Ricco on Wed May 07, 2008 3:26 pm

In, if you can get this fixed. :D
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Re: GameZZone: HOMM [***0/56***]

Postby Luvr on Wed May 07, 2008 3:37 pm

Queen of Bone Dragons

please & thx
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Re: GameZZone: HOMM [***0/56***]

Postby killmanic on Wed May 07, 2008 3:38 pm

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Re: GameZZone: HOMM [***0/56***]

Postby amazzony on Wed May 07, 2008 3:44 pm

Sir. Ricco wrote:8 players can't play on Age of Might of Magic. Only 6

Oh, crap, I'm playing those maps so little that I forgot this tiny unimportant fact :lol:

I'll change the maps in the next 5 minutes and let all of you know. Sorry about that!

EDIT: I had to sacrifice 2 Towns: Stronghold and Fortress (those Towns because they were included in the expansion set). So, games will be 6-player games. I'll message all of you about the change ;)
"Thou shalt accept thy dice rolls as the will of the Gods" (Church of Gaming)
"amazzony is a beast" (Woodruff)
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Re: GameZZone: HOMM [***0/56***]

Postby killmanic on Wed May 07, 2008 4:44 pm

ill take trent then (but can i call them ents? lol)
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Re: GameZZone: HOMM [***0/56***]

Postby brendan man on Wed May 07, 2008 5:41 pm

amazzony wrote:Settings
Players: 6 per game
Number of games: 2 at once, overall 6 per person
Maps: 3 games on AoR: Might and 3 games on AoR: Magic
Cards: Escalating
Fortifications: Chained
Weather: 3 games Sunny and 3 games Foggy
For each game, you will receive points for your Tribe and the Town with most points advances to Round 2.
First place: 8 points
Second place: 7 points
Third place: 6 points
Fourth place: 5 points
Fifth place: 4 points
Sixth place: 3 points
Seventh place: 2 points
Eighth place: 1 point

You should remove the bold so you don't confuse noobs, but it's okay if you don't want to. I'll take King of Green Dragons, Sylvan

-brendan man
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Re: GameZZone: HOMM [***0/56***]

Postby graulenst on Wed May 07, 2008 9:32 pm

master of hunters

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Re: GameZZone: HOMM [***0/56***]

Postby kratos644 on Wed May 07, 2008 9:47 pm

King of Shadow Dragons
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Sickest Game:Game 2975352
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Postby amazzony on Thu May 08, 2008 3:40 am

brendan man, thanks for noticing it :)

Natewolfman wrote:Username: NateWolfman
Town&Hero*: Inferno*Commander of Pit Fiends

"These mighty fiends come from the darkest pits of the underworld to do the bidding of their masters. They are skilled both in close combat and offensive magic."
I haven't played much with Inferno but they always piss me off with their special Demon ability and Fiend is a darn annoying huge creature with its spellbook. Level 6 Creature (7 is maximum) is not a bad choice ;)

Sir. Ricco wrote:Necropolis
Commander of Wights

"Wights are tormented souls thirsty for revenge on all living creatures."
Not a bad pick, level 6 creature. Though not very strong but the fact that he is fast makes him quite annoying and I can't stand when he blocks/kills my shooters :P

Luvr wrote:Luvr
Queen of Bone Dragons

"Stolen from their graves and compelled to serve the Necromancers, Bone Dragons are formed from the skeletons of dead dragons of other breeds. The Necromancer lands have no native dragons, and so they are compelled to steal and create their own."
As most last level creatures, this dragon also flies which makes him ignore obstacles on battlefield. But it's not as strong as other last level creatures (prove otherwise!).

killmanic wrote:ill take trent then (but can i call them ents? lol)

"Living embodiments of the forest themselves, Treants have left the deep woods at the bidding of the most powerful druids. It is said that when the first Elves ventured into the heart of the primordial forest, they found the Treants there, waiting for them and ready to vow their undying loyalty. Do not be fooled by their awkward gait - their solid bodies can not be harmed easily, and any enemy creature fighting Treants will be entangled by their vines, roots, and creepers."
Good pick :D Firstly, my favourite Town. Secondly, Treants have a huge defense that makes them very valuable. Good luck with your defense rolls :lol:

brendan man wrote:I'll take King of Green Dragons, Sylvan

-brendan man

"The Green Dragons are the offspring and servants of Sylanna, Elemental Dragon of Earth. They have made their home in the forest cliffs and sacred caves of Irollan. Mighty allies of the Elves, they spit an acid cloud that is capable of harming many creatures with a single strike."

Another good pick from a great Town :D (I'm not saying that it's the strongest one, I just like them the most). Green Dragon is highly honored last level creature (as a non-upgraded version). They have a special ability to breathe acid and at the same time they are fast fliers.

graulenst wrote:sylvan
master of hunters

"In times of peace, the Hunters supply the Sylvan communities with food, and they are respected for their skills and prowess. Wandering Irollan, they live in harmony with Nature and its unwritten laws. They will never kill a living being without purpose. In times of war, however, they have no compunction about using their talents to strike down enemies from afar. Their uncanny affinity with their enchanted Elf bow allow them to fire two shots before an enemy can even blink."
Yet another good pick :D Hunters are always my strongest part of my army (though upgraded version) because they shoot and they do quite good damage and they have good initiative (basically it means that they are fast). Just make sure that you don't get enemy too close to them :P

kratos644 wrote:Dungeon
King of Shadow Dragons

"Shadow dragons live deep in the massive caverns of the far underground. Worshipped by Dark Elf society as avatars of their Great Mother, they tolerate their worshippers and occasionally ally with them. Even a single dragon is a terrifying opponent, its breathe a burst of negative energy that can lay waste to even the toughest enemies."

It's attack and defense aren't very good (watch out with your rolls :P) but they are good in everywhere else, hit points, damage, speed + they breathe fire.
"Thou shalt accept thy dice rolls as the will of the Gods" (Church of Gaming)
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Re: GameZZone: HOMM [***7/42***]

Postby Erland on Thu May 08, 2008 5:25 am

Master of Iron Golems
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Re: GameZZone: HOMM [***7/42***]

Postby madman7 on Thu May 08, 2008 6:27 am

in--put me anywhere
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Re: GameZZone: HOMM [***7/42***]

Postby grant.gordon on Thu May 08, 2008 8:01 am

Master of Minotaurs
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Re: GameZZone: HOMM [***7/42***]

Postby daydream on Thu May 08, 2008 8:55 am

sweeeeeeeeeet. i'm a BIG fan of the HoMM series! i'll take the vampires please.
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Re: GameZZone: HOMM [***7/42***]

Postby geigerm on Thu May 08, 2008 9:15 am

Cool, I love these games (although I have yet to play 5 'cause my computer's too freakin' slow).

Username: geigerm
Town & Hero: Haven / Commander of Cavaliers, please
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Re: GameZZone: HOMM [***7/42***]

Postby Drunk_Idiot on Thu May 08, 2008 5:28 pm

The Drunk is in....Master of Footmen

Home Settings if i make it that far

Doodle No cards Seq Chained Fog
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Re: GameZZone: HOMM [***7/42***]

Postby Darin44 on Thu May 08, 2008 9:18 pm

Username: Darin44
Town&Hero*: Haven*Commander of Cavaliers
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Re: GameZZone: HOMM [***7/42***]

Postby reahma on Tue May 13, 2008 2:15 pm

Username: reahma
Town&Hero*: Sylvan - Keeper of Pixies
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Re: GameZZone: HOMM [***7/42***]

Postby banana_hammocks on Thu May 15, 2008 7:38 am

Username: banana_hammocks
Town&Hero: Haven - King of Angels

(since the picture looks somewhat like me!)

Organizer of Quick and Simple Tournament 1,2,3, Friends Close, Enemies Closer Tournament 1+2, CCC Tournament,All Holds Bar
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Postby amazzony on Thu May 15, 2008 1:40 pm

Sorry for the late update but here it is :)

Erland wrote:Academy
Master of Iron Golems

"Golems are ancient magical constructs that are used as primary battle units by the Silver Cities. Golems are armed with two long curved swords, and their substance is their armour. Iron golems are impervious to slowing effects - they really can't get much slower - and are well protected against magic (all damage from such attacks is halved)."
They are slow but annoying :D

madman7 wrote:in--put me anywhere

I'll put you to the last open spot (you'll get the creatures who nobody else wants :P)

grant.gordon wrote:grant.gordon
Master of Minotaurs

"Along with the other Beastmen, the Minotaurs, half-man and half-bull, were created by the Wizards of the Seven Cities as replacement for the Orcs. They fled east, and underground, to earn their freedom, but they were later conquered by the Dark Elfs and once again bound in chains and muzzled. In the Dark Elf society, the Minotaurs are used as menial labour to perform the most degrading and tedious tasks. Despite this treatment, the Minotaurs are known for their bravery and dignity. They will perform any task to the utmost of their ability, including fighting for those who treat them as slaves. They hope some day to earn their freedom; the Dark Elves fear that some day, they will seize it instead."
They are really healthy creatures though not the strongest :lol:

daydream wrote:sweeeeeeeeeet. i'm a BIG fan of the HoMM series! i'll take the vampires please.

So am I :D And I can't stand Vampires, especially when there's a lot of them and they just won't die! :mrgreen:
"Necromancers who wish to cheat death become Vampires with ever-youthful -- but empty -- bodies. Any damage that Vampires inflict upon the living heals their own immortal forms. Gifted with hundreds of years of combat experience, they are so swift with their swords than none can retaliate against their strikes."

geigerm wrote:Cool, I love these games (although I have yet to play 5 'cause my computer's too freakin' slow).

Username: geigerm
Town & Hero: Haven / Commander of Cavaliers, please

I can't play 5th either :( I can play it only at my bf's place. Though I like it a lot (waaay more than 4th, I don't like 4th at all). Good pick, very good town :D

"The Cavaliers are the shock troops of the Holy Griffin Empire. Mounted on powerful horses and heavily armoured, they are at their best when they charge the enemy from afar."

Drunk_Idiot wrote:The Drunk is in....Master of Footmen

Home Settings if i make it that far

Doodle No cards Seq Chained Fog

That's positive attitude and good Town + Hero pick :D

"The Footmen are a defensive backbone of the Griffin Empire forces. They can sustain attacks while other Griffin units manoeuvre to destroy the enemy."

Darin44 wrote:Username: Darin44
Town&Hero*: Haven*Commander of Cavaliers

I sent you a message, hopefully you'll find as good pick as this one was :)

reahma wrote:Username: reahma
Town&Hero*: Sylvan - Keeper of Pixies

Pixiiiiies :D They are so incredably weak but so fast plus they look wonderful :D I love how they are so fast that lower initiative troops move twice as slow as pixies. If possible then I send them to attack (enemy won't retaliate :D) and before enemy creature can take its first turn, it's pixies time again and I pull them back behind my trees again :mrgreen: =D>

"The Pixies are the guardian spirits of the Kersyls, the giants trees that host the Sylvan cities. They live in the trees' branches, tending them in exchange for shelter and sustenance. These creatures are not dedicated to war, but they will defend their home fiercely. Their swift attacks can hit more than one creature, and their small size and speed make retaliation impossible."

banana_hammocks wrote:Username: banana_hammocks
Town&Hero: Haven - King of Angels

(since the picture looks somewhat like me!)

You know who are good and high level creatures ;)

"The Angels are the incarnation of Elrath on Ashan, and as such they are the ultimate representation of his power. These creatures of Light are fierce in combat and their attacks are always deadly. An angel cannot be killed, if its body is endangered it will return to its spirit form and rejoin its master."
"Thou shalt accept thy dice rolls as the will of the Gods" (Church of Gaming)
"amazzony is a beast" (Woodruff)
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