I will take up to 32 players for this tournament, no more, less if I choose. You choose your own superstar when you register for this tournament, pick carefully.

- Code: Select all
Map: Based on weekly theme for each show. However, all title matches are on Classic unless both players agree on another map.
Number of Players: 2 unless it is a tag-team, handicap match, or battle royale
Game Type: Standard unless it is tag-team
Play Order: Sequential (Battle Royales will be Freestyle)
Cards: Escalating (Title matches will be Flat Rate)
Fortifications: Chained
Fog of War: OFF (Title Matches and Battle Royales are ON)
Schedules will be revealed weekly.
Alice18 will be co-organizing this tournament.
If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to post them here or pm me.