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Possible secret alliance: cbobgo and mjjanusa

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Possible secret alliance: cbobgo and mjjanusa

Postby Nephilim on Tue Oct 24, 2006 10:47 pm

These are suspected: Secret Alliance partners

Suspect users: cbobgo and mjjanusa

Game number:

Comments: A supposed non-aggression pact between Greenland and Iceland actually turned into a complete alliance for the entire game. I don't think they ever attacked each other until the end when bob won. Mjj just sat there in Europe, only attacking other players, while bob built himself up and eventually swept the board. At the end, when bob was dominating and mjj had two territories left, mjj decided to attack me rather than the giant leader. It seems to me that either mjj is too dumb to recognize a bad alliance, or quite facile-minded and noncompetitive, or the two players had a secret alliance. I don't know how you can investigate these things, but if I see a game in the near future with some payback from bob to mjj, I'll post it.


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Postby strike wolf on Tue Oct 24, 2006 11:09 pm

Well, early on I had a few non-agression pacts in my games. they have a tendency of working their way up to full blown alliances. But from what I've read, I'd say Secret alliance.
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Postby cbobgo on Sat Oct 28, 2006 3:27 pm

What nephilm forgot to mention is that he tried to take MJJ out of the game but failed. He left MJJ so weak that he would not have been able to recover. Rather than attacking me, which was pointless, he decided to attack nephilm. A perfectly logical response to neph's attack.

We had no secret alliance. We had only one shared border, greenland to iceland. We agreed not to attack across that border. MJJ was fighting on his other borders, and I was fighting on my other borders. We had no opportunity or need to attack each other.

Neph got all bent out of shape and left negative feedback for MJJ, when really, MJJ did nothing against the rules. Seems to me like Neph is a sore loser.

If you look at my feedback you will see that I hve been nothing but honorable in my games. Look at Neph's feedback, you will see a different picture.

- bob
Last edited by cbobgo on Sat Oct 28, 2006 3:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Come On

Postby mjjanusa on Sat Oct 28, 2006 3:28 pm

:twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: Didn't attack anyone else, until my last turn I had no border with Cbobgo except the cease fire one. When it came to the last turn you had just tried to knockk me off the map of course i'm gonna counter attack. Bob and I didn't pm eachothr at all during the game. I didn't even know there is a difference between an alliance and a ceace fire. :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil:
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Postby AndyDufresne on Sun Oct 29, 2006 1:24 pm

Feel free to leave appropriate feedback, following the guidelines we have in place. Just to clear any multi suspicion, mjjanusa and cbobgo are CLEARED of multiple accounts.

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Postby MeDeFe on Sun Oct 29, 2006 3:47 pm

one minute between two posts essentially saying the same thing? If you hadn't been cleared already I'd say this looked fishy.
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Postby AndyDufresne on Sun Oct 29, 2006 4:30 pm

Fishy perhaps, but not for multiple accounts.

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Postby cbobgo on Sun Oct 29, 2006 6:37 pm

mjj sent me a PM alerting me to this thread, as I dont usually look at the forums. after reading his pm I pm'd him back saying I would post something in the thread. He came over to do the same.

No great mystery.

- bob
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don't know! lol

Postby mjjanusa on Sun Oct 29, 2006 7:02 pm

Give me a break this is getting ridiculous! Multis? lol If we were multis how could cbobgo type his long thing and then type mine all in the span of one minute? lol
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Re: don't know! lol

Postby stinkycheese on Sun Oct 29, 2006 7:22 pm

mjjanusa wrote:Give me a break this is getting ridiculous! Multis? lol If we were multis how could cbobgo type his long thing and then type mine all in the span of one minute? lol

Uhhh type it in word and just copy and paste it...

I'm not calling you a multi, but your argument is flawed.
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Re: don't know! lol

Postby mjjanusa on Sun Oct 29, 2006 7:36 pm

stinkycheese wrote:
mjjanusa wrote:Give me a break this is getting ridiculous! Multis? lol If we were multis how could cbobgo type his long thing and then type mine all in the span of one minute? lol

Uhhh type it in word and just copy and paste it...

I'm not calling you a multi, but your argument is flawed.

Yeah you could do that but why in the world would you do that? lol Plus I think it took me a minute to put mine in an annoying format lol.
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Postby Nephilim on Thu Nov 02, 2006 4:11 pm

Finally getting around to putting something on here; I can only resist arguing for so long. And here is a good place to make a point: cbobgo, I have pushed this topic for the sake of principle, and because I enjoy debate, not because I am a sore loser. I lose games all the time, I can handle that. I have told you all this in the multiple pm's we exchanged on this topic. Why is it so hard for you to believe that I enjoy spirited debate, and that the only option to mjjanusa being a complete moron is that you two had an alliance?

Another thing you don't seem to get: attacking someone because they just attacked you and it bothers you (mjj attacked me, and this is the motive cbobgo has attributed to mjj) is NOT a reasonable or logical move. Actually, it is the opposite of reasonable or logical, it is an action guided by emotion. Noticing your exceptionally nerdy new avatar, I would think a Jedi might know these things.

This is the best part, and the thing that really made me think "alliance." Cbobgo says:
"We had no secret alliance. We had only one shared border, greenland to iceland. We agreed not to attack across that border. MJJ was fighting on his other borders, and I was fighting on my other borders. We had no opportunity or need to attack each other."

So, when you had taken over everything but Aussie (me) and Europe (mjj), you two had no shared borders and he had no need to attack you? You had shared borders between Euro/Africa and Euro/Asia before the end! And the thing is, mjj never attacked bob! When bob was sweeping across the map, mjj still honored their NAP between Greenland and Iceland! And then sat there till bob took over, never lleaving Europe or attacking bob, and instead attacking me. And I'm supposed to believe this is b/c of a NAP, that somehow got extended to the whole board, and b/c mjj got mad that I attacked him?

Look, here's the thing, I don't think you two had a secret alliance anymore. I think mjj is an utter moron who somehow thought this alliance was good for him, and then decided he liked you b/c you never attacked Iceland, although you were sweeping the board. I guess I thought it better to assume you cheated than that mjj could be so dense. Not to mention attacking me at the end instead of you--utterly outside the spirit of competition and honor. I don't know what to compare that to--nope, can't think of anything, it's so low. And cbobgo, all you did was take advantage of this idiot, which is fine with me. But you keep defending him, which is stupid, and most of your defenses fail logically.

Finally, you suggested that people check my feedback for signs of dishonor. Quite silly, since I was 15-4, and two of the negs were you and mjj. And none of the negs indicted my battlefield honor in any way; in fact, I have a positive concerning that subject.
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Postby mjjanusa on Thu Nov 02, 2006 6:45 pm

REAL MATURE! lol You decided we didn't cheat, but I am just a moron. What a sore loser. Just wondering what would you have done if put in my position on my last turn. (i.e Cbobgo just took over half the map and this other guy nearly wipes you off the map, but you have a card set. Who would you attack when it is defiantly your LAST turn. ) I think you wouldn't attack Cbobgo either.
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Postby cbobgo on Thu Nov 02, 2006 8:37 pm

neph, I've said all I needed to say in the pms. Don't really care to rehash it here. If you don't like the way I play, feel free to put me on your ignore list.

- bob
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Postby Nephilim on Fri Nov 03, 2006 12:01 am

Mjj: I thought your play was either exceptionally stupid and dishonorable, or the result of a secret alliance. I have commented on this at some length. This does not make me a sore loser. As I have said, I lose more often than I win, but I don't complain much. I'm complaining b/c you have either cheated, or you are a bad player that others should avoid.

You need to understand something: The only chance either of us had at the end of the game to survive against cbobgo was for me to kill you and take your cards, then continue attacking. I could not kill you. What you need to understand: my attempt to kill you was not personal. This is a game. You were as good as dead, and I wasn't far behind you, largely b/c of the retarded alliance.

So, I can say w/o the slightest reservation that I would have acted quite differently from you if in your shoes. I would understand that a last ditch attempt to kill me was not personal, but only an attempt to survive and kill the massive presence of cbob, who actually controlled about 3/4 not 1/2 of the board. If I were you, I would have said in chat, "Too bad you couldn't kill me," then attacked the big huge hulking opponent. Why? Because I am a competitor. I play to win. I don't think people that ally with me are my friends and others are jerks that should be attacked regardless of all reason. You only helped the huge army to win the game--thus I conclude that you do not care about winning and play by your girlish little emotions! I certainly would attack cbob, and I would have done it far sooner across the Iceland line, after notifying him that truce was over, of course, b/c he was taking over and you didn't do a damn thing. I guess you just wanted your buddy to win. Again, you're not a competitor. You're a bitch.

And cbob, I can't blame you if you didn't read that really long post I left earlier, due to its length. But I said in it, as I have told you several times, I do not have a problem with your gameplay. Read that again so it can sink in. I just think it is stupid to defend an idiot like mjj, especially when you cannot make a logically solid point. For instance, if you don't care to rehash things here, then why have you made two posts on this thread? I would play you again anytime, although I would suspect every other player could be your little patsy in disguise.
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