I think the deferred army to the end of turn is a great idea.
However, the number of deferred armies awarded should be what you would have gotten if you didn't miss a turn.
for eg., let's say I hold 6 countries including the Australia Continent. I should get 5 armies on my next go.
If someone invades Australia and leaves me with 1 country. I should get 3 to deploy at the start of my turn and 5 deferred to deploy at the end, not 3 and 3.
This turns missing a turn from a significant disadvantage into a huge one.
Sometimes, especially for those outside the USA (because of the timezone difference when playing against US players), it often occurs that it's not your go when you log on and you don't get back for just over 24 hours.
It hurts enough to know you've lost two continents in that time and you wouldn't have because you would have fortified AND your opponents got a continent bonus they wouldn't have because you would have taken one of their countries, let alone not getting the bonus you rightfully earned by holding the continent for a whole round.
Please change this.
Thoughts? Other suggestions?
This only seems fair to me. The player missing a turn is at a big enough disadvantage all ready, why make it worse?
When someone's 24hrs are up, just dump all the men they are owed on a random country instead of deferring them.