Conquer Club

The 2345678 League [Winner: Gozar]

Tournaments completed in 2008.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Postby RobinJ on Mon Mar 10, 2008 2:54 pm

I won again! :D

Here: 1832493

1st - RobinJ
2nd - zobots
3rd - colson
4th - brandonchfi
5th - dcc1220
6th - Riskmaster
7th - Natewolfman
8th - Inklosed

I'm not sure if you recorded my last game result.

RobinJ wrote:I won game 1891858

1st - RobinJ
2nd - brandonchfi
3rd - zobots
4th - Inklosed
5th - dcc1220
6th - Natewolfman

Sorry if you have - just thought I had more points than that :wink: [/quote]

By the way zobots has returned just so you know, although it may be too late
nmhunate wrote:Speak English... It is the language that God wrote the bible in.

Highest Score: 2437
Highest Place: 84
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Sergeant 1st Class RobinJ
Posts: 1901
Joined: Mon Aug 21, 2006 1:56 pm
Location: Northern Ireland

Postby pjdonald on Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:33 pm

Results as of 3/12

Division 1

1789830 (France) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1789831 (Tamriel) 1st-RobinJ, 2nd- zobots, 3rd- brandoncfi, 4th- InkL0sed, 5th- Natewolfman, 6th- Riskmaster101, 7th- colson, 8th- ?
1789833 (Battle for Aus) 1st-dcc1220, 2nd- InkL0sed, 3rd- brandoncfi, 4th- Natewolfman, 5th- colson, 6th- Riskmaster101, 7th- zobots, 8th- ?
1789834 (Midkemdil) 1st-dcc1220, 2nd- RobinJ, 3rd- Natewolfman, 4th- zobots, 5th- colson, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1789836 (WWII EF) 1st-InkL0sed, 2nd- Riskmaster101, 3rd- brandoncfi, 4th- zobots, 5th- dcc1220, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1789838 (Feudal War) 1st-RobinJ, 2nd- InkL0sed, 3rd- Natewolfman, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1789840 (Italy) 1st-RobinJ, 2nd- Riskmaster101, 3rd- brandoncfi, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1789841 (King of Mtns) 1st-dcc1220, 2nd- colson, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1832493 (WWII EF) 1st-RobinJ, 2nd- zobots, 3rd- colson, 4th- brandoncfi, 5th- dcc1220, 6th- Riskmaster101, 7th- Natewolfman, 8th- InkL0sed
1832494 (USA) 1st-dcc1220, 2nd- colson, 3rd- brandoncfi, 4th- zobots, 5th- Natewolfman, 6th- InkL0sed, 7th- RobinJ, 8th- ?
1832496 (Mid Earth) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832499 (WWII WF) 1st-colson, 2nd- zobots, 3rd- RobinJ, 4th- InkL0sed, 5th- Riskmaster101, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832502 (Bamboo) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832505 (Germany) 1st-InkL0sed, 2nd- Natewolfman, 3rd- brandoncfi, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832510 (Doodle) 1st-dcc1220, 2nd- zobots, 3rd- Riskmaster101, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832513 (Alex) 1st-brandoncfi, 2nd- RobinJ, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1891854 (Realms:Magic) 1st-colson, 2nd- InkL0sed, 3rd- dcc1220, 4th- brandoncfi, 5th- Riskmaster101, 6th- zobots, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891858 (Classic) 1st-RobinJ, 2nd- brandoncfi, 3rd- zobots, 4th- InkL0sed, 5th- dcc1220, 6th- Natewolfman, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891860 (Realms:Might) 1st-dcc1220, 2nd- colson, 3rd- Natewolfman, 4th- Riskmaster101, 5th- RobinJ, 6th- zobots, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891862 (Canada) 1st-RobinJ, 2nd- brandoncfi, 3rd- Natewolfman, 4th- Riskmaster101, 5th- colson, 6th- InkL0sed, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891865 (Middle East) 1st-Natewolfman, 2nd- InkL0sed, 3rd- brandoncfi, 4th- dcc1220, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891866 (Classic) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891869 (Iberia) 1st-RobinJ, 2nd- InkL0sed, 3rd- colson, 4th- Natewolfman, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891870 (Pearl Harbor) 1st-Riskmaster101, 2nd- zobots, 3rd- brandoncfi, 4th- colson, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1941711 (Ireland) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941712 (Australia) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941715 (Malta) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941718 (France) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941720 (Alex) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941722 (Tamriel) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941725 (Italy) 1st-colson, 2nd- dcc1220, 3rd- Natewolfman, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941727 (Asia) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1984881 (CCU) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984882 (Classic) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984884 (Classic) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984885 (Senate) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984887 (WWII WF) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984890 (Rail) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984892 (Feudal War) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984907 (Benelux) 1st-InkL0sed, 2nd- Natewolfman, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

Division 2

1798305 (WWII EF) 1st-Snowman, 2nd- hschroed78, 3rd- wpg27offsuit, 4th- pjdonald, 5th- spidey, 6th- Strider24, 7th- JeF, 8th- petewins1368
1798308 (Scotland) 1st-Strider24, 2nd- wpg27offsuit, 3rd- Snowman, 4th- JeF, 5th- petewins1368, 6th- spidey, 7th- hschroed78, 8th- ?
1790438 (British) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1798319 (Scotland) 1st-hschroed78, 2nd- wpg27offsuit, 3rd- pjdonald, 4th- Snowman, 5th- JeF, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1790442 (South Am) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1798327 (Draknor) 1st-JeF, 2nd- wpg27offsuit, 3rd- spidey, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1798330 (British) 1st-Strider24, 2nd- petewins1368, 3rd- JeF, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1790450 (Canada) 1st-hschroed78, 2nd- pjdonald, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1832517 (Great Lakes) 1st-pjdonald, 2nd- Snowman, 3rd- hschroed78, 4th- petewins1368, 5th- wpg27offsuit, 6th- Strider24, 7th- JeF, 8th- spidey
1832521 (Waterloo) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832523 (Civil War) 1st-hschroed78, 2nd- JeF, 3rd- spidey, 4th- wpg27offsuit, 5th- pjdonald, 6th- Snowman, 7th- Strider24, 8th- ?
1832527 (Civil War) 1st-spidey, 2nd- Strider24, 3rd- Snowman, 4th- hschroed78, 5th- JeF, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832529 (Australia) 1st-wpg27offsuit, 2nd- pjdonald, 3rd- petewins1368, 4th- Strider24, 5th- hschroed78, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832532 (King of Mtns) 1st-wpg27offsuit, 2nd- petewins1368, 3rd- spidey, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832534 (Arctic) 1st-pjdonald, 2nd- Strider24, 3rd- Snowman, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832536 (Duck and Cover) 1st-JeF, 2nd- petewins1368, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1891872 (Dust Bowl) 1st-pjdonald, 2nd- Strider24, 3rd- spidey, 4th- Snowman, 5th- petewins1368, 6th- hschroed78, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891873 (Classic) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891876 (USA) 1st-pjdonald, 2nd- JeF, 3rd- Snowman, 4th- Strider24, 5th- hschroed78, 6th- wpg27offsuit, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891877 (WWII EF) 1st-JeF, 2nd- spidey, 3rd- petewins1368, 4th- Strider24, 5th- hschroed78, 6th- wpg27offsuit, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891883 (Berlin) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891885 (Solar System) 1st-Strider24, 2nd- JeF, 3rd- pjdonald, 4th- Snowman, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891888 (Benelux) 1st-wpg27offsuit, 2nd- JeF, 3rd- hschroed78, 4th- spidey, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891889 (USA) 1st-hschroed78, 2nd- Snowman, 3rd- Strider24, 4th- petewins1368, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1941734 (Philippines) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941737 (British) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941740 (Mid Earth) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1951028 (ConquerMan) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1973062 (Ireland) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1973060 (Feudal War) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941754 (Greece) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1951029 (Apocolypse) 1st-Snowman, 2nd- Strider24, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1984911 (Montreal) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984913 (British) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984916 (Africa) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984917 (North Am) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984921 (Cairns) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984923 (Benelux) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984924 (British) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984926 (Scotland) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

Division 3

1790451 (Caribbean) 1st-wolfmaster, 2nd- IHuckDisc, 3rd- BaldAdonis, 4th- bob72, 5th- thekidstrumpet, 6th- Evil Semp, 7th- elfcasino, 8th- Timminz
1790453 (Germany) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1790455 (Senate) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1790456 (Seige) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1790458 (Mid Earth) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1790459 (Mongol) 1st-wolfmaster, 2nd- Timminz, 3rd- Evil Semp, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1790462 (Indochina) 1st-elfcasino, 2nd- bob72, 3rd- Timminz, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1790465 (Benelux) 1st-thekidstrumpet, 2nd- BaldAdonis, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1832539 (South Am) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832541 (Middle Earth) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832544 (Europe) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832549 (San Fran) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832551 (Classic) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832554 (Apocolypse) 1st-elfcasino, 2nd- Evil Semp, 3rd- wolfmaster, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832557 (Cairns) 1st-BaldAdonis, 2nd- bob72, 3rd- IHuckDisc, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832563 (British) 1st-Timminz, 2nd- elfcasino, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1891890 (Madness) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891891 (Classic) 1st-Evil Semp, 2nd- BaldAdonis, 3rd- elfcasino, 4th- IHuckDisc, 5th- Timminz, 6th- wolfmaster, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891894 (Classic) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891895 (North Am) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891897 (Great Lakes) 1st-BaldAdonis, 2nd- elfcasino, 3rd- wolfmaster, 4th- Evil Semp, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891899 (Valley) 1st-Timminz, 2nd- IHuckDisc, 3rd- bob72, 4th- BaldAdonis, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891900 (Italy) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891901 (Germany) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1941765 (USA) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941766 (Scotland) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941768 (Great Lakes) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941770 (CCU) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941774 (Battle of Actium) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941776 (Classic) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941777 (Mid Earth) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941779 (Iberia) 1st-bob72, 2nd- IHuckDisc, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1984936 (Senate) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984937 (King of Mtns) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984938 (Alex) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984939 (Chinese C) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984940 (Seige) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984942 (Merchants) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984943 (Feudal War) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984946 (Battle for Aus) 1st-wolfmaster, 2nd- Evil Semp, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

Division 4

1790476 (Cairns) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1790478 (Rail USA) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1790479 (Benelux) 1st-conquerAce, 2nd- barterer2002, 3rd- cena-rules, 4th- Gypsys Kiss, 5th- Godd, 6th- mountainbill, 7th- killerkern, 8th- ?
1790480 (Portugal) 1st-mountainbill, 2nd- cena-rules, 3rd- dazoot, 4th- Godd, 5th- Gypsys Kiss, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1790482 (Australia) 1st-Godd, 2nd- conquerAce, 3rd- cena-rules, 4th- killerkern, 5th- barterer2002, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1790483 (World 2.1) 1st-barterer2002, 2nd- mountainbill, 3rd- dazoot, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1790485 (British) 1st-conquerAce, 2nd- killerkern, 3rd- dazoot, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1791259 (8 Thoughts) 1st-Godd, 2nd- Gypsys Kiss, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1832720 (Scotland) 1st-dazoot, 2nd- killerkern, 3rd- Gypsys Kiss, 4th- barterer2002, 5th- conquerAce, 6th- cena-rules, 7th- mountainbill, 8th- Godd
1832723 (Benelux) 1st-mountainbill, 2nd- Godd, 3rd- cena-rules, 4th- dazoot, 5th- conquerAce, 6th- Gypsys Kiss, 7th- barterer2002, 8th- ?
1832726 (Waterloo) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832730 (Great Lakes) 1st-dazoot, 2nd- barterer2002, 3rd- Gypsys Kiss, 4th- cena-rules, 5th- killerkern, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1839896 (Seige) 1st-Gypsys Kiss, 2nd- Godd, 3rd- mountainbill, 4th- conquerAce, 5th- killerkern, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832734 (Italy) 1st-conquerAce, 2nd- cena-rules, 3rd- mountainbill, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832736 (Duck and Cover) 1st-Godd, 2nd- killerkern, 3rd- barterer2002, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832740 (Mid Earth) 1st-conquerAce, 2nd- dazoot, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1891902 (British) 1st-Godd, 2nd- Gypsys Kiss, 3rd- cena-rules, 4th- barterer2002, 5th- conquerAce, 6th- killerkern, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891904 (Greece) 1st-Godd, 2nd- mountainbill, 3rd- dazoot, 4th- barterer2002, 5th- cena-rules, 6th- conquerAce, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891907 (Classic) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891908 (Philippines) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891909 (Iwo Jima) 1st-conquerAce, 2nd- barterer2002, 3rd- mountainbill, 4th- Godd, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891911 (Iwo Jima) 1st-cena-rules, 2nd- dazoot, 3rd- killerkern, 4th- Godd, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891913 (Asia) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891915 (Conquer Man) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1941783 (Classic) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941786 (Canada) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941787 (Civil War) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941789 (Arctic) 1st-Godd, 2nd- barterer2002, 3rd- mountainbill, 4th- killerkern, 5th- dazoot, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941790 (Great Lakes) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941792 (Feudal War) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941794 (Global Warm) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941796 (Mid East) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1984959 (Canada) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984962 (North Am) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984963 (Canada) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984964 (Middle Earth) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984966 (Pearl Harbor) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984968 (Circus) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984969 (Draknor) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984971 (Merchants) 1st-barterer2002, 2nd- mountainbill, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

Division 5

1790488 (Waterloo) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1790489 (USA) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1790490 (Cairns) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1790492 (Greece) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1790495 (Malta) 1st-DimnjacarStef, 2nd- plysprtz, 3rd- cjoe, 4th- Fag_ash, 5th- illusions850, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1790501 (British) 1st-Gozar, 2nd- pempi, 3rd- cjoe, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1790507 (Apocolypse) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1790511 (Iberia) 1st-SkeletonsofDeath, 2nd- DimnjacarStef, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1832746 (Civil War) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832750 (Valley of Kings) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832752 (San Fran) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832756 (Australia) 1st-SkeletonsofDeath, 2nd- pempi, 3rd- illusions850, 4th- plysprtz, 5th- Gozar, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832758 (Mid Earth) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832760 (Realms:Magic) 1st-cjoe, 2nd- Fag_ash, 3rd- pempi, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832763 (Doodle) 1st-DimnjacarStef, 2nd- plysprtz, 3rd- illusions850, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832765 (Germany) 1st-Gozar, 2nd- Fag_ash, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1891918 (Realms:Magic) 1st-pempi, 2nd- illusions850, 3rd- plysprtz, 4th- DimnjacarStef, 5th- Fag_ash, 6th- SkeletonsofDeath, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891920 (Senate) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891923 (Philippines) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891927 (British) 1st-cjoe, 2nd- Gozar, 3rd- Fag_ash, 4th- pempi, 5th- SkeletonsofDeath, 6th- plysprtz, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891930 (Benelux) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891936 (D-Day) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891940 (Great Lakes) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891942 (Caribbean) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1941803 (Merchants) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941807 (Mid East) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941808 (Alex) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941809 (Africa) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941812 (Rail) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941818 (Italy) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941819 (Classic) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941821 (Middle Earth) 1st-illusions850, 2nd- plysprtz, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1984976 (Greece) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984977 (Mid East) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984978 (San Fran) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984980 (Europe) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984982 (Seige) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984983 (Seige) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984984 (Feudal War) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984987 (Malta) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
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Postby Snowman on Fri Mar 14, 2008 3:10 am

Game 1891873, Div 2, Week 3

1st - Snowman, 2nd - petewins1368, 3rd - JeF, 4th - spidey, 5th - pjdonald, 6th - wpg27offsuit
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Postby colson on Fri Mar 14, 2008 12:14 pm

pjdonald wrote:Results as of 3/12

Division 1

1891870 (Pearl Harbor) 1st-Riskmaster101, 2nd- zobots, 3rd- brandoncfi, 4th- colson, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

This is incorrect.

Should be 1st-Riskmaster101, 2nd-zobots, 3rd-colson, 4th-bradoncfi
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Postby BaldAdonis on Sat Mar 15, 2008 1:25 am

1941727, Group 1, Week 4.
I beat Riskmaster101.
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Postby pjdonald on Sat Mar 15, 2008 10:31 am

Standings updated on 3/15.

Don't forget the 40 round stalemate rule. No points can be won after round 40.
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Postby RobinJ on Sun Mar 16, 2008 6:44 pm

A timely victory for me - game 1941712

1st: RobinJ
2nd: colson
3rd: Inklosed
4th: Natewolfman
5th: brandonchfi
6th: dcc1220
7th: Riskmaster101

The group is really hotting up now. I'll have one hell of a task to hold on
nmhunate wrote:Speak English... It is the language that God wrote the bible in.

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Postby BaldAdonis on Mon Mar 17, 2008 4:25 am

Group 3, Week 4, CCU:

1. BaldAdonis
2. bob72
3. Evil Semp
4. Timminz
5. wolfmaster
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Postby Strider24 on Mon Mar 17, 2008 11:44 am



Petewind kicked?
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Postby IHuckDisc on Mon Mar 17, 2008 11:59 am

Not sure if these have been posted:

1790458 - Group 3, Week 1
1. elfcasino
2. IHuckDisc
3. BaldAdonis
4. bob72
5. wolfmaster

1891901 - Group 3, Week 3
1. bob72
2. IHuckDisc
3. thekidstrumpet
4. elfcasino

1832549 - Group 3, Week 2
1. IHuckDisc
2. wolfmaster
3. thekidstrumpet
4. bob72
5. Timminz

1891890 - Group 3, Week 3
1. wolfmaster
2. bob72
3. IHuckDisc
4. thekidstrumpet
5. BaldAdonis
6. elfcasino
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Postby pjdonald on Tue Mar 18, 2008 6:45 pm

There are a lot of games still active, but believe it or not, I think we're in good shape to start the finals by mid-April as planned.

Groups 1 and 2 are the closest to finishing, but no one has established themselves as a clear favorite for the finals. Robin and dcc look good in Group 1, but I have no sense yet for how many points will be needed to claim a wild card. Given the distance they've established over the rest of their group, I'd guess they're both in good shape.
Last edited by pjdonald on Wed Mar 19, 2008 7:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby IHuckDisc on Wed Mar 19, 2008 8:24 am

Game 1984943 - Group 3, Week 5

1. IHuckDisc
2. Bob72
3. thekidstrumpet

Game 1832544 - Group 3, Week 2
1. wolfmaster
2. Bob72
3. Evil Semp
4. Timminz
5. BaldAdonis
6. thekidstrumpet
7. IHuckDisc
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Postby BaldAdonis on Wed Mar 19, 2008 11:42 pm

Group 3, Week 4, Great Lakes, 7 player.
2008-03-20 00:24:47 - BaldAdonis eliminated IHuckDisc from the game in round - 8
2008-03-20 00:26:55 - BaldAdonis eliminated thekidstrumpet from the game in round - 8
2008-03-20 00:29:28 - BaldAdonis eliminated wolfmaster from the game in round - 8
2008-03-20 00:35:08 - BaldAdonis eliminated bob72 from the game in round - 8
2008-03-20 00:37:55 - BaldAdonis eliminated elfcasino from the game in round - 8
2008-03-20 00:38:01 - BaldAdonis eliminated Timminz from the game in round - 8

Group 3, Week 4, USA, 8 player
/>2008-03-17 08:13:31 - Timminz eliminated elfcasino from the game in round - 5
2008-03-20 00:53:08 - BaldAdonis eliminated wolfmaster from the game in round - 6
2008-03-20 00:55:57 - BaldAdonis eliminated Timminz from the game in round - 6
2008-03-20 00:57:32 - BaldAdonis eliminated bob72 from the game in round - 6
2008-03-20 00:59:29 - BaldAdonis eliminated thekidstrumpet from the game in round - 6
2008-03-20 00:59:57 - BaldAdonis eliminated IHuckDisc from the game in round - 6
2008-03-20 01:00:40 - BaldAdonis eliminated Evil Semp from the game in round - 6
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Postby Evil Semp on Thu Mar 20, 2008 8:18 pm

Game 1984940

1st Evil Semp
2nd elfcasino
3rd bob72
4th Timminz
5th IHuckDisc
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Postby BaldAdonis on Sat Mar 22, 2008 2:31 pm

Group 3, Week 4, Scotland
1. Timminz
2. wolfmaster
3. thekidstrumpet
4. bob72
5. BaldAdonis
6. Evil Semp
7. elfcasino

Group 3, Week 5, Alexander's Empire
1. Timminz
2. bob72
3. wolfmaster
4. elfcasino
5. BaldAdonis
6. IHuckDisc
7. Evil Semp

Group 3, Week 5, Age of Merchants
1. BaldAdonis
2. wolfmaster
3. thekidstrumpet

Group 1, Week 4, Tamriel
1. BaldAdonis
2. brandoncfi
3. RobinJ
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Postby pjdonald on Sun Mar 23, 2008 7:48 pm

Standings updated 3/23
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Postby RobinJ on Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:45 am

Got myself a lucky victory (and hopefully that will be me on route to the final!)

Group 1, Week 5

1st: RobinJ
2nd: Natewolfman
3rd: dcc1220
4th: Riskmaster101
5th: brandonchfi
6th: elfascino
7th: InkLOsed
8th: colson
nmhunate wrote:Speak English... It is the language that God wrote the bible in.

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Postby Evil Semp on Mon Mar 24, 2008 6:35 pm

game 1941774

1st Evil Semp
2nd wolfmaster
3rd IHuckDisc
4th elfcasino
5th thekidstrumpet
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Postby BaldAdonis on Tue Mar 25, 2008 8:10 pm

Group 1, Week 4, 7 player, Malta.

2008-03-24 02:15:24 - colson eliminated brandoncfi from the game in round - 8
2008-03-25 21:00:50 - BaldAdonis eliminated RobinJ from the game in round - 8
2008-03-25 21:04:31 - BaldAdonis eliminated dcc1220 from the game in round - 8
2008-03-25 21:05:44 - BaldAdonis eliminated Riskmaster101 from the game in round - 8
2008-03-25 21:08:04 - BaldAdonis eliminated colson from the game in round - 8
2008-03-25 21:08:30 - BaldAdonis eliminated InkL0sed from the game in round - 8
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Postby dcc1220 on Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:48 pm

Can I get some sort of sponsor exemption to the 2nd round for winning the original 3456 league? :D

Great tournament again. I enjoyed the first format a bit more (not simply because I won), because I just feel that you can be taken out of 7 or 8 player games on small maps very quickly through no fault of your own.
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Postby pjdonald on Thu Mar 27, 2008 11:44 pm

dcc1220 wrote:Can I get some sort of sponsor exemption to the 2nd round for winning the original 3456 league? :D

Great tournament again. I enjoyed the first format a bit more (not simply because I won), because I just feel that you can be taken out of 7 or 8 player games on small maps very quickly through no fault of your own.

I think you're in pretty good shape!

I also think the 3456 setup worked a bit better - maybe for the reason you mention, I don't know.

Group 2 is winding down. I may rise from the ashes with 4 wins (51 pts) in Week 5 to advance. God bless escalating.
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Re: The 2345678 League (standings updated 3/25)

Postby BaldAdonis on Fri Mar 28, 2008 8:13 pm

Group 3, Week 4, 3 Player, Middle Earth:

2008-03-28 21:09:42 - BaldAdonis eliminated Evil Semp from the game in round - 18
2008-03-28 21:11:27 - BaldAdonis eliminated thekidstrumpet from the game in round - 18
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Re: The 2345678 League (standings updated 4/4)

Postby bob72 on Tue Apr 08, 2008 6:17 pm

LMAO i didn't realise I was in 2nd place......

Sugar I should have concentrated more..... :P
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Re: The 2345678 League (standings updated 4/9)

Postby pjdonald on Wed Apr 09, 2008 11:28 pm

Full game results as of 4/9 update:

Division 1

1789830 (France) 1st-brandoncfi, 2nd- ^colson, 3rd- *RobinJ, 4th- dcc1220, 5th- ^Riskmaster101, 6th- ^Natewolfman, 7th- ^zobots, 8th- ^InkL0sed
1789831 (Tamriel) 1st-*RobinJ, 2nd- ^zobots, 3rd- brandoncfi, 4th- ^InkL0sed, 5th- ^Natewolfman, 6th- ^Riskmaster101, 7th- ^colson, 8th- ?
1789833 (Battle for Aus) 1st-dcc1220, 2nd- ^InkL0sed, 3rd- brandoncfi, 4th- ^Natewolfman, 5th- ^colson, 6th- ^Riskmaster101, 7th- ^zobots, 8th- ?
1789834 (Midkemdil) 1st-dcc1220, 2nd- *RobinJ, 3rd- ^Natewolfman, 4th- ^zobots, 5th- ^colson, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1789836 (WWII EF) 1st-^InkL0sed, 2nd- ^Riskmaster101, 3rd- brandoncfi, 4th- ^zobots, 5th- dcc1220, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1789838 (Feudal War) 1st-*RobinJ, 2nd- ^InkL0sed, 3rd- ^Natewolfman, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1789840 (Italy) 1st-*RobinJ, 2nd- ^Riskmaster101, 3rd- brandoncfi, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1789841 (King of Mtns) 1st-dcc1220, 2nd- ^colson, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1832493 (WWII EF) 1st-*RobinJ, 2nd- ^zobots, 3rd- ^colson, 4th- brandoncfi, 5th- dcc1220, 6th- ^Riskmaster101, 7th- ^Natewolfman, 8th- ^InkL0sed
1832494 (USA) 1st-dcc1220, 2nd- ^colson, 3rd- brandoncfi, 4th- ^zobots, 5th- ^Natewolfman, 6th- ^InkL0sed, 7th- *RobinJ, 8th- ?
1832496 (Mid Earth) 1st-dcc1220, 2nd- ^Natewolfman, 3rd- *RobinJ, 4th- ^Riskmaster101, 5th- ^InkL0sed, 6th- ^zobots, 7th- ^colson, 8th- ?
1832499 (WWII WF) 1st-^colson, 2nd- ^zobots, 3rd- *RobinJ, 4th- ^InkL0sed, 5th- ^Riskmaster101, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832502 (Bamboo) 1st-brandoncfi, 2nd- ^Riskmaster101, 3rd- ^colson, 4th- ^Natewolfman, 5th- dcc1220, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832505 (Germany) 1st-^InkL0sed, 2nd- ^Natewolfman, 3rd- brandoncfi, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832510 (Doodle) 1st-dcc1220, 2nd- ^zobots, 3rd- ^Riskmaster101, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832513 (Alex) 1st-brandoncfi, 2nd- *RobinJ, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1891854 (Realms:Magic) 1st-^colson, 2nd- ^InkL0sed, 3rd- dcc1220, 4th- brandoncfi, 5th- ^Riskmaster101, 6th- ^zobots, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891858 (Classic) 1st-*RobinJ, 2nd- brandoncfi, 3rd- ^zobots, 4th- ^InkL0sed, 5th- dcc1220, 6th- ^Natewolfman, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891860 (Realms:Might) 1st-dcc1220, 2nd- ^colson, 3rd- ^Natewolfman, 4th- ^Riskmaster101, 5th- *RobinJ, 6th- ^zobots, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891862 (Canada) 1st-*RobinJ, 2nd- brandoncfi, 3rd- ^Natewolfman, 4th- ^Riskmaster101, 5th- ^colson, 6th- ^InkL0sed, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891865 (Middle East) 1st-^Natewolfman, 2nd- ^InkL0sed, 3rd- brandoncfi, 4th- dcc1220, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891866 (Classic) 1st-dcc1220, 2nd- *RobinJ, 3rd- ^Riskmaster101, 4th- ^zobots, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891869 (Iberia) 1st-*RobinJ, 2nd- ^InkL0sed, 3rd- ^colson, 4th- ^Natewolfman, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891870 (Pearl Harbor) 1st-^Riskmaster101, 2nd- ^zobots, 3rd- brandoncfi, 4th- ^colson, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1941711 (Ireland) 1st-brandoncfi, 2nd- dcc1220, 3rd- *RobinJ, 4th- ^Natewolfman, 5th- ^InkL0sed, 6th- ^colson, 7th- ^zobots, 8th- ^Riskmaster101
1941712 (Australia) 1st-*RobinJ, 2nd- ^colson, 3rd- ^InkL0sed, 4th- ^Natewolfman, 5th- brandoncfi, 6th- dcc1220, 7th- ^Riskmaster101, 8th- ?
1941715 (Malta) 1st-^zobots, 2nd- ^InkL0sed, 3rd- ^colson, 4th- ^Riskmaster101, 5th- dcc1220, 6th- *RobinJ, 7th- brandoncfi, 8th- ?
1941718 (France) 1st-^Riskmaster101, 2nd- *RobinJ, 3rd- ^InkL0sed, 4th- dcc1220, 5th- ^Natewolfman, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941720 (Alex) 1st-^InkL0sed, 2nd- brandoncfi, 3rd- ^Natewolfman, 4th- ^colson, 5th- ^zobots, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941722 (Tamriel) 1st-^zobots, 2nd- brandoncfi, 3rd- *RobinJ, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941725 (Italy) 1st-^colson, 2nd- dcc1220, 3rd- ^Natewolfman, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941727 (Asia) 1st-^zobots, 2nd- ^Riskmaster101, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1984881 (CCU) 1st-*RobinJ, 2nd- ^Natewolfman, 3rd- dcc1220, 4th- ^Riskmaster101, 5th- brandoncfi, 6th- ^zobots, 7th- ^InkL0sed, 8th- ^colson
1984882 (Classic) 1st-^Riskmaster101, 2nd- dcc1220, 3rd- brandoncfi, 4th- ^Natewolfman, 5th- *RobinJ, 6th- ^colson, 7th- ^zobots, 8th- ?
1984884 (Classic) 1st-^zobots, 2nd- dcc1220, 3rd- brandoncfi, 4th- ^Riskmaster101, 5th- ^InkL0sed, 6th- *RobinJ, 7th- ^Natewolfman, 8th- ?
1984885 (Senate) 1st-brandoncfi, 2nd- ^InkL0sed, 3rd- dcc1220, 4th- *RobinJ, 5th- ^colson, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984887 (WWII WF) 1st-brandoncfi, 2nd- *RobinJ, 3rd- ^Riskmaster101, 4th- ^Natewolfman, 5th- ^zobots, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984890 (Rail) 1st-dcc1220, 2nd- ^colson, 3rd- ^InkL0sed, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984892 (Feudal War) 1st-^colson, 2nd- ^Riskmaster101, 3rd- ^zobots, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984907 (Benelux) 1st-^InkL0sed, 2nd- ^Natewolfman, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

Division 2

1798305 (WWII EF) 1st-Snowman, 2nd- ^hschroed78, 3rd- ^wpg27offsuit, 4th- *pjdonald, 5th- ^spidey, 6th- ^Strider24, 7th- ^JeF, 8th- ^petewins1368
1798308 (Scotland) 1st-^Strider24, 2nd- ^wpg27offsuit, 3rd- Snowman, 4th- ^JeF, 5th- ^petewins1368, 6th- ^spidey, 7th- ^hschroed78, 8th- ?
1798317 (British) 1st-^wpg27offsuit, 2nd- ^Strider24, 3rd- ^hschroed78, 4th- ^spidey, 5th- *pjdonald, 6th- ^petewins1368, 7th- Snowman, 8th- ?
1798319 (Scotland) 1st-^hschroed78, 2nd- ^wpg27offsuit, 3rd- *pjdonald, 4th- Snowman, 5th- ^JeF, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1798323 (South Am) 1st-^spidey, 2nd- ^Strider24, 3rd- Snowman, 4th- *pjdonald, 5th- ^petewins1368, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1798327 (Draknor) 1st-^JeF, 2nd- ^wpg27offsuit, 3rd- ^spidey, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1798330 (British) 1st-^Strider24, 2nd- ^petewins1368, 3rd- ^JeF, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1790450 (Canada) 1st-^hschroed78, 2nd- *pjdonald, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1832517 (Great Lakes) 1st-*pjdonald, 2nd- Snowman, 3rd- ^hschroed78, 4th- ^petewins1368, 5th- ^wpg27offsuit, 6th- ^Strider24, 7th- ^JeF, 8th- ^spidey
1832521 (Waterloo) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ^JeF, 6th- ^wpg27offsuit, 7th- *pjdonald, 8th- ?
1832523 (Civil War) 1st-^hschroed78, 2nd- ^JeF, 3rd- ^spidey, 4th- ^wpg27offsuit, 5th- *pjdonald, 6th- Snowman, 7th- ^Strider24, 8th- ?
1832527 (Civil War) 1st-^spidey, 2nd- ^Strider24, 3rd- Snowman, 4th- ^hschroed78, 5th- ^JeF, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832529 (Australia) 1st-^wpg27offsuit, 2nd- *pjdonald, 3rd- ^petewins1368, 4th- ^Strider24, 5th- ^hschroed78, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832532 (King of Mtns) 1st-^wpg27offsuit, 2nd- ^petewins1368, 3rd- ^spidey, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832534 (Arctic) 1st-*pjdonald, 2nd- ^Strider24, 3rd- Snowman, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832536 (Duck and Cover) 1st-^JeF, 2nd- ^petewins1368, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1891872 (Dust Bowl) 1st-*pjdonald, 2nd- ^Strider24, 3rd- ^spidey, 4th- Snowman, 5th- ^petewins1368, 6th- ^hschroed78, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891873 (Classic) 1st-Snowman, 2nd- ^petewins1368, 3rd- ^JeF, 4th- ^spidey, 5th- *pjdonald, 6th- ^wpg27offsuit, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891876 (USA) 1st-*pjdonald, 2nd- ^JeF, 3rd- Snowman, 4th- ^Strider24, 5th- ^hschroed78, 6th- ^wpg27offsuit, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891877 (WWII EF) 1st-^JeF, 2nd- ^spidey, 3rd- ^petewins1368, 4th- ^Strider24, 5th- ^hschroed78, 6th- ^wpg27offsuit, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891883 (Berlin) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ^spidey, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891885 (Solar System) 1st-^Strider24, 2nd- ^JeF, 3rd- *pjdonald, 4th- Snowman, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891888 (Benelux) 1st-^wpg27offsuit, 2nd- ^JeF, 3rd- ^hschroed78, 4th- ^spidey, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891889 (USA) 1st-^hschroed78, 2nd- Snowman, 3rd- ^Strider24, 4th- ^petewins1368, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1941734 (Philippines) 1st-^hschroed78, 2nd- ^JeF, 3rd- *pjdonald, 4th- ^wpg27offsuit, 5th- ^spidey, 6th- Snowman, 7th- ^petewins1368, 8th- ^Strider24
1941737 (British) 1st-^Strider24, 2nd- ^spidey, 3rd- ^JeF, 4th- ^hschroed78, 5th- *pjdonald, 6th- ^wpg27offsuit, 7th- ^petewins1368, 8th- ?
1941740 (Mid Earth) 1st-^hschroed78, 2nd- ^spidey, 3rd- ^petewins1368, 4th- *pjdonald, 5th- Snowman, 6th- ^Strider24, 7th- ^JeF, 8th- ?
1951028 (ConquerMan) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- *pjdonald, 5th- ^spidey, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1973062 (Ireland) 1st-Snowman, 2nd- ^wpg27offsuit, 3rd- ^spidey, 4th- ^hschroed78, 5th- ^petewins1368, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1973060 (Feudal War) 1st-^JeF, 2nd- Snowman, 3rd- ^petewins1368, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941754 (Greece) 1st-^hschroed78, 2nd- ^wpg27offsuit, 3rd- *pjdonald, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1951029 (Apocolypse) 1st-Snowman, 2nd- ^Strider24, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1984911 (Montreal) 1st-*pjdonald, 2nd- ^petewins1368, 3rd- Snowman, 4th- ^Strider24, 5th- ^wpg27offsuit, 6th- ^JeF, 7th- ^spidey, 8th- ^hschroed78
1984913 (British) 1st-*pjdonald, 2nd- ^petewins1368, 3rd- ^wpg27offsuit, 4th- ^JeF, 5th- Snowman, 6th- ^Strider24, 7th- ^hschroed78, 8th- ?
1984916 (Africa) 1st-Snowman, 2nd- *pjdonald, 3rd- ^JeF, 4th- ^spidey, 5th- ^petewins1368, 6th- ^wpg27offsuit, 7th- ^Strider24, 8th- ?
1984917 (North Am) 1st-*pjdonald, 2nd- ^JeF, 3rd- ^spidey, 4th- ^petewins1368, 5th- ^hschroed78, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984921 (Cairns) 1st-^petewins1368, 2nd- ^JeF, 3rd- ^Strider24, 4th- ^wpg27offsuit, 5th- Snowman, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984923 (Benelux) 1st-^spidey, 2nd- *pjdonald, 3rd- ^hschroed78, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984924 (British) 1st-^hschroed78, 2nd- Snowman, 3rd- ^Strider24, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984926 (Scotland) 1st-^spidey, 2nd- ^wpg27offsuit, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

Division 3

1790451 (Caribbean) 1st-wolfmaster, 2nd- ^IHuckDisc, 3rd- BaldAdonis, 4th- bob72, 5th- thekidstrumpet, 6th- Evil Semp, 7th- ^elfcasino, 8th- ^Timminz
1790453 (Germany) 1st-bob72, 2nd- ^IHuckDisc, 3rd- Evil Semp, 4th- wolfmaster, 5th- ^elfcasino, 6th- thekidstrumpet, 7th- ^Timminz, 8th- ?
1790455 (Senate) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- bob72, 7th- ^IHuckDisc, 8th- ?
1790456 (Seige) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ^Timminz, 5th- ^IHuckDisc, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1790458 (Mid Earth) 1st-^elfcasino, 2nd- ^IHuckDisc, 3rd- BaldAdonis, 4th- bob72, 5th- wolfmaster, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1790459 (Mongol) 1st-wolfmaster, 2nd- ^Timminz, 3rd- Evil Semp, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1790462 (Indochina) 1st-^elfcasino, 2nd- bob72, 3rd- ^Timminz, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1790465 (Benelux) 1st-thekidstrumpet, 2nd- BaldAdonis, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1832539 (South Am) 1st-^IHuckDisc, 2nd- ^elfcasino, 3rd- wolfmaster, 4th- thekidstrumpet, 5th- bob72, 6th- ^Timminz, 7th- Evil Semp, 8th- BaldAdonis
1832541 (Middle Earth) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ^Timminz, 6th- ^IHuckDisc, 7th- ^elfcasino, 8th- ?
1832544 (Europe) 1st-wolfmaster, 2nd- bob72, 3rd- Evil Semp, 4th- ^Timminz, 5th- BaldAdonis, 6th- thekidstrumpet, 7th- ^IHuckDisc, 8th- ?
1832549 (San Fran) 1st-^IHuckDisc, 2nd- wolfmaster, 3rd- thekidstrumpet, 4th- bob72, 5th- ^Timminz, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832551 (Classic) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832554 (Apocolypse) 1st-^elfcasino, 2nd- Evil Semp, 3rd- wolfmaster, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832557 (Cairns) 1st-BaldAdonis, 2nd- bob72, 3rd- ^IHuckDisc, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832563 (British) 1st-^Timminz, 2nd- ^elfcasino, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1891890 (Madness) 1st-wolfmaster, 2nd- bob72, 3rd- ^IHuckDisc, 4th- thekidstrumpet, 5th- BaldAdonis, 6th- ^elfcasino, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891891 (Classic) 1st-Evil Semp, 2nd- BaldAdonis, 3rd- ^elfcasino, 4th- ^IHuckDisc, 5th- ^Timminz, 6th- wolfmaster, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891894 (Classic) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- BaldAdonis, 5th- Evil Semp, 6th- ^Timminz, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891895 (North Am) 1st-^Timminz, 2nd- bob72, 3rd- ^elfcasino, 4th- Evil Semp, 5th- wolfmaster, 6th- thekidstrumpet, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891897 (Great Lakes) 1st-BaldAdonis, 2nd- ^elfcasino, 3rd- wolfmaster, 4th- Evil Semp, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891899 (Valley) 1st-^Timminz, 2nd- ^IHuckDisc, 3rd- bob72, 4th- BaldAdonis, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891900 (Italy) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- wolfmaster, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891901 (Germany) 1st-bob72, 2nd- ^IHuckDisc, 3rd- thekidstrumpet, 4th- ^elfcasino, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1941765 (USA) 1st-BaldAdonis, 2nd- Evil Semp, 3rd- ^IHuckDisc, 4th- thekidstrumpet, 5th- bob72, 6th- ^Timminz, 7th- wolfmaster, 8th- ^elfcasino
1941766 (Scotland) 1st-^Timminz, 2nd- wolfmaster, 3rd- thekidstrumpet, 4th- bob72, 5th- BaldAdonis, 6th- Evil Semp, 7th- ^elfcasino, 8th- ?
1941768 (Great Lakes) 1st-BaldAdonis, 2nd- ^Timminz, 3rd- ^elfcasino, 4th- bob72, 5th- wolfmaster, 6th- thekidstrumpet, 7th- ^IHuckDisc, 8th- ?
1941770 (CCU) 1st-BaldAdonis, 2nd- bob72, 3rd- Evil Semp, 4th- ^Timminz, 5th- wolfmaster, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941774 (Battle of Actium) 1st-Evil Semp, 2nd- wolfmaster, 3rd- ^IHuckDisc, 4th- ^elfcasino, 5th- thekidstrumpet, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941776 (Classic) 1st-^IHuckDisc, 2nd- ^elfcasino, 3rd- ^Timminz, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941777 (Mid Earth) 1st-BaldAdonis, 2nd- thekidstrumpet, 3rd- Evil Semp, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941779 (Iberia) 1st-bob72, 2nd- ^IHuckDisc, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1984936 (Senate) 1st-^Timminz, 2nd- thekidstrumpet, 3rd- ^elfcasino, 4th- wolfmaster, 5th- Evil Semp, 6th- ^IHuckDisc, 7th- BaldAdonis, 8th- bob72
1984937 (King of Mtns) 1st-^elfcasino, 2nd- BaldAdonis, 3rd- ^Timminz, 4th- thekidstrumpet, 5th- bob72, 6th- ^IHuckDisc, 7th- Evil Semp, 8th- ?
1984938 (Alex) 1st-^Timminz, 2nd- bob72, 3rd- wolfmaster, 4th- ^elfcasino, 5th- BaldAdonis, 6th- ^IHuckDisc, 7th- Evil Semp, 8th- ?
1984939 (Chinese C) 1st-wolfmaster, 2nd- thekidstrumpet, 3rd- ^elfcasino, 4th- BaldAdonis, 5th- ^Timminz, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984940 (Seige) 1st-Evil Semp, 2nd- ^elfcasino, 3rd- bob72, 4th- ^Timminz, 5th- ^IHuckDisc, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984942 (Merchants) 1st-BaldAdonis, 2nd- wolfmaster, 3rd- thekidstrumpet, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984943 (Feudal War) 1st-^IHuckDisc, 2nd- bob72, 3rd- thekidstrumpet, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984946 (Battle for Aus) 1st-wolfmaster, 2nd- Evil Semp, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

Division 4

(SM) 1790476 (Cairns) 3rd-^mountainbill, 3rd- *conquerAce, 3rd- ^killerkern, 4th- ^Godd, 5th- ^Gypsys Kiss, 6th- ^barterer2002, 7th- ^cena-rules, 8th- dazoot
1790478 (Rail USA) 1st-^mountainbill, 2nd- dazoot, 3rd- ^killerkern, 4th- *conquerAce, 5th- ^cena-rules, 6th- ^barterer2002, 7th- ^Gypsys Kiss, 8th- ?
1790479 (Benelux) 1st-*conquerAce, 2nd- ^barterer2002, 3rd- ^cena-rules, 4th- ^Gypsys Kiss, 5th- ^Godd, 6th- ^mountainbill, 7th- ^killerkern, 8th- ?
1790480 (Portugal) 1st-^mountainbill, 2nd- ^cena-rules, 3rd- dazoot, 4th- ^Godd, 5th- ^Gypsys Kiss, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1790482 (Australia) 1st-^Godd, 2nd- *conquerAce, 3rd- ^cena-rules, 4th- ^killerkern, 5th- ^barterer2002, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1791242 (World 2.1) 1st-^barterer2002, 2nd- ^mountainbill, 3rd- dazoot, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1790485 (British) 1st-*conquerAce, 2nd- ^killerkern, 3rd- dazoot, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1791259 (8 Thoughts) 1st-^Godd, 2nd- ^Gypsys Kiss, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1832720 (Scotland) 1st-dazoot, 2nd- ^killerkern, 3rd- ^Gypsys Kiss, 4th- ^barterer2002, 5th- *conquerAce, 6th- ^cena-rules, 7th- ^mountainbill, 8th- ^Godd
1832723 (Benelux) 1st-^mountainbill, 2nd- ^Godd, 3rd- ^cena-rules, 4th- dazoot, 5th- *conquerAce, 6th- ^Gypsys Kiss, 7th- ^barterer2002, 8th- ?
1832726 (Waterloo) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ^Godd, 6th- ^barterer2002, 7th- ^killerkern, 8th- ?
1832730 (Great Lakes) 1st-dazoot, 2nd- ^barterer2002, 3rd- ^Gypsys Kiss, 4th- ^cena-rules, 5th- ^killerkern, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1839896 (Seige) 1st-^Gypsys Kiss, 2nd- ^Godd, 3rd- ^mountainbill, 4th- *conquerAce, 5th- ^killerkern, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832734 (Italy) 1st-*conquerAce, 2nd- ^cena-rules, 3rd- ^mountainbill, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832736 (Duck and Cover) 1st-^Godd, 2nd- ^killerkern, 3rd- ^barterer2002, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832740 (Mid Earth) 1st-*conquerAce, 2nd- dazoot, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1891902 (British) 1st-^Godd, 2nd- ^Gypsys Kiss, 3rd- ^cena-rules, 4th- ^barterer2002, 5th- *conquerAce, 6th- ^killerkern, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891904 (Greece) 1st-^Godd, 2nd- ^mountainbill, 3rd- dazoot, 4th- ^barterer2002, 5th- ^cena-rules, 6th- *conquerAce, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891907 (Classic) 1st-^Gypsys Kiss, 2nd- ^killerkern, 3rd- dazoot, 4th- ^Godd, 5th- ^cena-rules, 6th- ^mountainbill, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891908 (Philippines) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ^mountainbill, 5th- ^killerkern, 6th- *conquerAce, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891909 (Iwo Jima) 1st-*conquerAce, 2nd- ^barterer2002, 3rd- ^mountainbill, 4th- ^Godd, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891911 (Iwo Jima) 1st-^cena-rules, 2nd- dazoot, 3rd- ^killerkern, 4th- ^Godd, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
(SM) 1891913 (Asia) 2nd-^mountainbill, 2nd- dazoot, 3rd- ^Gypsys Kiss, 4th- ^barterer2002, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891915 (Conquer Man) 1st-^Gypsys Kiss, 2nd- *conquerAce, 3rd- ^killerkern, 4th- ^cena-rules, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1941783 (Classic) 1st-^Gypsys Kiss, 2nd- *conquerAce, 3rd- ^barterer2002, 4th- dazoot, 5th- ^killerkern, 6th- ^mountainbill, 7th- ^cena-rules, 8th- ^Godd
1941786 (Canada) 1st-^Gypsys Kiss, 2nd- ^barterer2002, 3rd- *conquerAce, 4th- dazoot, 5th- ^Godd, 6th- ^killerkern, 7th- ^mountainbill, 8th- ?
1941787 (Civil War) 1st-*conquerAce, 2nd- ^cena-rules, 3rd- ^barterer2002, 4th- dazoot, 5th- ^killerkern, 6th- ^Godd, 7th- ^Gypsys Kiss, 8th- ?
1941789 (Arctic) 1st-^Godd, 2nd- ^barterer2002, 3rd- ^mountainbill, 4th- ^killerkern, 5th- dazoot, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941790 (Great Lakes) 1st-^mountainbill, 2nd- *conquerAce, 3rd- ^Gypsys Kiss, 4th- ^cena-rules, 5th- ^barterer2002, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941792 (Feudal War) 1st-*conquerAce, 2nd- ^cena-rules, 3rd- dazoot, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
(SM) 1941794 (Global Warm) 3rd-^Gypsys Kiss, 3rd- ^mountainbill, 3rd- ^Godd, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941796 (Mid East) 1st-^killerkern, 2nd- ^cena-rules, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1984959 (Canada) 1st-dazoot, 2nd- *conquerAce, 3rd- ^killerkern, 4th- ^mountainbill, 5th- ^Godd, 6th- ^cena-rules, 7th- ^barterer2002, 8th- ^Gypsys Kiss
1984962 (North Am) 1st-^Godd, 2nd- ^mountainbill, 3rd- dazoot, 4th- ^Gypsys Kiss, 5th- *conquerAce, 6th- ^cena-rules, 7th- ^killerkern, 8th- ?
1984963 (Canada) 1st-dazoot, 2nd- ^killerkern, 3rd- ^Godd, 4th- *conquerAce, 5th- ^mountainbill, 6th- ^cena-rules, 7th- ^barterer2002, 8th- ?
1984964 (Middle Earth) 1st-^barterer2002, 2nd- ^Godd, 3rd- dazoot, 4th- *conquerAce, 5th- ^Gypsys Kiss, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984966 (Pearl Harbor) 1st-*conquerAce, 2nd- ^cena-rules, 3rd- ^killerkern, 4th- ^mountainbill, 5th- dazoot, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984968 (Circus) 1st-^barterer2002, 2nd- ^Godd, 3rd- ^Gypsys Kiss, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984969 (Draknor) 1st-^Gypsys Kiss, 2nd- ^cena-rules, 3rd- ^killerkern, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984971 (Merchants) 1st-^barterer2002, 2nd- ^mountainbill, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

Division 5

1790488 (Waterloo) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ^plysprtz
1790489 (USA) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ^SkeletonsofDeath, 7th- ^plysprtz, 8th- ?
1790490 (Cairns) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- pempi, 5th- DimnjacarStef, 6th- ^plysprtz, 7th- Fag_ash, 8th- ?
1790492 (Greece) 1st-DimnjacarStef, 2nd- Gozar, 3rd- ^illusions850, 4th- ^SkeletonsofDeath, 5th- pempi, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1790495 (Malta) 1st-DimnjacarStef, 2nd- ^plysprtz, 3rd- cjoe, 4th- Fag_ash, 5th- ^illusions850, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1790501 (British) 1st-Gozar, 2nd- pempi, 3rd- cjoe, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1790507 (Apocolypse) 1st-Gozar, 2nd- Fag_ash, 3rd- ^plysprtz, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1790511 (Iberia) 1st-^SkeletonsofDeath, 2nd- DimnjacarStef, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1832746 (Civil War) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ^SkeletonsofDeath, 7th- ^plysprtz, 8th- ^illusions850
1832750 (Valley of Kings) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- cjoe, 6th- ^SkeletonsofDeath, 7th- Gozar, 8th- ?
1832752 (San Fran) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- DimnjacarStef, 7th- ^plysprtz, 8th- ?
1832756 (Australia) 1st-^SkeletonsofDeath, 2nd- pempi, 3rd- ^illusions850, 4th- ^plysprtz, 5th- Gozar, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832758 (Mid Earth) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ^plysprtz, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832760 (Realms:Magic) 1st-cjoe, 2nd- Fag_ash, 3rd- pempi, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832763 (Doodle) 1st-DimnjacarStef, 2nd- ^plysprtz, 3rd- ^illusions850, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1832765 (Germany) 1st-Gozar, 2nd- Fag_ash, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1891918 (Realms:Magic) 1st-pempi, 2nd- ^illusions850, 3rd- ^plysprtz, 4th- DimnjacarStef, 5th- Fag_ash, 6th- ^SkeletonsofDeath, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891920 (Senate) 1st-cjoe, 2nd- DimnjacarStef, 3rd- pempi, 4th- Gozar, 5th- Fag_ash, 6th- ^illusions850, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891923 (Philippines) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- Gozar, 6th- ^plysprtz, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891927 (British) 1st-cjoe, 2nd- Gozar, 3rd- Fag_ash, 4th- pempi, 5th- ^SkeletonsofDeath, 6th- ^plysprtz, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891930 (Benelux) 1st-pempi, 2nd- cjoe, 3rd- DimnjacarStef, 4th- Fag_ash, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891936 (D-Day) 1st-DimnjacarStef, 2nd- Gozar, 3rd- ^plysprtz, 4th- ^illusions850, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
(SM) 1891940 (Great Lakes) 3rd-^SkeletonsofDeath, 3rd- cjoe, 3rd- pempi, 4th- Gozar, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1891942 (Caribbean) 1st-Fag_ash, 2nd- ^illusions850, 3rd- ^SkeletonsofDeath, 4th- ^plysprtz, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1941803 (Merchants) 1st-Gozar, 2nd- pempi, 3rd- DimnjacarStef, 4th- cjoe, 5th- Fag_ash, 6th- ^illusions850, 7th- ^SkeletonsofDeath, 8th- ^plysprtz
1941807 (Mid East) 1st-Fag_ash, 2nd- pempi, 3rd- ^SkeletonsofDeath, 4th- Gozar, 5th- DimnjacarStef, 6th- cjoe, 7th- ^plysprtz, 8th- ?
1941808 (Alex) 1st-Fag_ash, 2nd- Gozar, 3rd- pempi, 4th- DimnjacarStef, 5th- ^SkeletonsofDeath, 6th- ^plysprtz, 7th- ^illusions850, 8th- ?
1941809 (Africa) 1st-DimnjacarStef, 2nd- pempi, 3rd- cjoe, 4th- Gozar, 5th- ^plysprtz, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941812 (Rail) 1st-pempi, 2nd- Fag_ash, 3rd- cjoe, 4th- ^illusions850, 5th- ^SkeletonsofDeath, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941818 (Italy) 1st-Gozar, 2nd- Fag_ash, 3rd- ^illusions850, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941819 (Classic) 1st-?, 2nd- ?, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1941821 (Middle Earth) 1st-^illusions850, 2nd- ^plysprtz, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?

1984976 (Greece) 1st-Fag_ash, 2nd- DimnjacarStef, 3rd- Gozar, 4th- cjoe, 5th- pempi, 6th- ^plysprtz, 7th- ^SkeletonsofDeath, 8th- ^illusions850
1984977 (Mid East) 1st-Gozar, 2nd- ^plysprtz, 3rd- DimnjacarStef, 4th- Fag_ash, 5th- ^illusions850, 6th- cjoe, 7th- ^SkeletonsofDeath, 8th- ?
1984978 (San Fran) 1st-pempi, 2nd- ^plysprtz, 3rd- ^illusions850, 4th- Gozar, 5th- DimnjacarStef, 6th- cjoe, 7th- Fag_ash, 8th- ?
1984980 (Europe) 1st-Gozar, 2nd- pempi, 3rd- DimnjacarStef, 4th- ^SkeletonsofDeath, 5th- Fag_ash, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984982 (Seige) 1st-^plysprtz, 2nd- ^illusions850, 3rd- Gozar, 4th- cjoe, 5th- Fag_ash, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984983 (Seige) 1st-pempi, 2nd- DimnjacarStef, 3rd- ^SkeletonsofDeath, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984984 (Feudal War) 1st-^illusions850, 2nd- ^plysprtz, 3rd- ^SkeletonsofDeath, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
1984987 (Malta) 1st-pempi, 2nd- cjoe, 3rd- ?, 4th- ?, 5th- ?, 6th- ?, 7th- ?, 8th- ?
Captain pjdonald
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Re: The 2345678 League (standings updated 4/9)

Postby Strider24 on Fri Apr 11, 2008 1:09 pm

I thought the top 5 people advanced and only 3 were eliminated.
Tournament Wins:
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Sergeant Strider24
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